Motivation 101

I was looking through photos I took within the past few weeks. Instead of having that disgusted look, I can actually smile and be proud of my appearance. The weight loss is paying off. I would say to take as many pictures as possible. This goes for selfies or photos of you doing things in groups and outdoors. Monthly before/after photos help me to stay motivated to push harder when I want to coast or have that extra cheat meal. Keep on pushing!!!!


  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    You take pics of your face every month? I have to say, I hadn't thought of doing that....
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    I take pics of my entire body. I want to see my entire body in clothes and out. This helps me with body image and shows me that what I'm doing is working. It's effective. Trust me, you'll accept yourself a lot more when you see the pics if you are dropping the pounds