Question about chicken

Jinxy23 Posts: 33 Member
Morning guys,

So last night I grabbed a bargain whole chicken (aldi) and the calories are apparently 153 per 100g which isn't too bad.
However I'm planning on removing the skin and cutting off the raw meat to use in a curry and other dishes. Would removing the skin lower the calories and how do I work out by how much? Should I just record it as diced chicken although I will be using the meat off the legs too? Or should I just leave it as is?

(A very confused individual)


  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    not all chicken is equal.

    The white meat (breast) is the leanest - and certainly, by removing the skin, you'll reduce the calories SIGNIFICANTLY !!

    Wings are the WORST part .... for something so small and with relatively little meat - a whopping ~100kcals for 1 wing !!

    Thighs / red meat are the next worst because they contain more fat so will be more calorific in value. Again - removing skin is better as it'll reduce both cals and fat !!
  • smelons
    smelons Posts: 450 Member
    Look up Chicken Raw in the database and use the entries without an asterix before them. These are MFP's entries, rather than the user-added ones, which can be inaccurate. I always try to use the official entries for accuracy. These should state whether they're meat only (in other words, skinless and boneless).
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    if in doubt - log the worst case (the full cals from the packet)
  • Jinxy23
    Jinxy23 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks guys, I may just keep it as the higher option then so I've taken into account bits of wing, thigh etc