5' 2" Ladies - what is your best weight? goal weight?



  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    i don't really have a clue about my goal weight but kind of say 120-125lbs! I am 5ft1 and never used to weigh myself before i had my daughter and went by how my clothes fitted instead. I want to be a UK 10-12 again. I am super curvy but also fairly small framed! Right now i wear a size 32gg bra and i have fat on my back, my usual size is a 30G/GG and even then I had back fat suggesting I was carrying too much fat. Even at my slimmest i had big hips and boobs but a small rib cage and tiny waist. I think to be honest i would rather look and feel good than worry about a specific number but i know my slimmest weight since I has my dd was 133lbs and I still carried a lot of fat but to get back there i would feel good and then take the rest as slowly needed :smile:
  • misskgb
    misskgb Posts: 26 Member
    Out of curiosity, why is everyone so concerned with what number they want to get down to? Why not just be healthy, fit, and happy! Here is to the day when scales no longer matter!
  • I'm 5'2 looking to get down to 110!

    My highest was 136 before I learned I had a medical condition.. the right medication helped get me to where I am now (125) but still looking to get down to 110! I felt so yucky at 130+.

    Just joined the site yesterday, looking for friends for motivation and encouragement so please feel free to add me! Go shorties! :)
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I'm juuust over 5'2" and I weigh 135. It's always nice to see a smaller number on the scale, but I don't have a goal weight - losing pounds is not my focus. I prefer to go by how I feel, how my clothes fit, and what I see in the mirror!

    ETA: thought I'd share this pic :) I weigh ~135 in both but I definitely like me better in that red top ;)

  • mollymao
    mollymao Posts: 13
    The scale really helps me: keep an eye on things, stay motivated, monitor progress, and confirm fears! I don't see it as a negative at all, but one of many tools.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Inspired by the thread for 5' 7" ladies -- same question for the shorties out there. What's your best weight for your height?
    I'm 5' 2" and am currently at 127 and aiming for 120.

    Whenever I get to 130, I feel yucky -- but every pound down from there is a huge improvement.

    Can we be friends on here?!?!?! I'm 5'2" and currently 127 and want to be back down to 120 at least! I'm okay when I see 127 or below on the scale, but when that sucker goes up to 128-130, I freak out. I hate the way I feel when I weigh that much
  • LilMsMuffinTop14
    LilMsMuffinTop14 Posts: 11 Member
    5'1 here. 145 was my highest. Current weight 134.4 would love to be 125. I got down to 116 at one point and people started to think I was sick..I would be comfy a 125.
  • Ashaleet
    Ashaleet Posts: 59
    5'1. Started at 225, my goal is 140. Once I get to 140 I will re-evaluate.
  • mollymao
    mollymao Posts: 13
    Inspired by the thread for 5' 7" ladies -- same question for the shorties out there. What's your best weight for your height?
    I'm 5' 2" and am currently at 127 and aiming for 120.

    Whenever I get to 130, I feel yucky -- but every pound down from there is a huge improvement.

    Can we be friends on here?!?!?! I'm 5'2" and currently 127 and want to be back down to 120 at least! I'm okay when I see 127 or below on the scale, but when that sucker goes up to 128-130, I freak out. I hate the way I feel when I weigh that much

    Yes, we are TWINS!
  • KezJB
    KezJB Posts: 33 Member
    Out of curiosity, why is everyone so concerned with what number they want to get down to? Why not just be healthy, fit, and happy! Here is to the day when scales no longer matter!

    Because that's what motivates me, because that what gives me an indication of success, because I know from experience what the numbers mean in relation to my skinny jeans.

    I'm not using other peoples goals to base my own on, therefore my goal is healthy, fit and happy :/ imo.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 230lbs.

    My "goal" is to be around 140, but I going to go more on my appearance vs the weight. So it may be more or less in the end.

    Also, anyone is free to add me! :D
  • AliciaKnits
    AliciaKnits Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'2", age 30, 155 lbs currently. Looking to drop to 125 and go from there. I'm a traditional hourglass shape, so when I'm smaller or heavier, people notice. I've started running to stay in shape and slim down and am mostly happy with my weight loss so far.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    4'11 and 101 pounds. I'm happy with my weight, I am more interested in inches at this point. I'll hopefully be putting more muscle weight on over the next few months.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I have the ticker on my profile set to 125...but it's just a loose guideline. I'm sitting at 150lbs right now and hovering between sizes 8 through 12. Ideally, I'd like to be a size 2 or 4.
  • widmer3
    widmer3 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 5'2". My highest weight was around 135 and I felt gross. I'm currently at around 119, trying to get down to a solid, muscle-packed 115.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    5'2" and I think the weight I like to be at is about 128-133. That puts me around 25% BF which is easier to maintain than my lowest at 125 lbs and ~22%. I once had a goal of 121 based on my weight coming out of basic training, but once I determined my BF% I knew I wasn't going to see those last 4 lbs go. I'm now sitting about 29% at 137 lbs and comfy in my body and focusing more on my workouts than losing the little bit....if it happens great, but I don't think I look bad at this point.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I'm 5'2" and got down to 140 lbs which was a lot better than 180 (where I started). My goal has always been 130-135.

    same goals here, 5'3'' and long term is to be 140. I have a long way to go still though.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    I'm 5ft 3 and weight fluctuates from 99-108lbs depending on how active I am being. I am happiest with how I look around 102lbs (weight in my profile pic) but I am trying to do more strength training & gradually build more muscle. So at the moment I'm happy for my weight to be increasing & don't have a goal number in mind so long as the visual changes/measurements I'm seeing are positive & I'm not just gaining fat.

    Almost the same, I'm 5'2 and my weight goes from 97 to 107. Same goals. :)
  • nikki2572
    nikki2572 Posts: 11 Member
    Its interesting to read the post. Such a wide range of goal weights :smile:

    I am 5'2" and currently about 148-149. My highest weight was 150+ and I couldn't believe it when I saw a picture of me recently. Ouch - I don't feel as heavy as I looked in the photo. Decided I had to do something about it. Right now I have my goal down as 115 - but truth be told I am not 100% sure what the most reasonable goal is at this time. I weight 120 most of my teen & early adult years. When I got married I was at my lowest weight of 113. Even then I have never felt "skinny". Over the next 4 years I gained weight up to 130 lbs before my first child, 135 lbs before my second child another 5 years later. Turned 40 and weighed 140-144 lbs. The last 3-6 months is when I jumped up to the 150+.

    I am looking to get my body fat % down & increase my lean mass. I am assuming my final weight that I will rest at and maintain will be some where between 110-130. I am enjoying the process and looking forward to the results and learning how to maintain a healthier lifestyle the rest of my life.
  • I'm 114 pounds now, aiming for ~105 though 125-130 was my initial goal... :)