Positive Thinking

So this will be my first post here on this website, so here it goes.

Over the course of losing weight from two years ago -- losing in total about 40 lbs now, I've discovered that for you to have success not only in losing weight but being happy, you must think positively. It seems like a very simple thing to do, but we all let our life and drama get to us, and weigh us down. Making sure that you keep a positive outlook on life is essential. I used to think i couldn't do 'this or that' due to my weight, and my outward appearance, but that was step number one to get over that irrational fear. Self doubt and questioning of your ability doesn't seem like it would be ALL that detrimental to your success, but you would be surprised.

Having the will power will change your whole perspective on what you are doing in life -- "find your why" is a very very important thing to understand, and on this website it was only touched on... So "find your why?" Why are you doing it? Who are you doing it for? what do you wake up in the morning for? Everyone has their own reasons in life, and i would highly recommend that you keep the why to yourself, write it down then don't tell anyone about it - it is your inner fire and passion. If you want a more in depth and very very inspirational look to this concept look up a gentleman named Eric Thomas - "Whats your Why?"

Anyhow on an end note, i try to live life now, not only for myself, and being selfish but for others. I used to just go to school, go to work, and go through the daily routine for myself and not give any thought towards anyone else besides maybe one other person. I would just like for anyone who is reading this to pay it forward and understand that although there is no defined 'reason as to why we are here,' maybe one of those reasons is to make sure that you are making other life's better. My homework/assignment for you if you are reading this is just be positive throughout the day, and when something inevitably goes wrong, use that to push you even forward.


  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    Very nice positive post!! :)
  • shoelove1
    shoelove1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am looking for my why. Thanks Zack
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation...We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." ~ Aristotle