Lets hear your embarrassing gym story :)



  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i dont have any embarrasing stories yet however last night at the gym..my girlfriend and i were walking past a girl and a guy on the floor doing stretches, and she was you can tell, training him on how to do it and he was laying flat then all of a sudden got a surprise in his pants and had to sit up immediately. LOL.
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    My triceps are incredibly weak, so I have been focusing on making them stronger. I did about 50 Overhead Tricep Extensions while chatting it up with my dad who was also working out. He was ready to go so he left and I stayed to finish my workout. I got on the floor to do some planks and BOOM, my arms were so weak and jiggly from the Overhead extensions i fell right on my face. I couldn't even hold myself up in a plank lmao!!!!

    Lesson learned : Tricep exercises are LAST in my workout lol

    Since when did doing 50 reps make anything stronger?!
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    When I was in high school, I was in gym class (this counts, right? :laugh: ) with my friends. I was a little ways across the gym and they were all by the wall. In the good spirit of gym class I figured I'd jog over to them to be lazy and talk, but I only made it a couple of steps. This is what I get for dragging my feet; I scuffed the floor and fell anime style onto the floor, with my hands at 90 degree angles next to my head.
    (Emoticon reference: I_:noway: _| )

    There was also a used condom that showed up in the middle of the gym floor part way through class while we were playing volleyball one day. Seriously, no one had any idea how it managed to just appear in the middle of the floor, and I really hope no one was keeping that in their pocket. Gross.
  • First week of University I decided to take a step class. Half way through I ran out of the room and proceeded to vomit in the hallway. EVERYONE SAW! I was so mortified I didn't go to the gym for months. I didn't even know what to do! I apologized and ran down to get paper from the change rooms. It took me 40 mins to clean it while people just stared and I still had vomit in my clothes. It smelled like **** too!

    Worst part was that I heard on campus two dudes talking about that chick who "projectile vomited" in the gym. FML!!!!!
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    I rocked my workout looking so cool with my pants on inside out so the little cotton crotch was showing the hole time
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    When I was in high school and not too bright, I went to bench without a spotter. Ended up hitting failure on the last rep with the bar on my chest, and couldn't get it up. Had to be saved by two 90 lb girls.

    You're lucky ... my husband tried the same thing in high school (bench press w/o a spotter) and dropped the bar on his chest and cracked his sternum. Ouch!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Oh I get an embarrassing moment just about every time I go to the gym... lol. I don't wear my glasses when I workout (they're for distance and driving anyway) and when I put my headphones on, I get really into my music and zone out. I usually graze my head on the higher up pegs of the plate racks and walk into things. If all the benches are being used I usually just kind of stand there with a confused look on my face, too, while trying to decide what I can do instead of using the free weights, so I probably look lost.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Another one I just remembered, again from my younger days. I was at the legitimate gym at our school with a friend, in probably 9th grade or so, and I was using a machine for like working your way to chin-ups (had a bar that was above your head, which you pulled down to you). I wanted to see if I could get it to move on the heaviest weight. I put it on the last one and was essentially hanging off the bar (because I was an idiot), when the bar broke off the machine.

    The person who was managing the gym, a senior in high school I'm pretty sure who was hired part time, was very serious when he was talking to me and my friend and said that he would have to call the cops and we'd have to pay for a whole new piece of equipment. I was almost in tears and couldn't believe I'd been such an idiot. My friend just looked at me and said "You know he's joking, right?" I looked at the guy and he was laughing at me for getting so distressed about it. He didn't call the cops, and we weren't charged any fines.

    However, it took me like the rest of high school to go back in that gym again, and when I did I definitely didn't use the machines improperly again!
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    When I was at school for PE they did a programme where took us to a gym once a week, I was 14/15 and had no idea what to wear, do or anything, i was clueless. I wore the LOOSEST long and baggy shirt you could ever imagine and as I was on the rowing machine IT GOT STUCK UNDER THE SEAT! i was mortified I didn't say anything at first and tried to fix it myself but suspicion soon gathered and a member of staff came over to see what was up...she was not impressed. She started tearing at my shirt trying to get it out whilst lecturing me on my clothing choice (no one told me otherwise as i came in)

    Eventually she tore my shirt and solved the problem but I was left with half a shirt and by this time everyone in gym was staring at me... Needless to say I was so embarrassed I cancelled the programme and didn't go to a gym again until i was 17 and a little more informed :laugh:
  • runway12
    runway12 Posts: 63 Member
    This is great : ) That would be horrifying, but you still got your turkey, nice!


    My first run ever was an event sponsored by the school. It was called a "Turkey Trot." You walk/run the course around the campus and you estimate at registration how long it will take you to walk/run the 2 mile circuit. Those who guess the most accurate time win a free frozen turkey.

    We were dirt poor at the time and I had just taken up running. I ran the course a few times a week and put down my average as my time. I was determined to make sure my family at least had a meal for our holiday.

    The day finally came, I was set. I had extra shoelaces, extra socks, a supportive bra, a fully charged ipod. I was in the zone. I was so excited. It was my first race! I lined up with the runner's at their start. There weren't a whole lot of us, but I was confident I would be accurate enough to win a bird. I wasn't really paying attention to the other runners. I was so in the zone and jittery. I had never considered myself a runner and this was a real race I registered for and everything!

    Boom. Hit the ground running. I paced myself. I didn't want to be over-excited and mess up my time by starting off too strong. I was halfway through the course when I realized I had forgotten something. Something important. Something that was easy for me to forget because it was such a rare occurence for me. I was wearing light grey track pants. And there was blood everywhere. I've never had a TOM in the sense that it was monthly, you know? More like a visit once or twice a year. But maybe it was that I had recently started exercising and eating better. Or Murphy's law. @%#$.

    I was horrified, though. I had the vermillion rear of a baboon. These track pants were ruined. I was not even wearing a jacket to tie around my waist. And the nearest building with a bathroom was up the big hill. And everyone was behind me. sigh.

    I ran up the hill and ducked into the nearest bathroom. I couldn't tell if my cheeks were hot from exhaustion or embarrassment or both. It's too late to do anything at this point. My clothes are in the building where I started, where I'm supposed to end. Everyone has already seen the red moon rising.

    I wanted to cry. I finished the race dead last. My time was way off when they cited it to me. I ruined Thanksgiving. I walked into the building heading towards the locker room to cry and change. And then...

    They called my name...?

    Because apparently, one of the runners didn't go through with the run. And there were only 5 runners registered for the "run," the rest were walkers. There were 10 Turkeys total given away, (5 in the runners group, 5 in the walkers group) and by default, I won just for completing the race in my category. I walked over without saying anything and grabbed the turkey.

    Some metal head screamed, his friend called me "Brutal," and there was a standing ovationas I collected the prize.

    It was absolutely horrifying at the time, but I look back on it with a kind of fondness. There would never be a race that could be so absolutely humiliating ahead of me, which gave me something to look forward to... and I got what I came for, so I guess it could've been worse.
  • runway12
    runway12 Posts: 63 Member
    :laugh: :smile:

    I wasn't even working out...I just went in to pay my bill for the month.

    I was wearing a skirt that was a little too big, but I had safety pinned it...evidently not enough. As I walked in the door, I realized the back of the skirt was hovering somewhere around the back of my thighs....

    Not being bright enough to just dart back out the door, I pulled it up and held it up with 1 hand, payed my bill like nothing had happened, and got out of there...
  • Coldpony18
    Coldpony18 Posts: 10 Member
    Your stories give me courage!
  • runway12
    runway12 Posts: 63 Member
    hahahaha :)

    i dont have any embarrasing stories yet however last night at the gym..my girlfriend and i were walking past a girl and a guy on the floor doing stretches, and she was you can tell, training him on how to do it and he was laying flat then all of a sudden got a surprise in his pants and had to sit up immediately. LOL.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    lets talk about big boobs and inadequate sports bras for young teenage girls playing basketball....

    however, they now make sports bras in my size (thanks bravissimo) and I no longer run

    but now I swim - so let's talk about wobble during back stroke when wearing swim suits that don't have built in support ...

    ps I'm a 30JJ (UK)
  • lilmissmanx
    lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
    Was having my feet held by a dude while I was doing sit ups, and I farted...... and recently I was using the foam roller and rolling out my quads.....aaann farted. Loud enough for the coach to hear and then quiz everyone in the room about what the noise was.

    The shame!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    single leg frog jump burpees across the floor- fell flat on my *kitten* through my second rotation.

    OHP: slammed the bar into my chin- almost knocked myself out

    I get excited about demoing stuff and realize there is equipment everywhere- almost knocked myself out doing bridge lifts when I jumped on the floor and hit my head on the BB... knot the size of an effing lemon on my head.

    Loudest ever queef doing dragon flags- like a whoopi cushion- so awful.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    When I was in high school and not too bright, I went to bench without a spotter. Ended up hitting failure on the last rep with the bar on my chest, and couldn't get it up. Had to be saved by two 90 lb girls.

    I think I'm just immature, but not being able to "get it up" and being saved by 2 90lb girls...

    Fun fact though, the same bench without a spotter thing happened to me.. and the weight was MINIMAL. Some man came over to save me after struggling for a good 5 minutes.
  • Early on in college my older sister and I got a free pass to try out Bally's. I got on a treadmill and started walking. This was my first time ever on a treadmill (or even a gym) and I was just getting used to it. Some guy got on a treadmill next to me and started chatting me up. Since I couldn't walk and talk at the same time, I fell off the treadmill. The conversation ended there. :embarassed: :laugh:
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    Everyone's stories are so funny that I don't feel bad about sharing mine.

    First a little back story, the gym in my office building is pretty wee. Has a full set of dumbbells, jungle gym with 7 machines (old but still works), few cardio machines and a wall of mirrors. I'm usually the only person in there during my lunch break. I really like karaoke and I'll listen to songs while I workout so I can learn them, well....while I was on the stair stepper I'm softly (or so I think) busting out some beastie boys Ch Ch Check it out and in comes a couple guys in really nice suits. I have no idea they're in there. Only when I reach part of the chorus do I hear them laughing, I see them, turn bright red and nearly fall off the damned machine.

    A while back my friend's vegan girlfriend was trying to get me to eat less meat and more tofu. My second day in I'm on the treadmill trying to get in a good jog and the jostling motion let loose the loudest fart outside of a fart machine and someone is on the row machine beside me. Poor guy got a face full of hot tofu fart. All I could do was laugh and apologize and leave immediately out of shame.

    Farts seem to be a common theme on this thread. LOL