5' 2" Ladies - what is your best weight? goal weight?



  • adgarry2014
    adgarry2014 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently weigh 114lbs as of today. Before I started MFP in February, my weight had crept up to 124lbs and most of my jeans and dress pants were so tight I was miserable. I finally decided I had to do something to get back to 112lbs where I feel most comfortable in my clothes and in my own skin. Now that I am so close, I will probably change my goal to 110lbs. In the past I weighed between 110lbs-112lbs which I think is an ideal weight for my build. I totally agree with the comments that every pound makes a difference when you are at a shorter stature. Of course, at this stage a mere 5lbs can be a bully to overcome. So yah, my best weight for me would be 110lbs. My goal weight, however, is 112lbs. So close...:bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone!
  • ppmcauley
    ppmcauley Posts: 14
    I'm 5'2" and I'm shooting for 125 lbs.:smile:
  • 5'1. Started at 225, my goal is 140. Once I get to 140 I will re-evaluate.

    This is almost exactly me too. I am actually a wee bit taller (a little over 5'2"). Started at over 224 and looking toward 140 as a goal. I was 148 at my 2002 wedding and felt really good. I am athletically built and anything less than 125 would make me look positively sickly. I'm not a small person despite my height. :)

    My doctor said to keep in mind that the good old charts don't take many factors into account... get to the upper part of the range and be satisfied. Sounds like a plan!!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently weigh 114lbs as of today. Before I started MFP in March, my weight had crept up to 124lbs and most of my jeans and dress pants were so tight I was miserable. I finally decided I had to do something to get back to 112lbs where I feel most comfortable in my clothes and in my own skin. Now that I am so close, I will probably change my goal to 110lbs. In the past I weighed between 110lbs-112lbs which I think is an ideal weight for my build. I totally agree with the comments that every pound makes a difference when you are at a shorter stature. Of course, at this stage a mere 5lbs can be a bully to overcome. So yah, my best weight for me would be 110lbs. My goal weight, however, is 112lbs. So close...:bigsmile:

    Good luck everyone!

    I think you can easily get to 110! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get below 110 (I'm an inch shorter than you) so that was my first goal, but it was very easy for me to get to 108, then 107, now I'm at 106, and my goal is 105. I've found that it is just as easy to drop these last few pounds as it was to get rid of the first 5.
  • baderis07
    baderis07 Posts: 35
    I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 135lbs. That is actually considered high for my height but I also have a large frame. Anything below 135lbs and I tend to get over boney. I have a very hourglass figure.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I am 5' 2" and am shooting for 140 pounds to start. Once I get there I will most likely maintain for a bit and see whether I want to try to lose another 10. My best adult weight has been between 125-135, but I'm older now. *sighs* I am not small framed person, anything under 125 and I start to look sickly.
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    I am 5"2. I currently weight 178. I would like to get down to 120 but would be happy with 130. If i go below 120, I look sick and too boney..
    I would love to look like I did before I got pregnant. I was in the best shape of my life at that time!
  • Leggo1288
    Leggo1288 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh 225.I've started lifting heavy and I'm eating at a deficit. I plan to just keep losing until I like what I see.
  • DeadKoala
    DeadKoala Posts: 13
    I'm 5'3". My highest weight was 175lbs. Currently I am around 129lbs, which although isn't "overweight", but it makes me feel very unhealthy. I have gone low before (85lbs-95lbs), and was able to maintain that while eating very well (2000+kcal per day, lots of variety), but most people thought I looked sick.
    I don't have a goal weight, but I have a feeling that I'll be more comfy somewhere between 100 and 110 (but I might be fine between 110 and 120, depending on how much muscle I have).

    There are plenty of short people who can pull off 120+ and look fabulous, but I"m not one of them.
  • i'm 5'1 and 25 years old. the most i've ever weighed is 150 lbs, and the least is 115. i'm 133 now -- trying to get down to 110 or wherever i arrive with a consistent and healthy amount of exercise
  • teamau44
    teamau44 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'1.5" (hahah stupid half inch!) but I'd like to get down to 130ish or so. I was there before when I had just met my husband and before my 2 kids 15 years ago. When I was 130, I was a size 4. I managed to get up to 178 (oy) when I joined MFP, and I am currently at 168. :D so I've lost ten lbs so far. I've got a medium frame, but tend towards being muscular and dense. I'm not saying thats an excuse, but i'd like to get down to 23% body fat as opposed to the 34% that i'm carrying around.


    any of you can add me if you like! :D
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Started at 252 pounds and at my lowest was 131.4. But I think, for me, my happy weight (that I can handle mentally and physically) is 135 to 136.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm 5' 4" and my goal is 125.

    No, I don't think the numbers matter as much as overall health/fitness/toning, but a goal gives people motivation because then they can look at the scale each week and see how close they've gotten. And if they get a week where they have zero loss or gain a pound they can look at their diary and see what went wrong.
  • I'm 5'2"- 5'3" depending on the day lol but my best weight has been 140 but my goal weight is 115-120 lbs. But I want to be toned! Not a flabby 120, but a nice toned 120.
  • I'm 5'2", age 30, 155 lbs currently. Looking to drop to 125 and go from there. I'm a traditional hourglass shape, so when I'm smaller or heavier, people notice. I've started running to stay in shape and slim down and am mostly happy with my weight loss so far.

    Yeah if I put on 10 lbs or lose 10 lbs it's noticeable! I also started running. It's sometimes nice just to clear the mind.
  • demonwithahalo
    demonwithahalo Posts: 11 Member
    I am almost 5'2", and my goal is somewhere in the mid-low 120's, including adding on some muscle. I have never, as an adult, been able to get below 120 without a psychotic level of exercise, to the point of not being healthy. I think it's nice to have a body fat % to work toward so that I don't focus as much on the number but instead on muscles that show and strength.
  • BKNeenz
    BKNeenz Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'3" and the lightest I'v weighed as an adult was 108. I personally felt I looked a little sickly at that weight. I liked the 120-125lb range with muscle...oh boy that was a long time ago! lol. I am 38 now and my goal weight is 140. Once I get there, I'll see about losing more if I feel it's right for me.
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    I am a proud 45 yr. 5'2" tall mom of 3 girls with an adorable grandson. I weigh 140 and wear a size 6 pant (a few size 4 pants but mostly 6) and a size 4 dress\top. I lift heavy heavy 3 days a week and for 2 cardio days I lift heavy and fast ;)

    The last time I wore a size 6 was in my 20's and I weighed 118. I was skinny-fat.

    So, I no longer have a goal weight because I want to continue to build muscle.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    My doctor said to keep in mind that the good old charts don't take many factors into account... get to the upper part of the range and be satisfied. Sounds like a plan!!

    I totally ignore that old chart. I don't think it's a very good system because it judges everyone to the same standard. People aren't a one size fits all.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 5'0" and weigh 122 lbs. My goal is a well muscled 115 but I will probably drop below that while I'm working on my borderline high body fat % issue. I got down to 117 or so about 7 months ago but was only that weight for a few weeks while I was sick so I don't think that counts.
  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    I'm not a small build and my doctor gave me 160 lbs as my goal weight!

    Mine, too! But I'm under that now and shooting for 137 (62 yrs old, 5'1.5). Then I'll probably go for 129/130 where I looked really good.]
    TIFFANYLEIGHSMITH Posts: 41 Member
    I am 5'1" and I have my goal weight listed as 120 but I would really like to be in the 105-110 range.
  • LizzClo
    LizzClo Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 29 yo and 5'3" and have not been below 130 lbs since I'd guess my early teens. In the last year I went from 177 lbs to 130-135 lbs. I would like to get between 120 - 125 lbs, but I'm really struggling to stay below 135 lb. I don't think I'll ever get below 120 lbs, I love my food (specifically chocolate) way too much for that. Would really like to get toned, but not sure how to go about doing that as I don't have the money or time for the gym (I think I would need a personal trainer) so for now I'm doing mainly cardio and some JM DVDs.
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    I'm 5'1 my goal is 55kg. I can go lower but I'd rather see how I am at the time. After gallbladder surgery yrs ago I lost too much so want to be careful bout it. Since then I had another child now no more kids and can work it off and keep it off.
  • I'm 5'1 and would feel most comfortable getting back to 95-100 lbs. Not sure where I'm at right now. Probably low 130s or high 120s.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I'm about 5'1.5" and I am aiming for 125 pounds. I've never been a 'normal' weight since I was about 8, though, so I don't even know if that's right for me. And honestly, last time I weighed that much was Junior high! And I caught a lot of hell for it, since I hadn't really even reached my full height yet so at that weight I was undeniably tubby.
  • Some people have wider hips, shoulders which totally effects their weight. I am 5"3" and currently weigh 140. I have weighed as little as 120 but seemed impossible to weigh less than that. I say 125-130 is great. But depends on your body type. I am just starting dieting again. Day 3!! I can do it.
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and currently am about 148. Want to weight 110-120. We'll see! I think I'll like anything in the 120's!
  • vermillionlove
    vermillionlove Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal is 150 right now. I'm not sure what weight I should really try to go for for my frame. It feels kinda bad seeing you guys describe your highest weights of like 130 as "yucky".. I'll feel lucky if I ever get that low. I started at 220 lbs.

    I set my goal at 150 because i remember seeing that number in high school. I was still chubby then though. So I should go for 130 or lower probably. I weigh 165 currently.
  • Yep_imchicbad
    Yep_imchicbad Posts: 66 Member
    (Sigh).......... ok, I'm 39 years old, mother of 3. I weighed 124 after my last kid at 24 years of age, before any kids- I was 115. At my heaviest I was 154 ( I know) then went down to 133. I looked crazy skinny ( I did dieting with ZERO exercise) then I decided to get tone, since I was all flabby and deflated. I went from 133 in a size 6 juniors to 140 in a size 3-4. this is me know. I had my sights set on the magical number 125. But I don't care what the scale says anymore, I'm more interested in how I look in the mirror, the muscle tone, and measurements are how I keep track of my progress. I don't want to look all sucked up and skin saggy. I could care less about being a size 2. Id rather be healthy, so if I look better heavier than so be it.

    You should really quit all this I need to be 100 pounds cause I'm short stuff. And eating 1200 calories or less is for the birds. Literally. And you wonder why your so hungry, tired, have headaches and your hair is falling out.
    I eat from 1400-1800 calories, lift weights with minimum to zero cardio. I'm losing weight still.