Lets hear your embarrassing gym story :)

So one time, my friend asked me to show her my form for a pushup, we were just messing around so I got down on the floor, and all the sudden.. farted SO loud. :laugh: :blushing: I could not stop laughing after she said "whoa don't over exert yourself!"

Thought I'd share the laugh incase anyone is not having it today.

C'mon guys let's hear your fun stories : )


  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    The exact same thing happened to me! It was for a fitness test, and the trainer was male, too. I think there's something about extreme effort that makes one fart. Sometimes you hear people fart in yoga and pilates, too.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member

    My first run ever was an event sponsored by the school. It was called a "Turkey Trot." You walk/run the course around the campus and you estimate at registration how long it will take you to walk/run the 2 mile circuit. Those who guess the most accurate time win a free frozen turkey.

    We were dirt poor at the time and I had just taken up running. I ran the course a few times a week and put down my average as my time. I was determined to make sure my family at least had a meal for our holiday.

    The day finally came, I was set. I had extra shoelaces, extra socks, a supportive bra, a fully charged ipod. I was in the zone. I was so excited. It was my first race! I lined up with the runner's at their start. There weren't a whole lot of us, but I was confident I would be accurate enough to win a bird. I wasn't really paying attention to the other runners. I was so in the zone and jittery. I had never considered myself a runner and this was a real race I registered for and everything!

    Boom. Hit the ground running. I paced myself. I didn't want to be over-excited and mess up my time by starting off too strong. I was halfway through the course when I realized I had forgotten something. Something important. Something that was easy for me to forget because it was such a rare occurence for me. I was wearing light grey track pants. And there was blood everywhere. I've never had a TOM in the sense that it was monthly, you know? More like a visit once or twice a year. But maybe it was that I had recently started exercising and eating better. Or Murphy's law. @%#$.

    I was horrified, though. I had the vermillion rear of a baboon. These track pants were ruined. I was not even wearing a jacket to tie around my waist. And the nearest building with a bathroom was up the big hill. And everyone was behind me. sigh.

    I ran up the hill and ducked into the nearest bathroom. I couldn't tell if my cheeks were hot from exhaustion or embarrassment or both. It's too late to do anything at this point. My clothes are in the building where I started, where I'm supposed to end. Everyone has already seen the red moon rising.

    I wanted to cry. I finished the race dead last. My time was way off when they cited it to me. I ruined Thanksgiving. I walked into the building heading towards the locker room to cry and change. And then...

    They called my name...?

    Because apparently, one of the runners didn't go through with the run. And there were only 5 runners registered for the "run," the rest were walkers. There were 10 Turkeys total given away, (5 in the runners group, 5 in the walkers group) and by default, I won just for completing the race in my category. I walked over without saying anything and grabbed the turkey.

    Some metal head screamed, his friend called me "Brutal," and there was a standing ovationas I collected the prize.

    It was absolutely horrifying at the time, but I look back on it with a kind of fondness. There would never be a race that could be so absolutely humiliating ahead of me, which gave me something to look forward to... and I got what I came for, so I guess it could've been worse.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I wasn't even working out...I just went in to pay my bill for the month.

    I was wearing a skirt that was a little too big, but I had safety pinned it...evidently not enough. As I walked in the door, I realized the back of the skirt was hovering somewhere around the back of my thighs....

    Not being bright enough to just dart back out the door, I pulled it up and held it up with 1 hand, payed my bill like nothing had happened, and got out of there...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member

    My first run ever was an event sponsored by the school. It was called a "Turkey Trot." You walk/run the course around the campus and you estimate at registration how long it will take you to walk/run the 2 mile circuit. Those who guess the most accurate time win a free frozen turkey.

    We were dirt poor at the time and I had just taken up running. I ran the course a few times a week and put down my average as my time. I was determined to make sure my family at least had a meal for our holiday.

    The day finally came, I was set. I had extra shoelaces, extra socks, a supportive bra, a fully charged ipod. I was in the zone. I was so excited. It was my first race! I lined up with the runner's at their start. There weren't a whole lot of us, but I was confident I would be accurate enough to win a bird. I wasn't really paying attention to the other runners. I was so in the zone and jittery. I had never considered myself a runner and this was a real race I registered for and everything!

    Boom. Hit the ground running. I paced myself. I didn't want to be over-excited and mess up my time by starting off too strong. I was halfway through the course when I realized I had forgotten something. Something important. Something that was easy for me to forget because it was such a rare occurence for me. I was wearing light grey track pants. And there was blood everywhere. I've never had a TOM in the sense that it was monthly, you know? More like a visit once or twice a year. But maybe it was that I had recently started exercising and eating better. Or Murphy's law. @%#$.

    I was horrified, though. I had the vermillion rear of a baboon. These track pants were ruined. I was not even wearing a jacket to tie around my waist. And the nearest building with a bathroom was up the big hill. And everyone was behind me. sigh.

    I ran up the hill and ducked into the nearest bathroom. I couldn't tell if my cheeks were hot from exhaustion or embarrassment or both. It's too late to do anything at this point. My clothes are in the building where I started, where I'm supposed to end. Everyone has already seen the red moon rising.

    I wanted to cry. I finished the race dead last. My time was way off when they cited it to me. I ruined Thanksgiving. I walked into the building heading towards the locker room to cry and change. And then...

    They called my name...?

    Because apparently, one of the runners didn't go through with the run. And there were only 5 runners registered for the "run," the rest were walkers. There were 10 Turkeys total given away, (5 in the runners group, 5 in the walkers group) and by default, I won just for completing the race in my category. I walked over without saying anything and grabbed the turkey.

    Some metal head screamed, his friend called me "Brutal," and there was a standing ovationas I collected the prize.

    It was absolutely horrifying at the time, but I look back on it with a kind of fondness. There would never be a race that could be so absolutely humiliating ahead of me, which gave me something to look forward to... and I got what I came for, so I guess it could've been worse.

    This is an epic story! Thank you for sharing!
  • SuzyA13
    SuzyA13 Posts: 2
    Yesterday I grabbed by joggers straight from the dryer before work. Got to the gym in the evening and after a warm up started my intervals on the treadmill. After 5 minutes one of the trouser legs felt like it was clinging to my calf. They were "staticy" when I put them on so I ignored it and it soon passed. By the time I'd finished the gym was heaving and I decided to do a quick workout on the trx before home. I got off the treadmill and a pair of my black lacy pants were on the floor behind me. I guess the static had stuck them to my trouser leg and that's what I'd felt earlier. I was too embarrassed to pick them up cos all of the machines behind me were busy. I just glanced down and walked on by. Ach! So embarrassed!
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I curled in the squat rack...

    ...it was everything I thought it would be.
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    I was on the Smith Machine, and the bar was in the top position with a 45 and a 25 on each side. I took one of the 25's off one side and it must not have been in the notch properly and the whole bar crashed down. I had my headphones on, and gave 0 f*cks and kept on with my workout and played it off as though it didn't happen. I felt like an idiot noob though.
  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    I started doing kettlebell squats for the first time a couple days ago and fell right onto my butt. Oops.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was on the Smith Machine, and the bar was in the top position with a 45 and a 25 on each side. I took one of the 25's off one side and it must not have been in the notch properly and the whole bar crashed down. I had my headphones on, and gave 0 f*cks and kept on with my workout and played it off as though it didn't happen. I felt like an idiot noob though.

    You could have stopped at I was on the smith machine...:bigsmile:
  • goldenbeautyxo
    goldenbeautyxo Posts: 23 Member
    My triceps are incredibly weak, so I have been focusing on making them stronger. I did about 50 Overhead Tricep Extensions while chatting it up with my dad who was also working out. He was ready to go so he left and I stayed to finish my workout. I got on the floor to do some planks and BOOM, my arms were so weak and jiggly from the Overhead extensions i fell right on my face. I couldn't even hold myself up in a plank lmao!!!!

    Lesson learned : Tricep exercises are LAST in my workout lol
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I forgot to eat breakfast before my leg day...Long story short I was doing box jumps on the 24 inch platform with a 20 lb bar on my back and i was half way through on # 26 and passed out....I'm not sure what I hit or what I didn't hit, but from my face all the way down to my left ankle was covered in abrasions and bruised, plus the huge not on the back of my head...and I woke up in the arms of a cute lil guy not any bigger then me.....

    I didn't go back for almost a week :-(
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I forgot to eat breakfast before my leg day...Long story short I was doing box jumps on the 24 inch platform with a 20 lb bar on my back and i was half way through on # 26 and passed out....I'm not sure what I hit or what I didn't hit, but from my face all the way down to my left ankle was covered in abrasions and bruised, plus the huge not on the back of my head...and I woke up in the arms of a cute lil guy not any bigger then me.....

    I didn't go back for almost a week :-(

    You should have gotten his phone number.
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I forgot to eat breakfast before my leg day...Long story short I was doing box jumps on the 24 inch platform with a 20 lb bar on my back and i was half way through on # 26 and passed out....I'm not sure what I hit or what I didn't hit, but from my face all the way down to my left ankle was covered in abrasions and bruised, plus the huge not on the back of my head...and I woke up in the arms of a cute lil guy not any bigger then me.....

    I didn't go back for almost a week :-(

    You should have gotten his phone number.

    He was a cute and sweet, but if my bench is almost as much as he weighs then I have to pass, plus my husband might be offended ;-)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I workout at home but have plenty...

    got stuck on my squat had to dump the bar and forgot the other side was gonna drop fast...wham
    Took the weights off one side of the bar on my squat rack and forgot the other side was loaded...wham son was like ARE YOU ALRIGHT..

    I have whacked the wall with my bar..almost took out my window...suddenly had to pee benching but was on last rep...almost peed my pants...

    Whacked my chin doing OHP, almost fell backwards doing OHP and squats concentrating too much on keeping pressure not on my toes...

    Loaded the bar uneven...more than once.

    That's it for now...give me time tho will be doing a one month trial at an outside gym this summer.
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    I was on one of the machines where you have to squeeze your thighs together (not sure what it's actually called), listening to music and just zoning out. Came to and realized I was staring at this guy working out across from me, and he was staring back. I quickly wiped down the machine and moved to a treadmill. The guy kept walking around the area I was in, then finally picked a bench press off to the side. I tend to look around a lot when I'm at the gym, and noticed that every time I looked in his direction, he'd stop and up the weight that he was lifting. I finally left because I didn't want him to max out...
  • Paco4gsc
    Paco4gsc Posts: 119 Member
    When I was in high school and not too bright, I went to bench without a spotter. Ended up hitting failure on the last rep with the bar on my chest, and couldn't get it up. Had to be saved by two 90 lb girls.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Thankfully, I've yet to embarrass myself badly at the gym (knock on wood). The worst so far is watching my phone slingshot off the treadmill a time or two. I've made a fool of myself so many times in my life though that it would take a LOT to really embarrass me there. :laugh:
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    Super hot, super built guy who is a regular at my gym, gets really "in the zone" when he's working out and when he's doing heavy shoulder presses, he starts with this routine which is:
    - Earphones in, loud music on
    - Head down eyes closed listening to the music, getting ready for what I think is the "build up"
    - Sits up and shouts (maybe partially due to the loud music) "HUH, HUH, 1, 2, 3, COME ON PAUL, COME ON!!!!" and gets going

    I was out one day with my friend when I saw him outside the gym, so I told her the story about his routine (she didn't see him) which of course she found hilarious.

    A few weeks later we were training together at my gym. She usually trains in another gym in the same chain, so doesn't know the regulars and nor does anyone know her. I'm doing some barbell squats and struggling on my last few reps of my last set, so my friend shouts at me "HUH, HUH, 1, 2, 3, COME ON PAUL, COME ON!!" .... not realising that super hot guy was on the bench right behind us, not even 5 feet away, without his earphones in....

    I could barely move I was laughing so hard with embarrassment...
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    Super hot, super built guy who is a regular at my gym, gets really "in the zone" when he's working out and when he's doing heavy shoulder presses, he starts with this routine which is:
    - Earphones in, loud music on
    - Head down eyes closed listening to the music, getting ready for what I think is the "build up"
    - Sits up and shouts (maybe partially due to the loud music) "HUH, HUH, 1, 2, 3, COME ON PAUL, COME ON!!!!" and gets going

    I was out one day with my friend when I saw him outside the gym, so I told her the story about his routine (she didn't see him) which of course she found hilarious.

    A few weeks later we were training together at my gym. She usually trains in another gym in the same chain, so doesn't know the regulars and nor does anyone know her. I'm doing some barbell squats and struggling on my last few reps of my last set, so my friend shouts at me "HUH, HUH, 1, 2, 3, COME ON PAUL, COME ON!!" .... not realising that super hot guy was on the bench right behind us, not even 5 feet away, without his earphones in....

    I could barely move I was laughing so hard with embarrassment...

    LOL...This made me giggle!
  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    Recently, I walked into a glass door at my gym...face pushed up against it and everything. I thought I was supposed to push it open, so I kept trying. Nope, definitely supposed to pull. Good thing lots of people were around to see it ;)

    Not a gym, but definitely embarrassing: My first time at a track meet in 8th grade, I was signed up to run the mile. I hated running and I wasn't good (no clue why I wanted to be on the track team). I maybe ran one lap, and then my coach had to WALK with me as I whined about how hard it was and I couldn't do it. I was dying through my last lap when the announcer came over the loud speaker and called the runners of the next race to line up. He stopped mid-sentence and said, "Wait! Correction, we STILL have a runner on the track." I got a standing ovation of pity as I rounded the last curve and crossed the finish line. Proud moment hahaha