New to MFP -

Hi, I am a 36 year old mom with 3 kids. 2 of which are teenage girls ( pulls hair out ). I am the heaviest I have ever been and this is my 1st serious attempt at weight loss. I know if something doesn't change at this point, I am eating my life away. My weakness is motivation and discipline so I know this is the hardest thing I will ever do, but do it I must. Looking for friends also on this journey.


  • Hi there, well done for taking the first step. I too am at my heaviest and know I need to sort myself out. I only joined about a week ago but I already feel more positive than I have ever felt before! It helps so much to know you are not alone and everyone on here is so supportive and aiming for the same thing. Please feel free to add me. Joy x
  • Hi there and welcome to MFP! I'm a firm believer in support systems, feel free to add me :D
  • sgomez1214
    sgomez1214 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, I just started about 14 days ago. Its hard to do this on your own. Its always nice to have people going through the same thing so you have the motivation and the support you need.
  • Hi, I just joined MFP. I was going to try Weight Watchers, but really I know what I need to do to lose weight. It's just a matter of doing it. I'm 36 and almost never have the time for exercise. My weight is at the highest it's ever been which isn't terribly bad, but I carry a lot of it in my thighs. It's very noticeable and my pants are too tight, etc... I am about 5'5" and 145 pounds. Before having kids, I was 127 and looked great! I would like to get to 130 and stay there. I always say I'm willing to give up anything to just lose the 15 pounds but it's so hard when the stuff is all around you and you have to say no. I eat a lot and always feel hungry so for me, it's really about eating 1200 calories a day and hopefully losing a pound a week. I tried a high protein, low car diet before joining but I actually gained weight by doing that. Only two pounds but still... so here I am, ready to start tomorrow! Clean and fresh. I wrote out a list of everything I will be eating each day.. The key for me will be to only have in my house the stuff I am going to be eating.
  • Hi all, I am back! Had some health problems that kept me away sadly but gladly am 25 lbs lighter!!! woohoo! Feeling better now :) and motivated to keep going
  • Danimalrunsagain
    Danimalrunsagain Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all, I am back! Had some health problems that kept me away sadly but gladly am 25 lbs lighter!!! woohoo! Feeling better now :) and motivated to keep going

    Good job. The real key is to just never give up. We all have setbacks and times we want to quit but winners never quit.
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    I know about that teenage girl thing, I had 6 of them. It will get better and so will this. One day at a time. Friends, time and motivation help. Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck