Need a buddy for motivation

I need a buddy to help motivate me to get to my goal weight. I have been struggling with my weight for 5 years and I'm ready to get serious and get at a healthy weight. I wanna loose at least 10 pounds by the end of the summer.


  • I know how you feel! I've been struggling with my weight the majority of my life and even through this weightloss journey I've been struggling. Me happy to motivate you! :)
  • I've been struggling with 40 lbs for 5 years. I've lost 20lbs, so i'm half way there. But i've recently moved and starting a new job and i'm feeling really alone in the whole weigh loss journey right now. I'm so afraid i'm going to fall off the wagon yet again for the millionth time ....
  • katie6786
    katie6786 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! I would really appreciate it!