New to MFP...

srmchan Posts: 206 Member
I'm Sam and "discovered" MFP as an alternative to another website I used about 10 years ago to log meals. The big appeal of MFP to me was the ability to integrate with other apps and devices; I'm using a Jawbone UP to monitor sleep and steps, and I'm using MapMyRide for cardio exercise on my bicycle. I'm aim to do strength training, but I know little about it and am still in research mode.

I was successful with Atkins back in 2003-2004 losing 60 some odd pounds over the course of 7-8 months. My eating wasn't very healthy though; I strictly counted carbs regardless of the type of food. For instance, I might eat a bunless quarter pounder for lunch back then. The wheels came off when a family member went through an extended period of illness that required my being at the hospital a lot. I started stress eating and lost sight of my goals.

Fast forward to today, I'm unfortunately near my heaviest weight, my blood pressure is high, and I just don't feel good in general. Poor sleep and brain fog are my major complaints, so I've decided I'm "all in" with weight loss and general fitness this time. Being heavy also impacts my confidence, and that's a very bad thing due to the nature of my work.

I started cooking as a hobby of sorts in November 2013. Needed a new stove, and with that came new cookware which sparked my interest. I love meat & protein, so I started learning all manner of ways to cook some good meats, veggies and desserts - especially tarts, souffles and custards. I'm not eating the desserts anymore; those are for family and friends. :-) I'm started logging some of the recipes i use even though not all are diet friendly. I'll look to modify some in the future to see if I can make them lighter. My point is I want to do low carb(ish) again, though I realize the overall key is to count calories eaten and calories burned so that I have a caloric deficit in order to lose weight.

I posted a picture of me water skiing when I was around 20-21 years old. My only exercise was skiing, swimming and a job that involved lots of manual labor. Would be great to get back to that physique - but given that was 20+ years ago, I'm not sure I see it happening. Nonetheless, it's a fun goal to consider.

If you're low-carbing, enjoy cooking, or just want accountability, feel free to send me a friend request. My diary is open to friends. I've started a weight log in my profile and will share measurements and before photo soon.



  • NichelleHall
    NichelleHall Posts: 12 Member
    I am currently on a PSMF diet. I'd love to swap some tasty low carb recipes with you!
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm *trying* to maintain a low carb diet, but by day one I was out of ideas. FR sent!
  • Christi132
    Christi132 Posts: 67 Member
    Looking for some healthy, new recipes as I try to "re-lose" that last 10 pounds (again) and move back into my maintenance phase... permanently this time.