How do you satisfy your sweet tooth?



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Just found some Creme Brulee rice pudding - 70 cals. I bet it's delicious.
  • topazora
    topazora Posts: 82 Member
    chocolate, but I try to make sure I exercise enough to get a comfortable calorie buffer, and watch whatever else I eat.
  • samiejones1
    samiejones1 Posts: 35 Member
    lollipops! v. small admittedly but considering they can last ages they work for curing the sweet craving, I buy a bag of 10 and at 50 cals each they can last a while.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    eat whatever you want, just in moderation, log it and learn how much of it you can eat

    enjoy :)
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I keep a candy jar on top of my refrigerator. It's above eye level for me, so I don't "see" it unless I'm looking for it. I like to stick to things that are easily counted out into portions, like jelly beans, mint patties, mini chocolate bars. I take my serving and then put the jar back. I make sure I have a variety of things to satisfy whatever the craving of the day is. They just last a LOT longer than they used to!

    Other things I like are sugar free jello with frozen berries added and fresh strawberries with a bit of nutella.

    Since there is no way I'm living the rest of my life without sugar/chocolate, I just have to learn portion control!
  • AME902
    AME902 Posts: 10
    I find that when I go without any sugar whatsoever and basically "clean" out my body of sugars (this takes at least about 7 days to do in my case) the first thing I put in my mouth that contains any sugar whatsoever tastes like an explosion of sugar. Even an apple or a tomato or a Valdivia onion tastes like heaven. A tablespoon of honey tastes like a pound of candy. Try this and see if it helps to control your sweet tooth.

    Nobody has a bigger sweet tooth than me. I can eat (and have) an entire gallon of butter crunch ice cream in one day. An entire bag of Bit O' Honey in one afternoon. And that list goes on. One thing I have learned is that when you have a sweet tooth, and getting your hands on your Achilles heel, candy, cake, icecream, whatever, it's like being an alcoholic. You can never stop at just one. Opening the floodgates is what is your undoing. So try not to.

    Food for thought: Sugar is addictive and a toxin. Go to youtube and watch some videos on sugar and how bad it is for you and it will change the way you think about your sweet tooth and putting sugar into your body even in low quantities.

    Guessing I should add that I have lost 40 lbs. and am in the homestretch now.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I just purchased these pieces of dried coconut dipped in dark chocolate… they are phenomenal
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    When I can, I budget for an actual dessert, just a small serving: ice cream, a half a piece of pie, a couple of cookies. But more often I go for very dark chocolate in tiny pieces. The Black and Green Maya Gold bar is 18 calories for a square! Sure, each square is tiny, but it's rich and flavorful and if I break off a piece or two, I can feel like I've had a treat.

    Other things I enjoy: fruit (our supermarket has had fresh pineapple on sale: ~ 50 calories for 100 grams and a real treat because in New England it's usually stupid-expensive); fruit-and-juice pops (~70 calories); hard candy when I'm tight on calories but really want a bit of sweetness.
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    My FWB... ;-)
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Me too.

    I bake my own muffins and brownies. I substitute applesauce for oil and use egg whites instead of eggs. They turn out really well and you'd never know they low calorie. I reduce calories further by using a stevia blend. Right now my oven is broke so I can't bake boooo.

    I also buy low calorie treats, like Weight Watchers ice cream bars, brownies, etc etc.

    I still eat chocolate, but only one chocolate at a time. I got quite a few chocolate bunnies for easter, so I eat one at a time.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    I can't be trusted around baked goods :( but this week its been just a few mike & ikes or a few jellybeans has been doing the trick... also quest protein bars are pretty sweet, so you get the high protein, low sugar, and chocolatey taste
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    FiberOne makes some awesome 90 calorie dessert bars. I recommend the Fudge Brownie, Lemon Square, and Coffee Cake. They taste like the real thing and are only 90 calories each. They are a little small, but at 90 calories, have two for 180 and it's still a pretty good deal!

    Also, if I really want something (like real ice cream) I will do some exercise to create a calorie deficit and then fill it with sweets! :P
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    I slice a banana, freeze for a bit, and top with a little chocolate syrup.
    Graham cracker square, a little whipped cream, topped with strawberries.
    Low cal pudding or jello cups.
    Dark chocolate squares.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I saw someone mention on MFP about fozen greek yogurt bars but I do not know if they were homemade or store bought. I intend to look for them the next time I shop. They might help.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth, candy, chocolate and I love baking. What are some low cal ways to satisfy my sweet tooth? What are your fave sweet snacks?

    We got rid of our sweet tooth by abstaining from those types of foods. We may indulge in a bite or two of something every now and again, but it has to be a really special occasion to do so. Like our anniversary, someone's wedding or like my nephew's first communion coming up
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    FiberOne makes some awesome 90 calorie dessert bars. I recommend the Fudge Brownie, Lemon Square, and Coffee Cake. They taste like the real thing and are only 90 calories each. They are a little small, but at 90 calories, have two for 180 and it's still a pretty good deal!

    Also, if I really want something (like real ice cream) I will do some exercise to create a calorie deficit and then fill it with sweets! :P

    Yes! Just had my Lemon Square! The Coffee Cake is wonderful also. Going to try the Fudge Brownie next time, I just hope I can find it in the store, I havent seen that one
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth, candy, chocolate and I love baking. What are some low cal ways to satisfy my sweet tooth? What are your fave sweet snacks?

    We got rid of our sweet tooth by abstaining from those types of foods. We may indulge in a bite or two of something every now and again, but it has to be a really special occasion to do so. Like our anniversary, someone's wedding or like my nephew's first communion coming up

    Oh my, I could never, not a way to live for me. I like my treats regularly!
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I have 3 pieces of extra-dark chocolate every day. Prefer 85%, but family demands the 72%. It's like the triple espresso of chocolate.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I like to save calories so I can have a serving of dark chocolate covered almonds every evening. (Can't control myself with the milk chocolate ones!)

    If I'm jonesing for sweets in the morning, I will sometimes mix a tiny bit of Nutella (1/2 - 1 tsp) into a bowl of oatmeal. It's a very fulfilling way to get over that chocolate craving! Most mornings lately, though, I've been eating greek yogurt and honey. Mmmm...

    I want to try the Nutella-oatmeal fix as a late night treat, but I'd have to buy one of those food safes to lock the stuff up in for the other 23.75 hours of the day or I'd just eat it by the spoonful. And the food safe I saw looks flimsy. Pretty sure I could crack it with one good hurl against the wall. And it seems that safe isn't even available yet, it's preorder. If the makers of said safe ever read this post I have some advice: Make that puppy tough and uncrackable or there's no point. I think you can skip fire proofing it, though. If barely.
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    I know it doesn't work for everyone, but I basically just do portion control for candy same as everything else.

    Granted a portion of candy tends to be pretty small, but if I stick to the serving sizes I can generally allow myself the luxury most days.

    Turns out I can have 12 Cadbury's Mini Eggs (not creme eggs) for around 200 calories. It's worth it!