So after long periods of restricting this past week I gave in a binged a few times...going over maintenance once or twice by 200 cals. Then today I blew it and went over by 600 cals. If I stay under the rest of the week can I not gain any weight from this?


  • From one binge ? Not likely however you went wrong by restricting yourself
    If you cut out all the foods you love binges tend to happen you have to allow yourself to enjoy the foods you love
    I know for myself as an emotional binge eater I did NOT want to get rid of the foods I loved (I am a cakeaholic)
    So I learned to improvise and make my favorite foods healthier
    which is something you can try .. it ISNT the same as if you eat the junk but it satisfies the craving and fills you up more than junk food .. allow yourself treats add extra exercise on days you eat more
    it takes 3500 cal to gain a lb of fat one time overage of 600 cal isnt going to cause weight gain
    but you need to tackle the reason for the binge
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Going over by 200 is not a "binge." Even 600 is not a "binge." Today was my son's birthday. I had pizza and I will have cake. I know I'll be over by around 600, but it's still not a "binge" just going over because of a special occasion. If I ate the whole pizza or the whole cake, then it's a binge.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Consider this:

    Your calorie goal is probably set around 250-500 calories below your TDEE each day, right? That's the amount we would need to "under eat" in order to lose 1/2 to 1 pound per week. So, if you binge by that amount, you're basically eating at maintenance. If you binged, but not to the point where you ate up all of your caloric deficit, then you should still lose, just not as fast.

    Math doesn't lie :)
  • 34xx34
    34xx34 Posts: 16
    okay i normally net 1800 today i netted 2600 does that help
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    okay i normally net 1800 today i netted 2600 does that help

    No. You should look at the past week.

    It takes a 3500 calorie deficit over the course of a week to lose a pound. That's why we subtract 500 calories per day in order to create that deficit and lose a pound in a week. By that same formula, it would take eating 3500 calories more than your TDEE for the week to gain a pound. I seriously doubt that you did so.

    Even if you did, so what? You just get back on the horse and manage your intake better tomorrow, so that next week your calories for the week will be at a healthy deficit. No need to panic or get upset.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    From one binge ? Not likely however you went wrong by restricting yourself
    If you cut out all the foods you love binges tend to happen you have to allow yourself to enjoy the foods you love
    I know for myself as an emotional binge eater I did NOT want to get rid of the foods I loved (I am a cakeaholic)
    So I learned to improvise and make my favorite foods healthier
    which is something you can try .. it ISNT the same as if you eat the junk but it satisfies the craving and fills you up more than junk food .. allow yourself treats add extra exercise on days you eat more
    it takes 3500 cal to gain a lb of fat one time overage of 600 cal isnt going to cause weight gain
    but you need to tackle the reason for the binge

  • OnU2nite
    OnU2nite Posts: 23 Member
    Actually a lot of people do this on purpose. Its called carb cycling. Its said that you can eat low carb 5-6 days a week and have 36 hours to "reasonably" binge. This shocks the metabolism into high gear. You then switch back to low carb with your metabolism on high to help burn calories throughout the week.. I use sundays as a full cheat day. Its my reward for a successful week and helps keep my sanity and social life.
  • OnU2nite
    OnU2nite Posts: 23 Member
    As far as your last sentence.... "If i stay under the rest of the week"

    Problem: Lets say.... It's the middle of the day. You are half way through your Macro nutrients and whats this? You spot a carton of ice cream in the freezer. Mmmm... Its hot outside and there is a good movie on.... Ahhhh! On the couch you go and down goes the ice cream. Tasty right? But now you are way over your total calories for the day!

    Solution: Eat your very next meal as planned. The calories in the ice cream did nothing for your macros. If you do not finish your meals, you get a double whammy. You shorted your macros AND you ate junk. Eating your next meal puts your diet right back on track and later on in the evening when your body is looking for fuel, you are feeding or have fed it protien/carbs/fat and its not left to make due with the ice cream until the following day.

    Do not punish yourself in calories for your slip ups. Do it in the gym! Calculate those calories and run it off. Then ask yourself... Was an extra 40 min on the treadmill worth it? I like to think of it as a healthy time out. If you go over calories one day and look to recoup the damage by subtracting meals later in the day/week you are setting yourself up for another binge. Diets become overly complicated with "well... I ate too much of this so I can't eat that later" and "oooh I can have this now if I don't eat my evening snack the rest of the week"

    Stay consistent for success! Even if its a healthy-ish binge once a week.
    There is no punishment for a binge if its calculated correctly and accounted for in your week.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    As far as your last sentence.... "If i stay under the rest of the week"

    Problem: Lets say.... It's the middle of the day. You are half way through your Macro nutrients and whats this? You spot a carton of ice cream in the freezer. Mmmm... Its hot outside and there is a good movie on.... Ahhhh! On the couch you go and down goes the ice cream. Tasty right? But now you are way over your total calories for the day!

    Solution: Eat your very next meal as planned. The calories in the ice cream did nothing for your macros. If you do not finish your meals, you get a double whammy. You shorted your macros AND you ate junk. Eating your next meal puts your diet right back on track and later on in the evening when your body is looking for fuel, you are feeding or have fed it protien/carbs/fat and its not left to make due with the ice cream until the following day.

    Do not punish yourself in calories for your slip ups. Do it in the gym! Calculate those calories and run it off. Then ask yourself... Was an extra 40 min on the treadmill worth it? I like to think of it as a healthy time out. If you go over calories one day and look to recoup the damage by subtracting meals later in the day/week you are setting yourself up for another binge. Diets become overly complicated with "well... I ate too much of this so I can't eat that later" and "oooh I can have this now if I don't eat my evening snack the rest of the week"

    Stay consistent for success! Even if its a healthy-ish binge once a week.
    There is no punishment for a binge if its calculated correctly and accounted for in your week.

    THIS!!! What a great way to put it! 200 calories is nothing. Eating a granola bar would be 200 calories! Just work it off at the gym. Or go for hike!
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"
  • OnU2nite
    OnU2nite Posts: 23 Member
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"

    Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess

    Excess: an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

    In this case it was more than was permitted by her diet.

    Anything else?
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"

    Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess

    Excess: an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

    In this case it was more than was permitted by her diet.

    Anything else?

    It's cute how you edited your original answer.

  • 34xx34
    34xx34 Posts: 16
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"

    Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess

    Excess: an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

    In this case it was more than was permitted by her diet.

    Anything else?
    Thank you so much for being kind and understanding with your response I'll definitely take this into consideration!
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"

    Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess

    Excess: an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

    In this case it was more than was permitted by her diet.

    Anything else?
    Thank you so much for being kind and understanding with your response I'll definitely take this into consideration!

    In order to gain 1lb you would have to go over your maintenance calories for the week by 3500. That comes out to 500 calories per day.

    Going over 200 calories in a day is going to do nothing...
  • 34xx34
    34xx34 Posts: 16
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"

    Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess

    Excess: an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

    In this case it was more than was permitted by her diet.

    Anything else?
    Thank you so much for being kind and understanding with your response I'll definitely take this into consideration!

    In order to gain 1lb you would have to go over your maintenance calories for the week by 3500. That comes out to 500 calories per day.

    Going over 200 calories in a day is going to do nothing...
    I went over my maintenance, which I don't eat at in the first place, twice by 200 and once by about 800 maybe less. To clear things up.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    People really need to look up the definition of "binge"

    Binge: a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess

    Excess: an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

    In this case it was more than was permitted by her diet.

    Anything else?
    Thank you so much for being kind and understanding with your response I'll definitely take this into consideration!

    In order to gain 1lb you would have to go over your maintenance calories for the week by 3500. That comes out to 500 calories per day.

    Going over 200 calories in a day is going to do nothing...
    I went over my maintenance, which I don't eat at in the first place, twice by 200 and once by about 800 maybe less. To clear things up.

    Which is roughly 1200 calories over your maintenance..not even .5 of a lb.

    A little advice I will give you is not sweat the small stuff when it comes to losing weight...and this is small...very small.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    The real question: How many times are you going to post this topic?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    The real question: How many times are you going to post this topic?


    Seriously, it's against the forum rules to post the SAME topic multiple times. Don't like the advice in the other one, it doesn't make the other thread with advice wrong in the least bit.

    You stated in the other one you have recreated and deleted your account like 50x because this site triggers your ED.

    Again, not trying to be rude, but you are not in recovery. Please seek professional help, so you can start the recovery process.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This seems strangely familiar to me...
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