Help! Trying to work out TDEE and very confused!

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to ask something that has been asked hundreds of times already but I am really confused with the whole TDEE thing and what I should be consuming calorie wise!

I am female, 5'3" and 130lbs, I want to lose approx 7lbs at a rate of 0.5lb-1lb per week - although I would be happy to see inch loss rather than actual weight loss on the scale too.

I have a full time desk job but currently cycle approx 8 hours per week sometimes more, burning around 350 calories per hour (I have a heart rate monitor to help accurately track the calories I burn). I have also just booked 10 sessions with a personal trainer to concentrate on weight training in the hope of toning up but this doesn't begin until approx middle of May.

So, with this info, can anyone tell me how many calories I should be eating per day in order to see some weight loss? And should I be eating back my exercise calories on top of this?

Thanks so much in advance and sorry again for the repetitiveness of the post!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you can get your TDEE from various websites such as, scooby just input your data and it gives you an estimate.

    and with TDEE you do not eat your exercise calories back.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    oh hell with it. I don't get Photobucket this early in the morning

    trying again

  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    I dont get setting the activity multiplier to 5-6 hours of strenuous exercise?? You say you work a desk job, didnt ya? 10 sessions with a personal trainer, doing wieghts would be far from strenuous IMO. Now if you were doing 1 hr per day of Intervals, that could be strenuous...

    How are you coming up with that multiplier?

    You might be setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Using TDEE You are better to set your activity to Sedentary, and just eat below the number it gives you. Exercise IS and will be just be an added health benefit. Dont eat these back. Most people overestimate, how much activity they do, or calories they eat, and this is the main cause of weight gain or no weight loss.

    Or, use MFP, again set to sedentary or lightly active, and eat your exercise cals back.

    Best of Luck!

    See how your setting works out for you, cuz everyone is different, then adjust from there.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I dont get setting the activity multiplier to 5-6 hours of strenuous exercise?? You say you work a desk job, didnt ya? 10 sessions with a personal trainer, doing wieghts would be far from strenuous IMO. Now if you were doing 1 hr per day of Intervals, that could be strenuous...

    How are you coming up with that multiplier?

    You might be setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Using TDEE You are better to set your activity to Sedentary, and just eat below the number it gives you. Exercise IS and will be just be an added health benefit. Dont eat these back. Most people overestimate, how much activity they do, or calories they eat, and this is the main cause of weight gain or no weight loss.

    Or, use MFP, again set to sedentary or lightly active, and eat your exercise cals back.

    Best of Luck!

    See how your setting works out for you, cuz everyone is different, then adjust from there.

    To the bolded part...NO
    That is NEAT method and is what MFP uses anyway.

    In the OP they said they bike 8 hours a week that is pretty good exercise and using TDEE is so you don't have to estimate burns, as for Lifting not being strenous...DYEL??????????

    OP my TDEE is 2300 not from a website..but from my own data following this calculation

    *this calculation only works if you are sure of your intake which means you weigh solids, measure liquids and log everything.

    Total calories consumed+(pounds lost x 3500)/#days worth of data.
  • Thanks for your input everyone!

    Phrick, thanks for uploading that image with the caluclations, what website did you get that from so I can adjust slightly? I would agree with scotty wor that my activity level would be sedentary, and I'm also better with 3 meals per day rather than 5/6 as I would find it hard to tie this in with my job.

    Scottywor I would say 2 out of my 4/5 weekly cycles are intervals so they would be strenuous, the others are a mix of recovery and long distance cycles.

    I will give TDEE a try for a month or so and see how I go, then I will switch to MFP if I dont see any progress.

  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I dont get setting the activity multiplier to 5-6 hours of strenuous exercise?? You say you work a desk job, didnt ya? 10 sessions with a personal trainer, doing wieghts would be far from strenuous IMO. Now if you were doing 1 hr per day of Intervals, that could be strenuous...

    How are you coming up with that multiplier?

    You might be setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Using TDEE You are better to set your activity to Sedentary, and just eat below the number it gives you. Exercise IS and will be just be an added health benefit. Dont eat these back. Most people overestimate, how much activity they do, or calories they eat, and this is the main cause of weight gain or no weight loss.

    Or, use MFP, again set to sedentary or lightly active, and eat your exercise cals back.

    Best of Luck!

    See how your setting works out for you, cuz everyone is different, then adjust from there.

    She also said she bikes 8+ hours a week, DYER (do you even read)?

    eta website:
  • Thanks Sezxysteff!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks for your input everyone!

    Phrick, thanks for uploading that image with the caluclations, what website did you get that from so I can adjust slightly? I would agree with scotty wor that my activity level would be sedentary, and I'm also better with 3 meals per day rather than 5/6 as I would find it hard to tie this in with my job.

    Scottywor I would say 2 out of my 4/5 weekly cycles are intervals so they would be strenuous, the others are a mix of recovery and long distance cycles.

    I will give TDEE a try for a month or so and see how I go, then I will switch to MFP if I dont see any progress.


    If you bike 8 hours a week (sometimes more) your activity level is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT (repeat, NOT NOT NOT) sedentary. Its just not. If you feel like you must pick sedentary then don't use TDEE, it won't work right for you.
  • Phrick if I go with the calculation you did, will that calorie amount help me to lose weight or will that just be to maintain my current weight?
  • yallllah
    yallllah Posts: 35 Member
    You'll get it, don't worry :)

    If you have a HRM (and assuming it's configured correctly), you can track your actual workouts and calories burned -- certainly much more accurately than an online equation can. TDEE is useful for people who //don't// have gadgets and gizmos because it gives them an average # of kcal to eat, after taking into account self-reported exercise and lifestyle habits. You work a desk job (sedentary), and you have an HRM to measure your exercise. So I say do as scottywor advised and set your MFP to Sedentary while inputting your exercise. If it's possible for your HRM to connect to MFP, you can even link accounts and have your exercise calories added back automatically.

    (If you do end up using TDEE anyway, another thing I have to agree w scottywor on: biking eight times a week certainly isn't "strenuous". But you definitely wouldn't be sedentary, either! Thankfully you have an HRM, which in theory should take the guesswork out...)

    Anyway, here's what I would do if I were you:

    1. Figure out my body fat % (US Navy has simple charts online, only takes a few measurements)

    2. Figure out my BMR using Katch-McArdle formula (BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM) <---- Where LBM = [total weight (kg) x (100 - bodyfat %)] / 100 !!! make sure you convert lbs to kgs!!!

    3. Use my HRM over the course of a few days to get an average of how many calories I burn in my sedentary life.

    4. Use my HRM during workouts to calculate calories burned for each workout.


    *TDEE = (BMR + living-the-couch-potato-life-kcals + exercise kcals)

    The # to eat at is = TDEE - 500kcals for around a pound of weightloss a week (though if you're lifting you might not see the scale move so much...)

    Final note: one thing to keep in mind is that being short and not having much weight to lose means there's a LOT less room for error kcal wise. Our BMRs start small and our weight is low, which means that even moving -- or not moving -- as much as other people, we burn less fuel. It's the cold, hard truth...

    *feel like I should note that I slightly simplified it before I'm beheaded
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Phrick if I go with the calculation you did, will that calorie amount help me to lose weight or will that just be to maintain my current weight?

    To lose you could, based on the calculations I did, eat around 2100 a day to lose - 2100 is a 10% deficit from your TDEE. This will adjust down slightly if you choose a different activity level (just not sedentary :laugh:)
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    you can get your TDEE from various websites such as, scooby just input your data and it gives you an estimate.

    and with TDEE you do not eat your exercise calories back.

    If you're following the TDEE method while in maintenance do you eat your calories burned back then? I use a chest strap to be more accurate.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    you can get your TDEE from various websites such as, scooby just input your data and it gives you an estimate.

    and with TDEE you do not eat your exercise calories back.

    If you're following the TDEE method while in maintenance do you eat your calories burned back then? I use a chest strap to be more accurate.

    No, you'd eat your TDEE minus zero %. TDEE is, well, TDEE - TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE, including exercise. So if you ate your total TDEE amount, you'd maintain. In order to lose weight using TDEE method you must subtract a percentage of calories in order to create a caloric deficit, this is what allows weight loss. So if you are wanting to maintain, not lose, you just eat all of your TDEE calories.
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    I have no help- I am here in a similar boat, though. 5'-3"...around 142 with 10-15 lbs I would liek to lose. I haven't really lost any weight, but my measurements have gotten smaller and I look smaller....and and buying smaller clothes.

    But when I do Scooby vs TDEE, I get vastly different numers (Scooby has be eating 300 calories more per day than TDEE does)...and at our height, I just don't know what to do! I am going with the lwoer number for now...
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have no help- I am here in a similar boat, though. 5'-3"...around 142 with 10-15 lbs I would liek to lose. I haven't really lost any weight, but my measurements have gotten smaller and I look smaller....and and buying smaller clothes.

    But when I do Scooby vs TDEE, I get vastly different numers (Scooby has be eating 300 calories more per day than TDEE does)...and at our height, I just don't know what to do! I am going with the lwoer number for now...

    I think you're confused - Scooby IS a TDEE calculator. Scooby would likely have you eating 300 more a day than MFP - but with MFP you're supposed to eat back calories you burn from exercise. So if Scooby's set your TDEE - 10% at 1500, eating no exercise calories back, and if MFP set your goal at 1200 and you burned 300 from exercise and eat them back, then the numbers are the same.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry to have opened my mouth, and confused and offended 2 people, 3 including the OP, I should have read your post again. Make a mistake and people jump all over ya... It wont happen again. Ill leave it to the pros out there.

    Thanks Yalllah, and yes good thing you specified *simplified in your post, because it doesnt take much of anything around here to get beheaded lately.
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    I have no help- I am here in a similar boat, though. 5'-3"...around 142 with 10-15 lbs I would liek to lose. I haven't really lost any weight, but my measurements have gotten smaller and I look smaller....and and buying smaller clothes.

    But when I do Scooby vs TDEE, I get vastly different numers (Scooby has be eating 300 calories more per day than TDEE does)...and at our height, I just don't know what to do! I am going with the lwoer number for now...

    I think you're confused - Scooby IS a TDEE calculator. Scooby would likely have you eating 300 more a day than MFP - but with MFP you're supposed to eat back calories you burn from exercise. So if Scooby's set your TDEE - 10% at 1500, eating no exercise calories back, and if MFP set your goal at 1200 and you burned 300 from exercise and eat them back, then the numbers are the same.

    Sorry, I meant Scooby and IIFYM give me vastly different information, not TDEE and Scooby
  • ftumsh2
    ftumsh2 Posts: 1
    Really, scottywor?
    I thought your post was the only one to contain useful advice.
    All the others seem to be wrapping dieting in some sort of pseudo science crap.

    To the OP, it doesn't matter what figure you pick, don't get wrapped up in irrelevant details.
    Pick a figure, stick to it for 2 weeks, measure yourself and adjust the kcals accordingly.
    You'll get there eventually.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    you can get your TDEE from various websites such as, scooby just input your data and it gives you an estimate.

    and with TDEE you do not eat your exercise calories back.

    If you're following the TDEE method while in maintenance do you eat your calories burned back then? I use a chest strap to be more accurate.

    No, you'd eat your TDEE minus zero %. TDEE is, well, TDEE - TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE, including exercise. So if you ate your total TDEE amount, you'd maintain. In order to lose weight using TDEE method you must subtract a percentage of calories in order to create a caloric deficit, this is what allows weight loss. So if you are wanting to maintain, not lose, you just eat all of your TDEE calories.

    Thanks for the response:).
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Really, scottywor?
    I thought your post was the only one to contain useful advice.
    All the others seem to be wrapping dieting in some sort of pseudo science crap.

    To the OP, it doesn't matter what figure you pick, don't get wrapped up in irrelevant details.
    Pick a figure, stick to it for 2 weeks, measure yourself and adjust the kcals accordingly.
    You'll get there eventually.

    Thank you very much.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Really, scottywor?
    I thought your post was the only one to contain useful advice.
    All the others seem to be wrapping dieting in some sort of pseudo science crap.

    To the OP, it doesn't matter what figure you pick, don't get wrapped up in irrelevant details.
    Pick a figure, stick to it for 2 weeks, measure yourself and adjust the kcals accordingly.
    You'll get there eventually.

    This is funny...

    TDEE and NEAT are pseudo science crap eh...:laugh:

    It does matter what figure you choose...if it's too high you gain weight, if it's too low you are not fueling your body.

    why bother spending weeks and weeks trying to figure out what you need to lose weight when there are tools designed to do that for you that obviously work...

    Note ticker below...that was mostly don't using TDEE-15%.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sorry to have opened my mouth, and confused and offended 2 people, 3 including the OP, I should have read your post again. Make a mistake and people jump all over ya... It wont happen again. Ill leave it to the pros out there.

    Thanks Yalllah, and yes good thing you specified *simplified in your post, because it doesnt take much of anything around here to get beheaded lately.

    I wasn't offended, but your post was full of misinformation and posts like that just add to confusion for new people.

    TDEE at sedentary and eating calories back is call it that.

    Edited because I could.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry to have opened my mouth, and confused and offended 2 people, 3 including the OP, I should have read your post again. Make a mistake and people jump all over ya... It wont happen again. Ill leave it to the pros out there.

    Thanks Yalllah, and yes good thing you specified *simplified in your post, because it doesnt take much of anything around here to get beheaded lately.

    I wasn't offended, but your post was full of misinformation and posts like that just add to confusion for new people.

    TDEE at sedentary and eating calories back is call it that.

    Edited because I could.

    Where did you get that I said to eat back your calories using TDEE set at sedentary? This is what I have not been able to figure out?

    I said set TDEE to sedentary,and DONT EAT THESE BACK. Its a good place for someone starting out to start, and adjust from there...

    i did mention setting MFP to sedentary, and eating these calories back... . or some or part. THIS IS NEAT. I agree.

    its more importatnt to get that TDEE number or MFP number and work from there... when starting out. Exercise is just a health benefit period.

    I only said this because, when poeple use TDEE the can overestimate there activity, leading to slowed progress.

    i dont think i am as misinformative and confused as you think.

    What does it really matter for some staring out and using all these acronyms, and you not agree that telling someone to use either method, and find that number and work from there is the best advice of all? No matter what it is called.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    TDEE @ sedentary is NEAT...if you exercise, Which the OP does...hence my comment. And no you didn't say eat them back but your set TDEE to sedentary when the OP exercises ...well you have to admit was not good admitted it later..

    ETA: and saying weight lifting doesn't burn a lot is misinformation as well.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    I was just trying to get across the point of not getting too overwhelmed by the numbers. Sorry I did not use the correct terms.

    I still believe that for someone starting out, maybe not the OP, that people tend to overestimate exercise and under estimate food, so its better to find your number, be it NEAT or TDEE and jus stick to that number whether you exercise or not. And progress from there...

    As someone who was 300lbs, and pretty much fat most of my life, its easy for someone to get confused in the numbers and methods. I didnt set out to confuse people, but it seems that was the case. I do know what I meant, I didnt use the correct terms.

    As for strength training, I have done it for years, And believe me, I my no means meant it was not strenuous. but I have also seen, people lifting weights, talking on cell phones, leaning (holding machines up) and being very unfocaused and carefree when lifting. This is not strenuous. It can go both ways. Now doing a Madcow or ICF or curcuit now that is very taxing on your CNS and strenuous, I agree 110%. So if someone says the workout strenuously, and set an activity multiplier to strenuous, it better be, or its not going to work out. Which gets back to what I said at the beginning.

    Maybe this was the wrong post to start this conversation. But I appreciate your input. With so much imformation going around there are varying opinions on everything in the world. I jus didnt appreciate the DYEL... and the NO and the bolding. If someone says something, and someone diasagrees. This is not needed. Its far better to discuss things than to pounce.+

    Cheers to you Stef.

    I think we have strayed form the original post enough
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    This entire thread has done a great job of confusing me.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This entire thread has done a great job of confusing me.

    what are you confused about?
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    This entire thread has done a great job of confusing me.

    Basically... either use MFP calories and eat back your exercise calories. OR use the TDEE calories which already account for your exercise (via a website like this: and do NOT eat your exercise calories back :)

    I have very similar stats to you, OP, as well as similar exercise goals. I am trying out the TDEE method now myself and am so far feeling great but haven't been on it long enough to tell if it's working well for me or not. Good luck to you :)
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    This entire thread has done a great job of confusing me.

    Basically... either use MFP calories and eat back your exercise calories. OR use the TDEE calories which already account for your exercise (via a website like this: and do NOT eat your exercise calories back :)

    I have very similar stats to you, OP, as well as similar exercise goals. I am trying out the TDEE method now myself and am so far feeling great but haven't been on it long enough to tell if it's working well for me or not. Good luck to you :)

    Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. Both come up with the same numbers, more or less. It's the whole 'put in sedentary' part ... why would I do that if I'm not sedentary? I eat within a range of cals anyways, so my body doesn't go all "oh, we're having cottage cheese and pineapple again today, are we? Staying at 1400 cals again, are we? Same exercise again, eh? Well, we'll just slow everything down here and just . . . . hum". lol
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This entire thread has done a great job of confusing me.

    Basically... either use MFP calories and eat back your exercise calories. OR use the TDEE calories which already account for your exercise (via a website like this: and do NOT eat your exercise calories back :)

    I have very similar stats to you, OP, as well as similar exercise goals. I am trying out the TDEE method now myself and am so far feeling great but haven't been on it long enough to tell if it's working well for me or not. Good luck to you :)

    Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. Both come up with the same numbers, more or less. It's the whole 'put in sedentary' part ... why would I do that if I'm not sedentary? I eat within a range of cals anyways, so my body doesn't go all "oh, we're having cottage cheese and pineapple again today, are we? Staying at 1400 cals again, are we? Same exercise again, eh? Well, we'll just slow everything down here and just . . . . hum". lol

    For MFP most people put in sedentary...when they really aren't..most are lightly active...without exercise. Then with MFP you log exercise...MFP would give me about 1400 calories...

    TDEE you include your exercise...for example I do 3-5 hours of moderate activty so I add that in and TDEE-15% is they are both basically the same number...if I eat my exercise calories back.

    If you aren't sedentary you don't use it...and you should never use it doing TDEE unless you do no exercise and then there is no point cause you get the same numbers MFP gave you.