Tea Please!



  • Stash makes a wonderful Mango Coconut Oolong tea. I have it with about a half teaspoon of coconut oil melted in. Keeps you regular and wonderfully energized. I take it after breakfast!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm a tea collector, so I have tons of tea on hand.

    Greens and oolongs have great health benefits for weight loss. Tao of Tea makes a wonderful osmathus oolong...lightly scented with osmanthus flowers so that it's somewhat sweet and fragrant, kinda like jasmine rice. You don't need to sweeten it at all.

    My favorites are the smoked teas...lapsang souchong and smoked Earl Grey. When I make them at work, inevitably someone sniffs and asks "Do you guys smell something burning?" They're something of an acquired taste, but I love them.

    There are quite a few herbal tisaines which are amazing...hibiscus flowers have a very citrusy twang, straight jasmine or chrysanthemum are very sweet without any sweetener, and yerba mate is really strong and "thick" tasting, and makes a good coffee substitute.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I drink green tea sweetened with stevia
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Tazo Rest is my favorite tea. I also like breakfast teas, green tea, Chai tea, and fruit/herbal teas. I often use chilled fruit tea as a base liquid for fruit smoothies if I'm not using milk or plain water. I've recently taken a liking to unsweetened teas. I don't drink tea for weight loss or any specific benefits; I just drink it because I like it.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I drink enormous amounts of tea - just what in the UK is bog standard "tea" (so probably most like "English Breakfast) - with skimmed milk, no sugar.

    I also love Lapsang Souchong, and Earl Grey. I have jasmine green tea sometimes.
    My favorites are the smoked teas...lapsang souchong and smoked Earl Grey
    Dodn't know there was such a thing! I must track this down. :love:
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    LOVE tea. Don't really care about the health effects (exception would be for digestion since I have issues with that), I just enjoy drinking it.


    Matcha green tea powder blended with 4 oz milk and 4 oz OJ. SO yummy.
    I third the Tazo Passion, especially for iced tea. It makes an AMAZING iced tea.
    Black tea (preferably Irish Breakfast) hot or cold, plain or with lemon or milk, just any ol' way.
    Green rooibos.
    For stomach upset, a mix of chamomile, fennel, and ginger with honey (I HATE fennel but it does help on the tummy).
    Hot green tea with mango.

    I could go on forever. My suggestion is to try a variety of things out to figure out what you like. When people tell me they hate tea, I say hating tea is like hating food - there are SO many different kinds to try you are bound to find something you like. If not, I can accept that but the standards like Earl Grey, standard green tea, etc. are only scratching the surface.
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    I drink Yorkshire Gold black tea for its sprightly taste and mild caffeine kick. It's wonderful hot, iced, or tepid, all day and into the evening. This is how I consume the vast majority of my water.
  • 1kathyr
    1kathyr Posts: 23
    Tea!I LOVE tea-all kinds, mostly hot, but iced is good in the summer.
    My favorites are the spicy ones, rooibos blends and turmeric tea.
    To make my favorite turmeric recipe (from marks daily apple):

    8 ounces (1 cup) almond or coconut milk
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric (I use more-at least a teaspoon, but I love turmeric!)
    1/2-inch wide round slice of ginger root, peeled and finely chopped
    Dash of cayenne pepper
    1/2 – 1 teaspoon honey or other sweetener
    Optional additions: a small pat of butter, cinnamon, cardamom

    Gently warm the almond or coconut milk on the stove.

    In a mug, combine the remaining ingredients.

    Drizzle a teaspoon of the warmed milk into the mug and mix until the liquid is smooth with no lumps. Add the rest of the milk and mix well. You can leave the pieces of ginger in the tea, or strain it out before drinking.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I drink enormous amounts of tea - just what in the UK is bog standard "tea" (so probably most like "English Breakfast) - with skimmed milk, no sugar.

    I also love Lapsang Souchong, and Earl Grey. I have jasmine green tea sometimes.
    My favorites are the smoked teas...lapsang souchong and smoked Earl Grey
    Dodn't know there was such a thing! I must track this down. :love:

    Tao of Tea often has it. You can order online. Their prices are very reasonable, and they have some great stuff and lots of information, and many of their teas are fair trade certified (no slave labor!)
  • afrinak
    afrinak Posts: 3
    Earl Grey! I buy it in loose leaf, it's super cheap if you can find it that way. I use it for the caffeine which keeps me alert, helped me kick my coffee habit, and takes the edge off my appetite!
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    Love tea!! I mostly go herbal and sometimes green.

    I buy Harney & Sons Egyptian Chamomile, Lemon Verbena, and Rooibos. I bought the Harney green tea sample pack, but haven't opened any of them yet. I also like Numi Toasted Rice Tea, especially when I go out for sushi.
  • UandI1985
    UandI1985 Posts: 55 Member
    POCAS ginger tea with honey. I dream about it every night
  • mandamerlot
    mandamerlot Posts: 180 Member
    I am a tea addict! I spend an embarrassing amount on tea at David's Tea every week.

    I prefer to drink green or Roobios teas and I like them to be a little fruity so I don't need any added sweetener. I do add agave nectar to my tea when I have it iced though.

    My faves are:
    Green & Fruity
    Organic Green Seduction
    Kiwi's Big Adventure
  • TabithaRyan68
    TabithaRyan68 Posts: 25 Member
    I make my own green tea ice tea... 3 decaf green tea bags in about 2 litres of water, I sweeten with two tablespoons of organic honey and sometimes add in a whole lemon or some mint.
    Green tea has many antioxidants and it is very low on calories and can be a zero drink if you skip the honey and lemon but I like it. Feels like I'm having a treat and it satisfies any in between meal munchies I may have.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    I typically alternate between green and black tea. I won't give any brands, but I will say I stick to "super store brands" - you can find all sorts of crazy teas online.....Wu-Yi or some crap......don't fall for it.....I found some "Diet in a Bag" tea at Target, figured I'd try it out, it wasn't too bad, but can't say I lost anything LOL.......but it's basically a mild laxative (senna leaf).

    But for "recreation" - yes, I basically drink black tea, and green tea with lime, and/or honey......rather than sugar.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Stash Ginger Peach Green Tea my absolute favorite. It's green tea with plenty of flavor. A little sugar and it's perfect
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member
    I drink a variety of teas depending on my tastes at that point in the day. I try to have at least 1 cup of green tea a day just because it's so amazingly good for you! I do enjoy some earl grey in the morning on occasion for a pick-me-up. Otherwise as far as weight loss aid I have always heard Yerba Mate was a great herbal tea to help with appetite. I drink it becuase it tastes good and the variety I have has some natural stevia leaf in it to add some natural sweetness [less than sugar but still adds a nice sweet tinge].
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I mainly just drink water and tea (along with homemade juice/lemonade, shakes and smoothies) so I drink a lot of tea, but not for weight loss.

    I was never a tea drinker in the past. I started when I was losing weight because I loved snacking while watching tv and sports at night. Sipping tea was a great diversion from eating high calorie snacks plus it has no calories. It really helped to stop my nighttime snacking!

    Over the years I've tried a lot of teas, but this is my unsweetened herbal go to:

    Hibiscus Tea - I love this flavor, it's full of vitamin C and antioxidants and I drink several cups every day. I make my own blends by adding a little dried rosehips, cranberries, raspberries or pomegranate. I also like adding a small piece of fresh ginger to the pitcher.

    After a couple of hours the flavors come together and to me it taste similar to a juice, but without the sugar, chemicals and with zero calories. :)

    I buy loose leaf hibiscus flowers and make my own extra large tea bags using coffee filters. It saves me A LOT of money since I go through 1 glass pitcher every other day. I'll usually make it as a sun tea and store in the fridge. I make 1 serving of hot tea sometimes as well.

    Also I like the following once in a while:

    - Dandelion & Lemongrass Tea
    - Earl Grey
    - Vanilla Rooibos Tea
    - My own blend of green tea, turmeric and ginger

    Edited to add: drinking hibiscus tea regularly is known to lower blood pressure a little so be careful if your blood pressure is normal or a little low.
  • brookemart81
    brookemart81 Posts: 62 Member
    I don't know that tea helps with weight loss per se, but it's something you can drink other than water that's calorie free.

    Right now I have a bunch of varieties from Harney & Sons. I initially found the brand at Target and I liked them so much I bought a bunch of stuff from their website. I drink their Earl Grey, Black Currant, and a blend called Paris (which has fruity and vanilla notes in it- really tasty!) regularly. There's also a Chocolate Mint that has mint leaves, black tea, and chocolate flavor- it's nice when you are craving something sweet but don't want to go all out and eat dessert. I also enjoy their Peppermint tea in the evenings and a blend called Yellow & Blue, which is basically a sleeping pill in tea form! It has lavender and chamomile in it and I swear it is the most relaxing thing ever. Better than a glass of wine even.
  • Vessecora
    Vessecora Posts: 44
    I tried green tea about 6 months ago and I've now got bag upon bag in my cupboard...
    I started on mfp mostly just for knowledge, to keep track etc. So I actually discovered that I started losing weight while maintaining the same diet while introducing green tea.

    It was the only change in anything I'd been doing :D So green tea certainly did something for me.

    I recently went to McDonald's for the first time in quite a few months and ordered only the cup of green tea with jasmine they offer, and it was amazing! I love it. It was Dilmah, I'm fairly certain, so I'm going to buy that next time I go shopping!