Hello everyone! I am looking for Friends and support! I will be 25 next month and really want to get my life and weight under control before ANOTHER year passes me by. I am just under 5 10 and need to lose some significant weight. Yikes I never want to say that again.


  • yacapraro5
    yacapraro5 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! You can add me if you'd like. I just turned 25 in March.
  • leasorath
    leasorath Posts: 21 Member
    Hello there! I'm 26, going to be 27 in about a month and I have 76lbs or so to lose. I'm currently on a 40 some odd day streak with MFP and have an open diary for my friends. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • zilzil123
    zilzil123 Posts: 95
    Thanks I sent you a request leasorath
  • xPeacefulx
    xPeacefulx Posts: 59 Member
    Hello ill be 25 in november :) needing to lose 100 pounds maybe alittle more would be nice but my goal for now is 100 feel free to add me :)
  • stlsmarts
    stlsmarts Posts: 1 Member
    Dude I totally understand. I just turned 24, and I am overly overweight. It's hard but we can do this. Don't give up!