Edo Japan nutritional info?

Hey everyone. I had Edo for lunch, and got a kids meal. But I can't seem to find any nutritional information for their kids meals. So I am not sure how to log it. Anyone know where or how I could get the info? Or a decent way to guess? Thanks!!


  • yallllah
    yallllah Posts: 35 Member
    I would take the adult's menu (http://www.edojapan.com/edo-nutrition-facts.pdf) and choose the item that sounds the closest. Then I'd think about the portion size and multiply the calorie count from the adult menu by whatever I thought most closely resembled the portion size of a kids' meal at the restaurant.

    ie: ate a Salmon Nigiri Roll, 6 pieces, 700 kcal. Maybe a kid's portion is about 70% of that. So 700 x 0.7 = 490 kcal.

    But to be honest, there are so many variables here (the chefs at these places aren't robots; fish nutritional info depends on location caught; the kid's menu isn't exactly the same as the adult's and might use different ingredients aimed at children; etc) I'd just break whatever I ate down myself, use that as a quick estimate, then add 50 or 100 kcal to keep myself honest.

  • brrraley
    brrraley Posts: 8
    Thanks :) good advice! I did my best guess