Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Ellie928
    Ellie928 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! Had gastric sleeve on December 30, 2013. Love having friends for encouragement and support.
  • I'm having the sleeve 26th April 2014 and I am looking forward to it. I had the gastric band for 13 years but had it removed on 4th January 2014 as it wasn't working properly due to previous surgery carried out in Thailand plus years of over eating above the band would stretch . Did well with the band, losing 7 & 1/2 stone but have put 7 back on over the last 3 & 1/2 years. The sleeve sounds so much better than the band so looking forward to it.
  • Sher414
    Sher414 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, I was sleeved on February 12, 2014 BEst decision of my life! I am down almost 50 ibs. I am learning how to eat healthy and exercise and to simply take care of ME. For the first time in years I feel GREAT.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • MsBeautifullOne
    MsBeautifullOne Posts: 54 Member
    Hello. Love muffins!
    I was sleeved 3/26/14. Since then I've lost 19 lbs. I'm a little over 3 weeks out and I've been cleared for actual foods but nothing crazy plus Buddha (my new tummy) likes to act a fool if I do something wrong so I stay away from things she can't tolerate. I still have trouble getting in water but I can get about 24-30 oz's.

    I'd def like some of you as friends. Those who are serious about our journey and we can keep each other accountable
  • Hi everyone! I have another 4 months before my surgery date but I've been using MFP since February 28th and im down 30 pounds. I have been watching everything I take in and exercising when I can. My surgery date is August 26th and im super excited. After topping off at 375lbs in january of this year I decided that I needed help. My husband and I have been trying to have children for the past 8 years with no success. I want to be healthy to start trying again someday. Anyways, if anyone feels like they're in a similar situation feel free to add me :0)
  • Hi, I like your message. I am 10 months post sleeve surgery and have lost 46lbs. They told me they didn't want me to lose more than 57lbs. Mine was mainly for my diabetes. I am frustrated as I don't know what to eat or even how to eat. I need help with this. I want to lose another 20lbs and then maintain.
  • Spw717
    Spw717 Posts: 2
    Hi melissa. Im getting sleeve done 4/24. Im 185. Getting nervous.. Will i miss eating...will i loose the weight..i am 56 have had weight issues my entire life
  • lorisia
    lorisia Posts: 3
    I had my sleeve on April 4th and have found that yogurt, popsicles, and jello pudding are wonderful. Now that I can eat creamy soups my favorite is Panera Bread's broccoli and cheese soup. It has tons of protein and it tastes great. I have had a real hard time getting enough protein in so if I can get it through soup that is what I try to do.
  • lorisia
    lorisia Posts: 3
    Are you eating lots of protein and few carbs?
  • lorisia
    lorisia Posts: 3
    I had my surgery on the 4th and today I feel so much more like my normal self. I still have a little catch in my left side but other than that all is good here. I miss the sensation of sitting down to dinner and eating an entire meal. I have had to readjust my way of thinking and remind myself that "Eating the entire meal" is what got me here in the first place. I use a coffee saucer as my dinner plate and that seems to help. I eat (or rather try to get protein in my body) at least five times a day. The biggest problem I have is getting the required amount of water in. I have lost 28lbs since surgery but the first week I gained. The doctor said it was from all the fluids they pumped into me at the hospital. Walking helps the yucky feeling a LOT.
  • IGigilu
    IGigilu Posts: 1
    My name is Toni. I had my procedure on 12/19/13. My starting weight was 216 lbs. On surgery day I was
    204lbs. As of today I am 185 lbs. I have been stuck at this weight for over 2 months. I find myself slacking
    off again and going back to my old habits. I've avoided sweets and breads (my weaknesses) since 10/2013.
    But for the past 2 months I've been eating a lot of white bread, cookies, cakes, muffins, Starbucks drinks... All the
    Foods that got me into trouble. I've also stopped exercising.
    I haven't attended any support groups and this is the first time I've
    Posted in a blog. I need help!!!
  • belle325
    belle325 Posts: 1
    I was sleeved march 11th and sorry to say but I don't believe it when someone is 4 days post op and walked three miles. I wouldn't of been able to and my surgeon would of flipped out. Per his instructions, since I am still healing, I take three 45 minute walks daily.
  • kinjano
    kinjano Posts: 2
    Try using flavor extracts in your shakes; lemon, coconut, etc. There's loads of extracts.... Even coffee flavors.
  • kinjano
    kinjano Posts: 2
    I joined just now.... What wealth of info!
  • Hey guys .. My operation is on May 5th and I'm a scare.. I decide to go with the sleeve.. 4 years ago I was in the same situation because I decide to go with the lad-band... Bad choice.. Since the first day of operation I new something was wrong !! Had 4 years of complication.. And the band slip twice.. So that ment having surgery to get it fits .. Finally my doctor and I decided it was time to remove the band .. So he did.. 2 years ago.. Since then I have gain a lot of weight. So now I'm waiting for approval for the sleeve .. I'm scared so many things going through my head .. Like what about if insurance don't approve, what about if something goes wrong.. I'm trying to keep a positive mind .. So please help me out ..
  • lakmz2
    lakmz2 Posts: 1
    I was sleeved on March 11, 2014 and Medicaid covered mine. My BMI was 46 (I think) and I was approved.. Good luck!!
  • Brenda, you will be fine! I was pretty scared before I was sleeved (12/2013) but it went very smoothly and it's been probably the best single decision I have ever made. Just be sure to give yourself plenty of re-coup time. My doc said I would be up & back at work within a few days but really it was almost 7 days before I went back to work. This was my first ever surgery and my tummy was pretty sensitive for a while. But the pain passes and then you get to start losing weight and getting the life that you want!
  • Hello,

    I am considering having the gastric sleeve surgery and am wondering if anyone has any regrets? What are some of the side effects you've experienced? My friend had gastric bypass and looks and feels amazing, but lost hair and had a few other non-life threatening complications. I was thinking this sleeve was the safer option since food gets completely absorbed? Can you still have a little piece of cake on your birthday? Go out to dinner? Do you have a specific diet afterwards that you must follow? Just looking for more info before I talk to my doc about it.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge :-)
  • Happy I found this forum!! I started looking into the Lap Band back in November as a cash patient then realized it was more expensive than I thought so I tried getting a good insurance policy and requested an approval. That policy wanted 6 months of a dr supervised diet and I'm sorry, Ive dieted myself up to this weight, I can't afford 6 months of more failure.

    I called another Dr. yesterday who has a great track record and he has put me on the expedited track to get the Sleeve (which her recommends for me) the first week in May!!! All the pre-op items my PPO will cover and I negotiated with him on the cash price!!

    I look back and do NOT understand why I never considered having a surgery like this before. I have been on major diets since I had my first child, you name it, I have been on it. I AM SO THANKFUL I FINALLY JUST JUMPED IN AND AM DOING IT!!!!!

    Helloo summer, Goodbye Fat Cells !
  • Im just doing research on the best proteins out there, I am considering the sleeve for sure. I have read wonderful thinks about hemp seeds and from what I understand you can get 14 grams of protein for 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds. I thought this would be a good way to go.