New, sort of.

Hi. :)
I joined myfitnesspal ages ago to lose a few pounds but I lost all motivation and gave up [ Stupid me ], I hardly took things seriously like I should have
Now I'm back because I've been battling with my weight for a long time, I'm getting married in august and I'm determined to lose a little bit before then.
So please add me, I should be here daily and it'd be nice to have lost of others to talk to for that extra bit of motivation. :smile:



  • DiveBarDanceHall
    DiveBarDanceHall Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, great Monroe =.) I too am giving MFP another shot. Initially lost approx 40lbs but gained most of it back over the past 2 years. I log daily and am ALWAYS looking for positive people who try their best to stay motivated. Feel free to add me!
  • chelleann777
    chelleann777 Posts: 94 Member
    Just added you:) I need some more friends and motivation too! I was on here before as well and then got busy and made excuses, so now I weigh even more than when I first started, but I am determined that this time will be different!
  • BKNeenz
    BKNeenz Posts: 17 Member
    HI there! I've just recently joined and trying to get to a healthier and leaner me. I'd love to add you all as well. I've really packed on the weight over the past 6 years and I really want to get back in shape. I love to cook so I'm trying to work on healthy recipes (not diet recipes) that I can share if that helps :)
  • yacapraro5
    yacapraro5 Posts: 21 Member
    OMG were in the same exact boat, except I'm getting married in September!! Add me, we'll be healthy, hot brides by the time we walk down the aisle!!
