Restarting; Need to get healthy

doggydolph Posts: 14
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I am a 21 (almost 22,) female college student. I am currently in my senior year, with another year yet to go (yay 5 year plan). I am a Biolgical Sciences Secondary Education, Japanese Language/Culture Double Major (I know interesting combination). I have come on here a few times over the last few years, but have not had success in sticking to things.

However, I NEED to lose weight to get healthy. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) , meaning that my hormones, carbohydrate, and lipid management is not functioning properly (as accordance with the general populus). This can be helped/managed better by weight loss, as my doctors tell me. I also had ankle surgery this past year, and have been told i am pre diabetic (still can be avoided). I also want to lose the weight for myself, that is the main reason.

The last semester (fall semester) was rough with classes, (14 credit hours, 9 in science, 1 in honors japanese independent study, 4 in Chinese Year 1), and a campus job (night time dorm security, working from 1130pm to 630am), of approximately 20 hours-30 hours per week.

Because of this schedule, I did not have time to cook for myself, and relied on the dining center on campus for most of my meals. I had gotten in to a bad habit of eating one meal a day (i know that is bad, but is was soo busy, and eating was no longer the most important thing to me).

Although i had reached a milestone of food not being my vice (Yay), i was still being bad to my body. Over the course of the semester though, my diet slowly changed; from eating ice cream with added chocolate sauce reese cup pieced and snicker pieces (now i cant stand eating it anymore, after two bites my body says no more), after every meal at the dining center to eating yogurt with real berries and granola (yum). I also am enjoying healthier options, like grilled chicken breasts, plain spinach, veggie burgers, whole wheat pasta with marinra sauce (my body hates beef now), fish etc.

I have set myself up for good things in the upcoming year, I have signed up for a swimming class to get me started on an excercise schedule (and i love swimming). I have also stocked my fridge with healthy foods and although i enjoy the occasional sweets, i dont crave them anymore.


  • I remember those days. I did my premed bachelors in 3 years and worked as well but you can do it. the caf normally has salad bars and some gilled chicken. As a Physician I see patients with PCOS and it is a tough one. Have they put you on metformin? That may actually help you lose weight by stabilizing your insulin/utilizing it better within the body. Also although I am not a proponent of restricting any macronutrient you need to be very wise regarding your carbohydrate choices. I would stay away from grains and sugars as much as possible and use fruits and vegetables as your main source. Walking to classes around campus is exercise but I would also try and squeeze in even 30 minutes of weight training a3 x per week to build muscle which again will help insulin sensitivity as well as increase your metabolism.

    good luck
  • Thank you for responding. They have not put me on the metaformin yet. I was just offically diagnosed with it back in November. So far my doctor has put me on a 100mg 2x daily spironolactone regimine. She wants to do this first for two months before she starts me on anything else.

    Regarding the food, i do eat from the salad bar, but i just get spinach, sometimes carrots/tomatos/crasins on top w/o dressing ( i have not been able to stand salad dressings since i got back from Japan in June 2009, but it is probably for the better). I also enjoy they grilled chicken breasts or grilled turkey burgers or grilled veggie burgers on offer. I did cut beef out of my diet because I always felt crummy after eating it. As towards carbohydrates, my one vice is pasta, i love it. Although i have been trying to cut back on it, and mixing other ingredients in besides just sauce and the pasta, it has been hard. I do love most fruits, and almost all veggies (except cauliflower and brussel sprouts).

    I have also signed up for the swimming classes to help aid in my excercise, and since they just built a new rec center, and made it avaliable to all students, i will probably be spending more time there ( i set up my class schedule to have two days off per week to give time to excercise).
  • minesc
    minesc Posts: 20 Member
    I can relate to the busy schedule with school and all. I also have PCOS. It is hard for me to keep healthy foods available throughout the semester and to find time to exercise when I need to be studying instead. I find I do better during the times that I make exercise and eating less calories the main priority. It is also easier for me when I am away from my kitchen when I am studying.

    Glad you are restarting! Congratulations on your school work as well.

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