how does cardio burn FAT

I want to ask this question it may sound stupid. I am on a 2600 calorie intake. If I go and eat 2800 and burn 200 I will be in deficit.
The confusion I have is this. If i do my cardio in the morning and then have my calorie intake 2800 but burn the 200 in the morning.
Would i have to do more cardio and burn 200 calories would that mean the cardio in the morning was not time wasted in terms of weight loss


  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    If I am understanding you correctly, any time of day you work out is fine. You're going to burn 200 calories either way, and if you eat 2800 cal, you're still going to have 2600 NET calories with exercise, regardless if you ate before or after. I hope this helps!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You're overthinking this. It doesn't really matter what time you exercise. Hell, it doesn't even matter IF you exercise. Maintain a reasonable calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    You're overthinking this. It doesn't really matter what time you exercise. Hell, it doesn't even matter IF you exercise. Maintain a reasonable calorie deficit to lose weight.

    /\ /\ /\
    Eat at deficit and burn the 200 kcal = win/win!
  • mad_lifting_runner
    mad_lifting_runner Posts: 37 Member
    ^Yep. The short answer to your topic/question is: IT DOESN'T. It builds fitness, yes...and a fit body in turn burns fat more efficiently...but the reality is that you can do all the cardio you want but you can't outrun a $hitty diet.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're overthinking this. It doesn't really matter what time you exercise. Hell, it doesn't even matter IF you exercise. Maintain a reasonable calorie deficit to lose weight.

  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Burning 200 calories whether its morning or night doesn't matter!!!

    Just like eating .... Calories cant tell the time : )
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    .... Calories cant tell the time : )

    LOL Love that!
  • phatguerilla
    phatguerilla Posts: 188 Member
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I want to ask this question it may sound stupid. I am on a 2600 calorie intake. If I go and eat 2800 and burn 200 I will be in deficit.
    The confusion I have is this. If i do my cardio in the morning and then have my calorie intake 2800 but burn the 200 in the morning.
    Would i have to do more cardio and burn 200 calories would that mean the cardio in the morning was not time wasted in terms of weight loss

    Are you asking if fasted cardio is going to be beneficial? I can't tell.
    But for folks who aren’t that lean yet, the folks in the middle range of body fat levels, it really doesn’t matter. The best time to do cardio will be whenever it will most consistently get done. If that’s first thing in the morning, fantastic. If not, also fantastic. It’s more important in this situation that it gets done than when it gets done.