How did you decide on a goal weight?



  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member

    ETA: I should clarify - I ask both because I know I'm getting close, and because my husband and my best friend both think it's time for me to go to maintenance mode, that I'm healthy and they don't want to see me go too far. I worry that their view is distorted because it hasn't seen me healthy in so long, but I also worry that mine is for the same reason. I don't want to settle for better enough - I want to -be- better - but at the same time, I know my head isn't quite into the game yet, it's still like looking at someone else's body.
    Now is a good time to get into toning. Weight is half of it, cardiovascular and strength training is the other half.
  • croses84
    croses84 Posts: 3 Member
    I say when you feel healthiest, in many ways. Easier said than done though. When I was younger I was the "healthiest" weight according to the doctors and the BMI chart but I had no energy, ate barley anything and fainted a lot. I have found for me-MY healthy weight is around 140, but that is close to obese on the BMI chart.
    So, basically, if you feel healthy and are making good decisions for your body, I say maintain and let your body find it's own comfortable in that range.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm still 5 lbs from my goal and I think it will be fine, I'd just like to lose some fat on my hips at this point, but to be fair I've been having a hard time losing lately so at times I wonder if I should even bother. I was at 22% body fat last I checked.
  • waipepe
    waipepe Posts: 110 Member
    I picked my lowest weight as a 20 something year old and added 5kg which would put me at 63kg. I am 5'8. Based on this I have 10kg to go however I will see how I feel at 67kg and decide from there.
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    First of all let me say congrats on getting to 144 from 196 (if I read that right...)!!! You should be really proud of yourself.

    I chose my goal weight based on calculating my BMR, BMI, and calculating my "ideal" body weight. I'm 5'7", almost 5'8" with an athletic frame and started at around 145 pounds. While my BMI was exactly smack dab in the middle (average, healthy - not underweight or overweight), I didn't feel very toned or happy with how I looked or felt. My goal weight is at around 125 pounds, because this is the weight I feel would bring me down (with proper diet and exercise) to a healthier body fat percentage (somewhere between 15-17%), a weight that is "ideal" for me, and a weight that is attainable without being unhealthy for my frame. HOWEVER I recognize that I may actually only lose a couple more pounds from where I'm at now, because even though I want to be a little leaner I understand that once I build more muscle, I will weigh more. Currently, I weigh 132 pounds and my body fat percentage is 21-22%. While I feel pretty good at this stage, I know that I will feel even better once my body fat percentage is a little less than it is, and I am stronger and more toned. :)
  • AnstariaCJ
    AnstariaCJ Posts: 14 Member
    Initially I looked to achieve a BMI of 22. I then looked at for an idea of how that might look. I found that maybe aiming for a higher BMI would be more comfortable for me especially as I gain muscle quite quickly and I don't want to be too slim. I just want to trim the rolls, be strong and reach my fitness goals.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I was told that if I lost 10% of my body weight, it would help lower my cholesterol. However, I was already at a "normal" BMI around 23. So goal 114, BMI around 21-22.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    First of all let me say congrats on getting to 144 from 196 (if I read that right...)!!! You should be really proud of yourself.

    Thank you!

    Thank you all for the responses, it was great to hear so many opinions :)
  • goose412
    goose412 Posts: 3
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I'm 5'3 too, and it's so hard to decide on a number but I like being around 102-105, anything above that and I feel huge (I have fine bone structure) butwhen I weighed less than 100 I felt like I had no boobs! Whatever makes you feel happy and sexy!
  • goose412
    goose412 Posts: 3
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I'm 5'3 too, and it's so hard to decide on a number but I like being around 102-105, anything above that and I feel huge (I have fine bone structure) but when I weighed less than 100 I felt like I had no boobs! Whatever makes you feel happy and sexy!
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    I picked the weight I was while on active duty as a Marine as my goal weight. I was healthy, and happy with how I looked, at that point in my life.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Initially I decided based on the weight that I was in my 20's. I know that 130 on me looked anorexic but I was good at 135. When I was last 135 I was in a size 9 - now I am a size 7 at 145 so obviously the body composition has changed since then.

    I have far more definition now than I ever had in my 20's. I still think 135 will be nice but honestly I am at the point where the number on the scale isn't as big a motivator as it used to be. I'm more interested in a specific 'look' and right now I am not even close to what I want to see when I look in the mirror so I know that I have to keep going. It may be 140, it may be 130 - who knows..

    When I can look in the mirror and say "hawt dang" I'll know it's time to transition into maintenance.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I picked my goal weight to be between 20.0-21.9 BMI. For you, that would be 113-123.5 lbs. I once read a study in high school (who knows how valid), that said a BMI under 22 is actually healthiest. So, in high school, I got down under that and felt AMAZING. So I want that again.

    The exact middle of the BMI healthy range is a BMI of 21.7.
  • meandmylads
    meandmylads Posts: 11 Member
    My main focus was getting rid of belly fat, since that is a huge marker for disease in the long term. Since I'm a pear shape, I had to lose a lot of weight on top before the belly really started melting. I'm 5'4", started at 176 and aimed for 136. Once there, I wasn't satisfied, and now I'm happy at 125 with very muscular calves/thighs (BMI 21.5). I feel toned, comfortable in my body and clothes, and just at ease. Sure my face looks older (I believe it is the French who say you must sacrifice your hips to save your face as you age), but I'm just so happy to be fit! I also wanted to be at a "lower" weight before heading into the lower metabolism menopause years (I'm 36).