How to get over a massive BINGE!

Ok, so I have been eating well and 'clean' since January when I resolved to get healthy and fit. I have of course had a few slip-ups in that time with birthdays/anniversaries/weekends away normally leading to an extra slice of cake or chocolate bar I didnt really need, but apart from that I have been very good and I believe you need to eat the odd treat to keep yourself sane!

However, Easter arrived last week and once I cracked open that easter egg I fell down a very slipperly slope which ended in a 1am McDonalds drive thru after the same day already having had a 4 course meal, evening reception food and cake and lots of rum at a friends wedding:explode: ! It all went out the window and I binged for 4 days straight, I ate chocolate, crisps, chips and pizza the whole lot:mad: !

I got back on track yesterday with the healthy eating and am back to the gym tonight. But I am scared to step on the scales and see the damage I have done:noway: , esp. as I am being a bridesmaid in 2 weeks time and wanted to look the best I could for that. I am also heading on holiday in 2 weeks and am now scared I will fall down that slipperly slope once again and the last 4 months work will go out the window:cry: .....any advice is welcome!


  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Don't weigh? Especially if it's going to make you panic...unless you have to weigh for some reason?

    I mean, we've all had times like this. I've had an entire month of bad eating before. All you can really do is pick yourself up, learn from it and keep on going. It's a lifelong journey, really.

    (edited for typos)
  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    Just get back to doing what you were doing and don't worry about what happened .. weight flucuations are normal there is no way you will sabatoge your progress from a 4 day binge.. Sometimes the scale is the devil and can cause a host of psychological issues...

    :smile: get back to what you were doing and have fun at the wedding/your holiday
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Just eat healthy for a few days and then weigh! You probably won't see much damage. I find when I have off days like that, that it is really difficult to get back on track due to craving the foods I usually avoid. It usually takes me a week to get back on my usual way of eating.
  • Sonj8D
    Sonj8D Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be scared to get back on the scales, it is probably a good idea to see any weight you have gained as a result of the mega binge. It may help you remember why you wanted to lose weight in the first place and how good you felt before giving in to temptation! However, do not dwell on it or beat yourself up over it. Acknowledge it has happened and move on. It is sooo hard to resist at times and I believe having small amounts of what you fancy is fine as long as it is part of a balanced and varied diet and within your calorie allowance. Just craic on with going to the gym, be strict with your calorie intake and healthy eating and look forward to the future :) Feel positive that you CAN do it! It was a blip, that is all :) Good luck!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    you ate it. so log it. and move on you can't change it

    focus on becoming accountable for everything that you consume

    eat it -> log it -> get over it
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    This sounds exactly like my easter! I have made the conscious decision not to weigh myself for at least a week to allow my body time to get back to 'normal'. I am just being strict with myself now and getting back to logging and exercising. I assume you enjoyed your 4 day blowout? Sometimes we need to let off steam. As long as it doesn't become a regular thing you'll be fine.

    Get up, brush yourself off, and get back on the metaphorical horse.
  • HeidiAWalk
    Thanks guys, I already feel better ready your replies! Yeah I think I was beating myself up a lot which doesnt help or change the situation so I will try and eat well the rest of this week and get back to the exercise and then weigh myself at the end of the week to give my body a bit of time to recover and then take it from there. I like to weight at least once a week to keep myself accountable for any slip ups and just to keep me on track, but this has by far been the worst slip-up since I started my weight loss journey in January and messed with my head as much as it did my body. Thanks for the support guys:flowerforyou: .
  • HeidiAWalk
    Ha ha, glad I am not the only one! I enjoyed the 4 day blow out somewhat but I tell you what my body did stomach was doing flips the whole time and I felt so bloated and ill by the end of it and my face has broken out in spots, I had a hangover from drink and another one from food.....not good! But yeah, its not a good wedding without a wee glass of rum or three, I will maybe just skip the cake and McDonalds drive-thru next time lol!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Yeah, don't sweat it, hon. It happens. Time to get back to it. Remember failure only happens when you give up trying to succeed.

    Definitely, definitely don't go near a scale for a few days though - chances are your binge foods were high in sodium (you mention fast food and bloating) and you'll be holding onto a hell of a lot of water weight. Drink plenty of water this week and wait until you feel a little better before assessing the "damage" - that way it will be a lot less than you expect!

    And good luck!
  • jodiemhorton
    jodiemhorton Posts: 33 Member
    It happens - especially when u have had a great night out. Eat as healthy as you can and drink lots.
  • joolsbunny
    joolsbunny Posts: 5 Member
    Its normal to have binges now and again, but if you get back on track as soon as possible, you will not notice much difference. I'm getting used to my smaller portions and healthier eating and its great to log everything so you actually know what you are putting inside your stomach. Makes you realise you can get slimmer, healthier and stronger by cutting down - don't let a minor slip up stop you heading in the right direction.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Ha ha, glad I am not the only one! I enjoyed the 4 day blow out somewhat but I tell you what my body did stomach was doing flips the whole time and I felt so bloated and ill by the end of it and my face has broken out in spots, I had a hangover from drink and another one from food.....not good! But yeah, its not a good wedding without a wee glass of rum or three, I will maybe just skip the cake and McDonalds drive-thru next time lol!

    Same for me. My body hated me afterwards - I was bloated, spots, headaches, lethargic...Helps though because we know now how our body will react and will make a conscious effort not to have a prolonged binge (the odd one now and then is ok!!)
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    I always laugh at myself when stuff like this happen to me. Do you really think that thin people don't indulge in too much food, or unhealthy snacks from time to time? The key is the "from time to time" bit. Don't worry about it. The bloatedness usually help keep me on track again for weeks to come. Stark reminder of how life used to be, and never will be again. Stay strong, and move on.:drinker:
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think a lot of people over indulged this Easter.... Myself included!!!

    Drink plenty of water to flush it all out & get back to your healthy eating habits... Your be fine!!

    Just don't weigh yourself, as you don't want to freak out before your friends wedding/holiday!!

    Move on from it... I do!!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you ate it. so log it. and move on you can't change it

    focus on becoming accountable for everything that you consume

    eat it -> log it -> get over it

    this- that's really the only thing to do- just move on. do better the next meal.
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    You are not alone
    Feel free to add me
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    I was bad on Easter weekend of fast food breakfast and Mexican food and I forgot the traditional easter dinner. Oh yeah and the Monday morning a saw a 7 pound gain but this morning I am right back where I was check in day. I might not lose anything this week but I am glad I didn't gain....still 30 pounds down.
  • RacquetChick
    RacquetChick Posts: 164 Member
    Sometimes it is good to shake things up, don't get hung up on the past. What you do today is what matters. Keep on. :)