Got dumped and lost my job, but hitting the gym!

So withing the space of a few weeks I got dumped by my boyfriend who I was living with overseas and my new job got withdrawn. I had to pack up and leave back to my parents. I went home, joined a gym and am loosing weight and feeling better. This is the thing that is keeping me going. Looking for a new job sucks and all my stuff is still overseas in storage and at my ex's. Sometimes I feel low and really just want a tub of ice-cream, but I know I cannot. Any advice on what else I can do?


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right path. That's a pretty crappy situation you are in and it will be tough no matter what. Just know that exercise is nature's Prozac so keep at it. Maybe go for some runs? Buy a bike?

    Whatever you do, good luck in your journey.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    What happened to you are things you really can't have complete control of. Taking care of YOU, you have complete control of. Life will always throw a curveball somewhere down the road. Just learn how to hit curveballs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm unemployed too and single (though not dumped), I haven't gotten the motivation to go to the gym yet. I applaud you.
  • TwoPointZero
    TwoPointZero Posts: 187 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right path. That's a pretty crappy situation you are in and it will be tough no matter what. Just know that exercise is nature's Prozac so keep at it. Maybe go for some runs? Buy a bike?

    Agreed, totally. Sh***y situation, but a good opportunity to concentrate on yourself and get a lot of physical training in. :smile:

    Oh, my recommendation is to lift, and lift heavy.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    So withing the space of a few weeks I got dumped by my boyfriend who I was living with overseas and my new job got withdrawn. I had to pack up and leave back to my parents. I went home, joined a gym and am loosing weight and feeling better. This is the thing that is keeping me going. Looking for a new job sucks and all my stuff is still overseas in storage and at my ex's. Sometimes I feel low and really just want a tub of ice-cream, but I know I cannot. Any advice on what else I can do?

    I'm in a situation beyond my control. Most likely will get laid off in May and on month five trying to find a new job. Fortunately I have a wife who doesn't worry, but when I do I remember this simple but powerful prayer:

    God, grant me the serenity,
    to accept the things I cannot change.
    The courage to change the things I can,
    and the wisdom to know the difference...................and the discipline not to eat a bucket of ice cream.

    Don't give up, hope it goes well for you.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    I just made a huge move across the country a few months ago and it's taking me waaaaaay longer to find a job than I predicted. I've been super stressed about not being able to pay rent next month, etc., but (I never thought I'd say this) the gym has been my salvation along with super supportive family and friends.

    I've found a routine that helps to keep me focused on improving my life instead of going back to my emotional eating which only makes my life more stressful. Find one that you like and can stick with. Also, surround yourself with people who love you, don't avoid them AND get your stuff back!! Good job not pretending like you're not sad. Good luck! You'll be so much happier soon! :flowerforyou:
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you everyone, I really needed to hear all of that! It has been hard and sometimes I really miss everything, but it can only get better right?

  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    way to stay on top , Hugs and best successes for you
    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    Everything happens for a reason, on that note great job staying on top of your emotions and keep at it! Good luck
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    The Gym is an amazing stress reliever and a much better outlet at times then people realize. It's a difficult time but you'll get through it and be healthier because of it! Stay strong we are all here to support you.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I think that is awesome. You are focusing on doing something positive and it will pay off mentally and physically in the long run.
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    Sometimes it is really hard but the gym is saving me. I really want to be happy and you are all helping so much!
    Decided to train for a triathlon in a year...relationships suck!
  • Mummysskinnymission
    Best way to get back at tha a hole is rocking up in a few months time to get your stuff anse showing him what he lost cause ull be sexy as hell xxxxx
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    That is terrible, so sorry to hear that! This is only temporary, and like others have said, you are on the right track. Just keep moving forward. Put yourself first right now. The mental and the physical are intertwined. When one feels good, the other follows. Just like when one feels bad, the other usually does too. Find an additional fun hobby or something you are interested in in your downtime. That might help to keep you busy and focused! Good luck :):flowerforyou:

    edited for typos
  • bombshellcertification
    Girl, I feel for you! Just went through it too, break up, move back to home town, just rented a place (no job!) & care taking parents who are not healthy & Im also unemployed looking for work!! BUT I did the same thing, joined Y stat, zumba, kickbox & bellydance detoxed ex beau right out of my system while also busting through anxiety, stress & depression like nobodys business....also making new friends at gym, and seriously "working out" all the is the best medicine :) Be blessed by your courage and keep hope, faith & one day at a time things will work out...Something about the saying "don't sweat it" I say Why not?!
  • ritan7471
    ritan7471 Posts: 99 Member
    It sounds like you have been through the nightmare of all of us who move overseas to be with a significant other.

    You are doing great and I love that you have some goals to look forward to besides weight loss (I was stalking your profile).

    Good for you for hitting the gym and best wishes for finding a new job soon.
  • RacquetChick
    RacquetChick Posts: 164 Member
    Great job with working out under all the stress. Keep working on the things you can change and it will help you get through the things you can't.
  • dainj
    dainj Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I really appreciated it and a few months on I am doing so much better. Starting a new job soon and love life looking up too! The gym did save me and now I am focused on my health and my future. Without MFP I do not know where I would be! Hugs to you all and keep up the good work!