Sudden stop in weight loss

nclaksri Posts: 3 Member
Hello all,

I logged in to MFP 10 days back. Since then, I have been logging my food and weight honestly. I have reduced by 2.7 kg gradually (like, around 0.5kg per day). Since 2 days, my weight came to a stand-still. More worse, today I am 0.1kg more than yesterday:cry: . I have been taking same food, No cheating. Please help. Thank you.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Well you started off losing the initial water weight which is why it was so fast. Your body will naturally vary in weight 2 kgs or sometimes more a day. So you cannot expect a loss every day. If you are unable to handle these fluctuations you may be better off weighing weekly. Weighing daily you have to accept the ups and downs and just follow the general trend. Nearly 3 kgs in 10 days is a very good loss it will slow down though. I would continue doing what your doing but lower your expectations a wee bit.500g or a kilo a week is a very good loss.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    You aren't going to see a loss everyday if you weigh.
    I weigh everyday too just so I have an idea of when I'll lose next (by now I can pretty much guarantee the day I'll see a loss). But other than that 1 or 2 days consecutively that I see a loss, the number does whatever it wants.
    If you stall for 2 weeks or so, then post again and you'll get some help
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    You're doing really well! You have to stick with it, though. and don't lose heart when this happens. You won't consistently lose weight on a day-to-day basis; exercise, water retention and various other factors will mean that your weight loss won't be linear. If you find yourself getting upset when you see a slight increase in weight, it's a good idea to weigh yourself on a weekly or even a monthly basis. Keep it up!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    The important thing to realize is that your weight WILL fluctuate. Often by quite a lot. 2 days of the same weight isn't anything to worry about, and a .5kg is normal- it's not an actual fat gain, it will come off again soon. That's how weight loss works. :)

    You could try weighing just once a week if you find the fluctuations upset you. You should also start taking measurements of your waist etc because sometimes even if it's not showing on the scales, you're still losing inches.

    Here's what one week of my weigh ins looked like:
    Mon: 164
    Tues: 163.4
    Wed: 163.4
    Thurs: 162.8
    Fri: 163.2
    Saturday: 162
    Sunday: 162
    (and 162 for 3 days after this)

    It always comes off eventually, try not to stress!
  • nclaksri
    nclaksri Posts: 3 Member
    Many thanks to all of you for those assuring words. I was really in need of them. Yes, I will continue with what I am doing and see what happens. Weighing in once a week is too tough for me, though ... I know, I am too impatient.