Started on my own, down 24, not looking for a resolution for

staci_metzger Posts: 29 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I started losing weight when I married my husband after six years in 2008. I lost 45 pounds in three months in anticipation for the big day. I felt great with my accomplishment but disappointed with the picture results. I have struggled, depressed and secluded for two years, one year spent working in a "seated" position as a long haul truck driver. When my daughter started 1st grade it gave me time to work on myself. I started walking the dog. Then my neighbor walked her dog with me. We started keeping track of time, got pedometers, challenged ourselves to out-do our time/distance. Before we knew it we were doing 1mile then 2, after time 3 miles! Then the weather turned cold and icy so we went indoors. I then challenged myself to continue my mileage, one mile, two mile, three mile. Then I started faster for time, then I started walking/ jogging intervals. Yeah Jogging! I can jog/run 1, 2, now 3 minutes straight! Since September I went from NOTHING! (dishes/laundry, maybe) to INTERVALS (big words to me!) in training! Equal run to equal walk! Yeah that's exciting for me! It may not be for my friends/family who can run out 5k in 30 minutes but I can make a 5k in x-minutes when I used to not even try. I'm finding my small victories in my slow progress and finding the scale to be my enemy vs. the tape measure (learned that recently and has been a life/mental saver!)! I'm hoping that with this MFP program I will be able to keep better track of what I already have learned, and find the wisdom from what I haven't found in all of you who have gone down this path, and the camaraderie with those of you who are with me still struggling and fighting our way through. I am willing and ready to give help and support when you need it and am opening myself up the insight and support that you may have to give me to better myself so I can finish this for the last time!


  • booboomagoo
    booboomagoo Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome - you're doing great. I think you have to right mindset. Slow and steady wins the race!

    If you decide you want to get into jogging and running more, couch to 5K is amazing. I can now run 30 minutes without stopping, and I NEVER thought that was possible!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Sounds as if you've done fantastically so far! Running is hard work, I can't manage a full minute yet, but I'm working on it. Welcome to MFP and good luck with the rest of your weigh loss journey.
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