How to handle holidays

I'm feeling very low right now. I had been doing okay-ish, no bingeing for quite a number of weeks and then came Easter. I thought I could handle my usual lovely box of Belgian chocolates (thank you, hubby) but no. I just went overboard. I know I'm an emotional eater and one of the problems I have is having to 'finish' things. It's like that box was staring at me from the fridge. I don't understand why I couldn't just have 2 or 3 each day instead of going crazy and finishing the whole thing in like 3 days. Christmas is the same - it's just completely overboard.

I feel at a complete loss. I KNOW at the level of my head that this is self-destructive but something drives me and I get caught up in it. Sometimes I switch off and don't know what I'm doing, other times, I know exactly what I'm doing and I don't care - until right after I've done it.

Is there anyone else like me? Powerless (seemingly) over chocolate (that's my main issue)?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Well, generally speaking a holiday is one day of many no biggie in the grand scheme of things. Maybe start taking a broader view of what "lifestyle" means and get out of the day to day minutia.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I've just began viewing holidays as being about family rather than food. I just have one serving of everything and then stop just like every other day. I stay under calories and skip the guilt. It just takes will power.

    But also, now it is gone, and you can be drone eating it. Tomorrow is a new day. :)
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Yup, I'm also totally powerless when it comes to the holidays. The difference between now and before I got serious about my weight loss is that I am able to mentally shrug off the bad feelings that come with indulging in "bad" food and get back on track the next day or two. What's done is done, but it does no good to dwell on a few moments of indulgence. Take those feelings of negativity and turn them into motivation to eat better and exercise this week. Also, eating a box of chocolates over the course of three days doesn't sound that bad or destructive to me. It was Easter, a special occasion and a holiday where lovely pastel colored chocolate is basically thrown at everyone 24/7 for a month straight. I bet even the most resolute person has a difficult time resisting! The next holiday in which the candy industry assaults us is not until Halloween so you have a good six months before the temptation is in your face again. :tongue: In the meantime, shrug it off!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I have special chocolate powers..I can hear it talking to me if its in the house..

    interestingly..I dont like it IN stuff..but Ive polished off a bag of semi sweet chips in a weekend..:(

    I to tried the "preportioned" bags of chocolate..didnt work..I felt awful..then I realized I just cant have large amounts of chocolate in the house. if I open a bag of chips for something (like cookies) they ALL get used (because I have no desire for the cookies)

    If I have a chocolate craving, I will purchase ONE single serving of chocolate during my day (a single York or whatever)..that way I dont have it IN the house where it can talk to me..:)

    You can do it..sometimes its just about finding a plan that works for YOU!
  • Lami
    Lami Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply and share your experiences and advice! I suppose I've been battling this for so long I feel I've 'been there done all of that'! However, I also know that the hardest part is getting mentally strong. For me, in fact, that is THE hardest part. Strangely enough I eat healthily - i love fruit, veggies and I learned about portion control years ago. My problem is chocolate and eating it in totally inappropriate amounts. TXRanchGirl - you had me in stitches laughing! Chocolate talks to me too!!! :) I'm learning not to keep it in the house as well. It's just that with Easter - well, as you all said it - it's all over the place.

    But today is a new day! The chocolate is long gone and Taekwondo classes are back after the Easter break and nothing gets me back into a positive state of mind like a good Taekwondo class!!! Feeling so much happier and better about myself today. Thank you all again!

  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Yeah Lami! New Day, get after it!