New to site

Hi..I am new to the site. I am diabetic w/hypertension and high cholesterol. I need to shed about 150 lbs, but am going to focus on just 25 lbs right now. I have attempted about every diet out there and lost weight just to regain it. Any/all encouragement is welcomed as I start this attempt at getting healthier.happy: Barb Radford:


  • hamstermom123
    hamstermom123 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! I'm new, too - have been here since Monday. I encourage anyone to add me as I've already found that giving and receiving support and positivity is really motivating in this process! You can do this!!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi..I am new to the site. I am diabetic w/hypertension and high cholesterol. I need to shed about 150 lbs, but am going to focus on just 25 lbs right now. I have attempted about every diet out there and lost weight just to regain it. Any/all encouragement is welcomed as I start this attempt at getting healthier.happy: Barb Radford:

    Hi, and welcome.

    There's a lot of wisdom around here. It can be done! :-)
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    Per diabetic - trying my best!
  • onecatleadstoanother
    onecatleadstoanother Posts: 70 Member
    Small, sustainable changes made over time, and taking things one meal at a time, nevermind one day of 10 pounds
  • saffymouse
    saffymouse Posts: 3 Member
    I joined (again) last night after a frustrating few months with Weightwatchers. I need to lose 2-3st & thought i'd give calorie counting a go as it can be quite flexible. I'm also doing a lot of exercise, so fingers crossed i'll be a bit closer to being transformed by the Summer:-).

    I find that whenever I try a new plan I do great initially, but if I take my eye off the ball for a second that's it, I mess up. I have to be consistent with exercise especially; I love it once I'm doing it, but if something pops up to stop me doing that day's workout I end up not doing anything at all for a few weeks.

    So, let my latest journey begin! Good luck to all you other newbies:-)

  • bigbadbeancounter
    bigbadbeancounter Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I've been adamantly trying to be healthier since the middle of February, after a few-months-long fall from the wagon. I'm in the same boat as you have, having tried a billion diets and diets that call themselves lifestyle changes, including Weight Watchers (a particularly fun 8 months where I got to watch everyone else lose weight while I didn't).

    In terms of weight lost, I'm still in the beginning of my journey, but in terms of healthful life, I have grown tremendously over the past few years. In my case, I perform better when I let myself say good job--as long as that doesn't translate into Cadbury eggs. ;-)

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • bradford721
    bradford721 Posts: 12 Member
    WOW...You have done a great job. I welcome your encouragement. barb
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    Welcome feel free to add me :smile:
    Good luck on your journey
  • mullarkey18
    mullarkey18 Posts: 5 Member
    Use all the tools here and also keep an eye on your suggested carbs, protein, sugar and sodium. Staying within your calories per day is one thing but to really lose weight and breaking plateaus is to try and stay within those ranges as well.

    Good luck!
  • BoxingLifestyle
    BoxingLifestyle Posts: 35 Member
    Hello I am new as well to this app I was using another but when updating the seem to want to charge for everything... glad to see others reaching a healthier life =)
  • Twignasty
    Twignasty Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome! Tracking will definitely help you shed what you need to lose! Good luck and please feel free to add! Motivation from others works wonders! ;)