I need to vent because this is something that really grinds my gears!!

Have you ever gone to eat something & a family member or a friend says "you can't eat that!" or "that's not healthy" or "arnt you dieting? Why are you eating that" ?????

Just because you are dieting doesn't mean all you can eat is veggies & salads!! I enjoy 100 calorie snacks that are low in sodium & when I went to eat 100 calorie pack chocolate covered pretzels today a friend of mine says to me "those are fattening, your not sticking to your dieting!" Ok first of all I'm obviously doing something right if I've lost 20lbs!! And why is someone who is stuffing there face with chocolate cake gonna tell me I'm eating unhealthy?

I am loosing, I am healthier & on my way to becoming even healthier. I know what I'm doing! I don't need someone to tell me I'm doing it wrong! :devil:


  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Are we related?? :laugh: Not to laugh I know it is frustrating but my family does it alot. They know I'm dieting so they are just looking out for my progress but it can be BEYOND annoying. Don't listen though, just tell them you have it under control, because you obviously do
  • Yarnpiggie
    Yeah they think they are helping. It is hard to take it as help though. My mother, who is the one most likely to do this kind of thing, knows My fuse can be quite short with hooey like this and she knows it. ;-)

    That being said, sometimes a good answer is just "Okay." The point, as you know, isn't that you are dieting or depriving yourself, but that you are changing your life. That doesn't mean you have to always say no.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Family thinks they are trying to be helpful if they are healthy or at least naturally skinny.

    Anybody that weighs more than you, especially someone stuffing their face with cake, is insecure and trying to point out how you fail too.

    Ignore them. Have 200 calories of pretzels, go to the gym, and then come in the next day talking about had you had to go out the night before and buy new pants b/c all yours were too big and falling off. :devil:
  • carrieann8080
    That is the worst!! Happens to me too....especially at work!! Don't you want to just say "If I wanted your advice I would ask, and since you are sitting there eating a doughnut, I really don't need advice from you!" Keep it up!!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I just don't get why people think they're being helpful when in the real world they're concerning themselves with something that isn't their business.

    Some people just feel better if they feel they get to put in their 2 cents worth. Smile and say yep I'm eating it and it's better than some of the stuff I used to ingest. LMAO.

    Or mind your own beeswax or leave me the f alone or a slew of other remarks come to mind. Whatever people! My name is Beth and yours isn't so I'm sure we're going to do things differently :) is what I generally say.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I get the opposite. Because I am thin...they try to push everything on me. I just want to yell 'I'm this size and I want to stay this way. I am not working out 5 days a week for at least an hour to cram junk in my mouth!'. While I do have my days where I beinge on the bad's because I want to, not having say 'oh, but you're can eat this peice of cake and not have to think twice about it'. People can be so annoying.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    That drives me nuts when people do that! Anytime I eat with my mom she always comments on what I'm eating.... grr... I gained lots of wait when I lived with her and started losing wait the moment I moved out! I find the more people comment on what I'm eating, or aren't you on a diet the worse I do. I know they are just trying to be helpful, but rawr!!! :explode:

    Thanks for letting me vent too! :flowerforyou:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Been there, done that, and still use my magic cooler! LOL Years ago, I worked in an office where everyone was on a diet. I had some issues with PCOS, Fibroids, and Endometrosis so I was on a lot of meds to try and get my hormones straightened out. The meds and hormone issues had made me gain weight, and long story short, I needed to lose a lot too. Well, I finally took a certification on special populations (specifically female hormone issues) and learned what I needed to know to regulate my systems naturally and went off the medications. When I started doing the steps necessary to lose body fat but retain my muscle, I started carrying a cooler to work with me with all my food. I was eating every 3 hours and in the gym every night. (At the time I was working as an accountant and only doing personal training part time, so my evenings were split between training others and doing my own workouts.) Anyway, as my co-workers scolded me for eating all that food and how I would never lose weight that way, I smiled and told them I would be just fine because it came from my magic cooler. As they invited me to their various weight loss meetings, I smiled and told them no thanks. Three months into my program I had lost 35 pounds on the scale and several sizes, while most of them still looked the same. Suddenly, they all wanted to know what was in my magic cooler. So, just smile and let them think what they want, but in a few months, they will want to know what is in your magic snacks. :laugh:
  • Meganne1982
    I actually had to put my family (parents) under the rule that they are not allowed to talk to me about what I should or should not be eating. They harassed me about it all through my childhood which only led me to teenage obesity. I got to the point where I told them that all I want or need is their support and it's my job to take care of my body.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    That is the worst!! Happens to me too....especially at work!! Don't you want to just say "If I wanted your advice I would ask, and since you are sitting there eating a doughnut, I really don't need advice from you!" Keep it up!!

    I like that. But my favorite response is and always will be, "If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you."
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    People who are trying to loose weight can enjoy food just as much as those other people, but in moderation. Instead of eating a whole ice-cream bar, eat a few bites. and so on... It really annoys me too when they're like that.
  • crissi66
    I hear you loud and clear on that one. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to lose weight and constantly have people criticize you. I have a aunt that is almost 400 lbs and after ive lost about 30lbs tells me i will always look like a linebacker. How inconsiderate and insensitive. Ive been busting my *kitten* since september and she does nothing but tell me to eat out with her at restaraunts like olive garden and chinese food places and then has the nerve to tell me i look like a football player. sometimes people are just so dumb:explode:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I get that too from a lot of people, especially at work! There's this one person that works second shift...and he found out that I do P90X and went on and on about it how CrossFit is better. Hey, I have nothing against CrossFit, I am sure it is great too....but the thing is, the person that was telling me that it's better than what I was doing is FAT and probably doesn't even do it himself since he's the same weight that he was when I met him 2 years ago. I keep losing weight doing P90X and he's doing NOTHING but says that he's doing is better??? Hmph.

    Some people wanna be center of attention, that's all. I just let them talk and know in my heart that I am doing right for my body, whether they see it, believe it, or not.
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    You know that bothers me too but in my case it's the opposite. They say 'oh just have one', 'you can treat yourself to more than one', 'it's not that bad, go ahead, come on, go ahead' and my worst one yet, 'you're obsessed with counting calories..just eat!'

    I mean I don't say anything to them! But I choose to be the bigger person and say 'I may be obsessed but it's working', or 'no thanks one is plenty I enjoy every bite'.

    So as long as what you're doing is working...keep it up with a great big smile :happy:
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    I know what you mean girl.. I always tell my family that, I am not dieting I am changing my eating habits, but that doesn't mean I can't eat something fattening once in a while. & besides it's not like you are consuming a lot to effect your eating habits. girl they are just JEALOUS.
  • katrina1025
    katrina1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I hear ya! My Mom is a health nut. Her idea of a "treat" is unsalted pretzels...blech! So at Christmas she was shredding some cheese...yes cheese for some thing and I pinched some, like between three fingers. And she replied "oh I have some 75% fat free cheese if you want it? I know she's trying to help but seriously Low fat cheese is horrific! and It's cheese!! Not a chocolate cake! Prior to me watching what I was eating I would have been rummaging for cookies!

    So I just told her, listen I'm counting calories, I eat what I want and I work out. Its in versus out. And you can keep your crappy cheese :P
  • LoserCruiser
    OMG my husband is the WORST for this!!! I finally told him to shut up that his reactions to what I eat are NOT HELPING!!! It doesn't make you feel better and lose weight when someone knocks you down, it makes you feel like *kitten* and depresses you causing you to eat more!! Come on friends and family, BACK OFF!!!
  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    I know how you feel....I have lost over 30 pounds in less than two months....and get told that I am doing it all wrong and that a little of this or that will not hurt me.....I just tried to avoid the family as much as possible during the husband and kids don't care what I a matter of of my daughters had decided that she could eat a little healthier.....
  • DaniEss
    I get the opposite. Because I am thin...they try to push everything on me. I just want to yell 'I'm this size and I want to stay this way. I am not working out 5 days a week for at least an hour to cram junk in my mouth!'. While I do have my days where I beinge on the bad's because I want to, not having say 'oh, but you're can eat this peice of cake and not have to think twice about it'. People can be so annoying.

    I actually agree on that one. It is very frustrating when I decline a certain food, or extra helping of food (which might be very difficult and take a lot of self-control) and they undermine my decision saying that I dont have to worry about my weight. Even if other people see me as a healthy weight, I can tell when my belly is larger than I feel comfortable with. It would be nice of others to respect our decisions to eat (or not eat) what we choose.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I hate those kinds of comments, but as another commenter stated I also hate the 'come on treat yourself, you've lost weight you desire it' people too. I just try and ignore that and it they keep it up, punch them in the thoart. Just say you have an involuntary punching problem because of all the kickboxing classes you have gone to.