Fat loss pill?



  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    Not meaning to be ugly. Why don't you just eat healthy and exercise? Say the pill does work and you lose all the weight you wanted. What will happen when you stop taking them and go back to eating when you gained the weight to begin with? Get where I'm going with this. As long as you eat healthy and exercise, it will happen. Not over night, but it will happen.

    This is a joke post by the OP.. adipose was in an episode of Doctor Who.. it's not a real weight loss pill.
  • xiibalba
    xiibalba Posts: 17 Member
    How many calories does the Drunken Giraffe burn? :glasses:
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    This should be a new thread: All Dr. Who exercises and how many calories it burns. Brilliant!
  • xiibalba
    xiibalba Posts: 17 Member
    Our arms and shoulders would be sore the next morning
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Ha Ha I see what you did there!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member

    to see fat walking away

  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Best. Thread. Ever.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Love the Dr. Who joke :)

    But seriously, there is no such thing as a magic pill to lose weight and never trust the testimonials. I've been a chunky guy all of my life and I've tried the "easy" way of losing weight twice.

    First time I tried stacker 2 and stopped early because I was getting too jittery and was worried about my heart, and the 2nd time I tried reveal weight not which worked at first, going from 260 to 230, but after quickly shot back up to my starting weight. Weight not worked but I couldn't drink alcohol or eat any of the foods that I liked which is why as soon as I finished the program I went back to my old way.

    The real way to lose weight, Creating a deficit. After failing both of the "easy" lose weight quick attempts a friend of mine shined me on the weight watchers (great program) and then I transitioned to fitness pal because it is free (also a great program). These programs work because simply put, the only way to lose weight is to create a deficit between the calories you burn and the calories you consume.

    I was frustrated in the past because working out alone wasn't solving my weight problem and I was slowly but surely gaining weight with every passing month. After starting weight watchers/fitness pal, it's very obvious why i was gaining. Sugared sodas, eating 2 or more large meals per day without considering the calories, fried foods, Foods that are not as satisfying but high in fat and calories and etc.

    After I started dieting the smart way, I've been slowly losing weight and keeping it off. I've only lost 12 lbs in the last 1.5 years of dieting with weight watchers and fitness pal, but for me that's outstanding because before I was slowly going up, not down. I'm also in better shape physically and cardiovascular wise since I've started. I can lift more now than 1.5 years ago and I have better endurance / can run longer.

    The only reason I've lost weight so slowly is because I took a few breaks here and there. Even during the breaks though I didn't gain all that much weight and tended to plato. Following these programs taught me to 1. get rid of empty calories like soda, and 2 if I get a high calorie meal one part of the day, eat a less intensive meal another part. This has become habit for me, so even when I took breaks it wasn't a deal breaker.

    I hope this story inspires at least some people to ditch the "get thin quick schemes" and start using your brain. You're body isn't working against you, it's doing exactly what it was made to do. Feed it too much and don't exercise then you will gain weight.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I love that there are so many Whovians on this site. <3<3
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    I would love to have Adipose...as long as there was someone responsible as the nurse because someone irresponsible ends super badly.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I would love to have Adipose...as long as there was someone responsible as the nurse because someone irresponsible ends super badly.

    it was a flawed plan b/c it was needlessly in the dark. the ppl who live in the Whoniverse are AWARE that aliens exist. if they had come to us - a fat planet - and said: "here's the deal... our ppl are made of fat cells. but they were all murdered. so, if you wouldn't mind, could you plz do this? you'll lose fat and we'll re-populate. anything you can give would be grand"

    there would have been no major conspiracy and everyone would have lined up to take the pills.
  • MCarbary
    MCarbary Posts: 48 Member
    If you can handle large doses of caffiene Yellow Scorpions from Hi-Tech Nurtrition are incredible!
  • MattyFTM
    MattyFTM Posts: 68 Member
    Gotta love all of the people ignoring the comments that make it clear that this is a Doctor Who joke, and posting a serious response anyway. Wouldn't it be great if you really could just turn your fat into cute little adipose!!!
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    My dear, lovely Whovians - ADD ME! XD
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Wowie!! 4 pages?? How cool! So many Whovians!! I will be friend requesting you shortly, if I miss you, feel free to add me!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    ....did Dr. Oz recommend this??
    How do you know it works, if he didn't recommend it?!?!!!

    Edit: Sarcasm, in case it's hard to read.