2011 Home Cookin' Challenge for NonCooks

Hey all!
My new years resolution is to plan meals and do some home cooking.
Current my husband and I eat alot of: pizza, mac and cheese, hot pockets... OMG its too horrible to even write.
My goal is to plan the meals for the week... to include at least 3 home cooked meals.
I feel like I am the ONLY person on the planet who doesnt cook, and although many people try to help, its just completely overwhelming to me.

So here is the plan: 3 homecooked meals a week......
Anyone who doesnt cook want to join me. We could share menus and ideas?


  • cheppy
    cheppy Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to take the home cookin challenge myself because my main diet consists of easy sandwiches which have become so boring.
    I will do three home cooked meals a week and make sure they are varied foods. My usual plan for home cookin is to make some mince and freeze it and them make pasta everyday in the evening and just defrost some mince. NO MORE OF THAT. it has to be three totally different home cooked meals
  • stephaluphagus
    dont feel bad about not cooking..i hate cooking!! so my suggestion to you is crockpot dinners!! u throw the ingredients and leave all day..soo easy and i just go online and google healthy recipes..i have a very easy one if you like pulled pork bbq..good luck!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I already cook - but thought I would share a few recipe sites for you to explore. I think you and your husband will really enjoy home cooked meals. Start with quick and few ingredient recipes and work up from there. Good luck!






  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I would like to take the home cookin challenge myself because my main diet consists of easy sandwiches which have become so boring.
    I will do three home cooked meals a week and make sure they are varied foods. My usual plan for home cookin is to make some mince and freeze it and them make pasta everyday in the evening and just defrost some mince. NO MORE OF THAT. it has to be three totally different home cooked meals

    Yeah ... I have a buddy!
    Ok we should post our menus in advance ... and then maybe the recipes at the end of the week if anything was good.
    I started planning like this:
    One day: Ground beef
    One day: Chicken
    One day: Other (Meatless, Seafood, Turkey, Pork, etc)

    I will be out of the state the first week in January, but I have already chosen the meals the weekend when I come home!
  • sweetie89207
    I already cook - but thought I would share a few recipe sites for you to explore. I think you and your husband will really enjoy home cooked meals. Start with quick and few ingredient recipes and work up from there. Good luck!







    nice assortment of sites
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Anyone else out there..... ok seriously if only 2 people on this site dont cook, I am really going to feel like a loser! :)
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    I totally hear you guys! My husband and I lived on takeout, frozen pizzas and other junk. Since trying to get healthier I've been cooking, but it hasn't been a complete success. I've been copying meals from sites like hungrygirl, but as a person I have no creativity! I would love to tag along on this!
    This week I've make my turkey picante meatloaf cupcakes, hungry girl sesame chicken, (both recipies are on the forum) and baked chicken (with mrs dash) and baked potato (I know, not very creative). Tonight I was thinking some kind of turkey chopsuey. I've been using crushed tomatoes and seasoning.
    Oh, and I made the peppermint meringue cookies and peppermint pie for dessert - both are on the forum as well :)
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I am so not a cook. Like another poster stated, when it comes to cooking I just have no creativity. I was doing ok. Just did alot of grilled meats nothing really exciting. I've kinda stopped doing that even and snack mostly, but have managed to stay under my cal goal. Or it's easy stuff like cereal, sandwiches, etc. I have "healthy" cookbooks, so maybe I'll actually put them to use this year!! LOL
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I do cook regularly, but in trying to eat healthy on a budget, it's pretty tricky. My goal has always been to do the best with what I'm given!! If you would like to look at my menu and shopping list, reply here and I'll message it to you! Good Luck!!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    I'm with ya! I used to like to cook (especially while drinking a glass or 2 of wine) but since I had my baby (15 mos now) and I work until 6 (at least), the pleasure has been sapped out of it. My husband does most of the "cooking" which consists of spaghetti, turkey patties or frozen breaded stuffed chicken breasts and LOTs of french fries (he's naturally skinny :mad: ) We tried to plan meals but we only last for a week or so, plus it's hard to vary your diet w/ out spending a bunch of money on different fresh ingredients.
    I'd like to try and I would love input on how to make quick, yummy, healthy meals w/ out spending all day Saturday or Sunday cooking for the week.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I used to cook, but most of the time it's just me, myself and I, and it's easy to get lazy when no one else is depending on me.

    I have fallen in love with TRADER JOE's which is new to our area and cheaper than the local grocery. Their prepared foods have a lot of health options. A friend and I have been making some TJ MASH-UPs, really easy combos of some of their stock products, mostly just heat and serve... like

    TOMATO SOUP with some frozen SPINACH then serve with a dollop of RICOTTA cheese on top.


    2 servings of "PASTA ITALIANO WITH EGGPLANT & ZUCCHINI" + 1 serving of MEDIUM OR LARGE PRE-COOKED FROZEN SHRIMP" it's very satisfing the pasta takes about 6min in the microwave half way thru I add the shrimp

    I'm a big fan of their CORN & CHILE Salsa. A little spice on it's own but I'll add some to my vegetables for a little kick.

    I'll have to start keeping track of them, because I tend to go thru phases and then completely forget about the recipe.
  • juneduneybug
    I love to cook but I just haven't made time for it lately. Take out and frozen meals are just too convenient. I know they are unhealthy and in the long run aren't really convenient. I am making a commitment to myself to cook at least 3 times a week, no matter what.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I used to HATE to cook and meal times were a total PITA around here. I started planning my meals on calenders that I would print out. It is just a basic calender, they are from my ancient Clie software~LOL. I would do a month at a time. We do the grocery list based on the menu and we have actually saved money because have fewer impulse buys. I was doing so well with this I actually started a vegetarian cooking blog (my husband is a vegetarian and I am not).

    I would also suggest getting a slow cooker. Those are a lifesaver!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I used to HATE to cook and meal times were a total PITA around here. I started planning my meals on calenders that I would print out. It is just a basic calender, they are from my ancient Clie software~LOL. I would do a month at a time. We do the grocery list based on the menu and we have actually saved money because have fewer impulse buys. I was doing so well with this I actually started a vegetarian cooking blog (my husband is a vegetarian and I am not).

    I would also suggest getting a slow cooker. Those are a lifesaver!

    I have 3 slow cookers -- all wedding presents.We got married 3 years ago and I have never used one yet ... no idea what to do with one either!!
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    We have been trying to get in the habit of cooking at home for years. Its hard to not get lazy and fall off the wagon and just order out. Eating out is so wasteful!! I just hate the mundane task of planning meals! When we get our meal plan, hubby and I are working on it now.
  • hawaiiangirl96720
    Lucky for me, my husband does most of the cooking. Unfortunately, he's away from home half of the time because he's a firefighter. Which means my boys and I tend to eat out when he's not home. It's a joke among my family members and friends when I muster up the energy to cook. They think I lost my marbles or I'm throwing off the balance of the universe. I'm not a bad cook, but just hate to cook. I'm game for the Home Cookin' challenge. Here's my menu for the week:

    1. Grilled Salmon w/ lemon & dill butter, Brown rice and steamed veggies.
    2. Turkey Chili with Black Beans and whole wheat tortillas - FYI: Found this new tortialla at Costco by La Tortilla Factory that has 12g of fiber. That's almost half of your daily fiber intake! That's great for my boys who don't eat enough veggies.
    3. Diced chicken breast w/ green salsa, black beans, mexican rice and tossed salad.
  • NicoleRuth
    NicoleRuth Posts: 25 Member
    Oh man, I thought I was alone on this one too!!! I absolutely love cooking, but usually for other people. Since I live alone I only cook for myself and its just not as enjoyable. I am really trying to make an effort to eliminate fast food almost entirely from my life. I am also on a grad student budget which makes buying specialty things for recipes basically impossible. any ideas?? Great thread by the way!!!!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I used to HATE to cook and meal times were a total PITA around here. I started planning my meals on calenders that I would print out. It is just a basic calender, they are from my ancient Clie software~LOL. I would do a month at a time. We do the grocery list based on the menu and we have actually saved money because have fewer impulse buys. I was doing so well with this I actually started a vegetarian cooking blog (my husband is a vegetarian and I am not).

    I would also suggest getting a slow cooker. Those are a lifesaver!

    I have 3 slow cookers -- all wedding presents.We got married 3 years ago and I have never used one yet ... no idea what to do with one either!!
    I didn't know what to do with mine until I found this blog: http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/

    Now, I've worn one out and the other gets used at least once a week. In the past two days, I've used mine to make bulk food to freeze: chili and chile verde. (Ironically, neither recipe was from her site: she just gave me the courage to branch out.)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Im glad so many people joined onto this challenge!
    I will be in Pittsburgh for graduate school boot camp for the next week, so I am officially starting my menu on Saturday.
    This is what I have planned for the week....

    - Baked Beef Ziti
    - Mixed Vegetables
    - Apple Turnovers

    - Bana Berry Smoothies (multiple servings for multiple days)
    - Leftovers for dinner

    - Creamy Turkey Cobbler

    - Leftovers

    - Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
    - Mixed vegetables

    - Leftovers

    (grocery shopping to be done next Friday)
  • NicoleRuth
    NicoleRuth Posts: 25 Member
    I have to go grocery shopping this week but here is what I have planned, in no particular order...

    vegetable soup
    creamy cheese tortellini with asparagus
    chicken (something)...

    hopefully when I make this stuff I can stretch it out the whole week. I am only one person so I don't see that being a problem.

    Lets see how it goes!