Me in a nutshell

laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
Hi all,

Though I may as well tell my story as put things in words seem to be a good way of holding one’s self accountable.

So I will start with a back ground, I was extremely underweight for most of my life at 49kg (108lbs) at 5’8 and male, this lasted until I was about 29. Then finally started to put on weight. After trying to quit smoking a bunch of times I would relay of food and beer more and more.
2012/2013 I started to have some health scares (heart attack and stroke symptoms), still smoking at the time I thought it was that so quit for 12 months. Now this made everything worse, my weight jumped up to 83kg (182lbs) with at least 30% body fat and my chest pains were extreme. Mid 2013 they finally worked it out a cross between really high cholesterol and anxiety/depression mixed with caring way too much weight.

Not wanting to go on medication for anxiety I knew by the end of last year something had to change.
In February I had a starting weight of 81kg (178lbs) so started slowly with eliminating certain foods (alcohol, chips , chocolate) etc., still with these chest pains was unable to really workout so just wanted to change my eating habits, by about April it had started to make a pretty big difference 77kg (171lbs) and chest pains are almost gone completely, Then came the bet with a colleague who ever loses the most weight in a month gets $100 and bragging rights of just being better .
Brings us to today, so finally not drinking soda (down from 6-10 cans a day), 3lts+ of water a day and trying to walk for at least 1 hr. a day, result so far 70.4kg(155lbs) but still 25%body fat.

Ultimate goal it 65kg and 12% or less body fat.

Sorry to bore you all with my life story of fitness or lack thereof.


  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Before anyone says anything about my eating diary and how few calories I am eating, it is what works for me and it is only to drop off the first bit of weight so I can start running again.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss goals. Just one piece of advice. If you aren't eating enough, you could put your body into starvation mode. Also, for every 13 lbs. lost, only 7 of it will be fat, the rest will be muscle mass. It's better to go slow and steady.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Thank you for the advise.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Have had a bit of a stall for 3 days, worth up'ing the cardio?
  • I mean you could, but I think you'll break through it just fine. If all else fails, up water intake before cardio.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    I had been loosing every day for 4 weeks. was more a stressing about nothing moment thing then.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Good job man, keep up the good work. I've been a chunky guy all of my life and I'm lucky that I haven't had any health problems associated with it yet, but I'm here now doing my best to get it under control. Started at 265 down to 252 so far, wish me luck.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Good luck mate, really wished i had just stayed on top of it, one the health problems start it becomes so hard to get into shape.

    but that's some good progress.