Benefits of Rowing Machine?

My trainer keeps telling me to do atleast 10-15mins rowing workout 3-4times a week. But I find it very boring and monotonous. He says it is a complete body workout. I am pear shaped and mainly looking for losing from lower body. I know one can't spot reduce. Does rowing help to tone or reduce lower body? What are the benefits of using rowing machine?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Rowing is a combination of cardio and a great full body workout.......

    but, like every form of exercise isn't for everybody (I primarily run but I row 3 x weekly as cross training) give it an honest try and if you still find it's not your thing have your trainer suggest alternatives. Personally, buying a rowing machine was one of the best investments I've made in fitness equipment (for me) - rowing the day after a hard run is very therapeutic.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I have a water rower, and I love it. It gives you a great body workout. I can feel my abs working as well as upper and lower body.
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    If you find it boring you could try changing the intensity.

    I use the rower 1 day a week in the middle of a weights session - 1000 m row assistance level 3, do it as fast as possible - best do far is 4:07, this week I only managed 4:17.
  • Claremoak
    Claremoak Posts: 75 Member
    When I go to the gym I love using the rowing machine. Full body work out. I try to do 10 minutes and working on increasing the resistance. I don't focus much on the boredom, i focus on making sure i am doing it right, breathing, motion, etc. Although i am seldom alone either my husband, daughter or grandkids are with me and talking. Just me.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My trainer keeps telling me to do atleast 10-15mins rowing workout 3-4times a week. But I find it very boring and monotonous. He says it is a complete body workout. I am pear shaped and mainly looking for losing from lower body. I know one can't spot reduce. Does rowing help to tone or reduce lower body? What are the benefits of using rowing machine?

    "Complete body workout" is one of those phrases that people like to use because they think it sounds impressive, but that doesn't really mean anything. When it comes to training your aerobic fitness level and burning calories, cardio is cardio. Different cardio exercise movements each have their own characteristics, and people will prefer one movement over the other, but that doesn't affect the quality of he exercise. There is no inherent benefit in a "full body" movement over another type.
  • sunship
    sunship Posts: 59 Member
    There are indeed benefits to the "whole body workout" of the rower.

    To me, the rower allows faster calorie burn by using more muscles in the same amount of time. When on a treadmill, one uses lower body, and burns some calories. On a rower, for the same time, more calories are burned because upper and lower body is used. I have seen this from experience -- having run and rowed extensively.

    Rowers / ergs are literally "no impact" -- thus, you won't have the typical maladies that arise from running -- joint pain, splints, etc.

    Also, I have found rowing quite theraputic -- but some sort of TV is critical. I put in the earplugs, turn on the Netflix, enable the subtitles, and I'm in my own world.

    For a daily workout, I have done half-marathons at 110 minutes -- not doing it for timing / speed, but for calorie burn. Right now I'm at around 1,100 calories a day burned, which works just fine. It's just hard to keep up with 5-6 days a week.
  • IsaTexDesigner
    IsaTexDesigner Posts: 54 Member
    Im a rowing addict, and I agree its a great workout. I do recommend wearing knee braces if you plan on doing some intense rowing.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    Cardio, aerobic exercise, resistance training and toning, low impact and non impact, can be meditative
  • ejtma
    ejtma Posts: 2
    I can't endorse the rowing machine enough, since I discovered it at Christmas, I have dropped around 20kg, with no change to diet, and will complete 1 million metres this weekend. Boredom can be a challenge but rowing is great for not only fitness, but also mental fitness. If it is at a gym, a well planned playlist can do wonders. I row 6 days a week, and do marathons and half marathons. Give it a go, get onto the concept 2 website for motivation and tips.
  • uggins311
    uggins311 Posts: 2,204 Member
    If it is at a gym, a well planned playlist can do wonders.

    I throw on some music that pumps me up and row 2000 meters, at full resistance, 4 times a week. Music makes this monotonous exercise fun. I can do 2000 in about 9 minutes, or 2.5 - 3 songs. I usually burn the same amount of calories in that 2000 meter row than i do jogging for 30 minutes. Just focus on the proper mechanics of rowing and the song. Before you know it, you have completed the desired distance.

    I also like to go canoeing/kayaking; the scenery makes the difference. Plus if you row yourself out to the middle of a lake, you are pretty much committed to that exercise at that point. Then again, that may not be feasible for everyone. And music definitely helps there too.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The rowing machine is one of my favorites. Don't know why, it just feels fun. My new gym doesn't have them. :cry:
  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    But I find it very boring and monotonous.

    throw in some music that pumps you up and envision rowing away from some up to no good pirates. roughly 3 awesome songs later you're done.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I find rowing really boring but it is supper good for an all over body workout. I also put some tunes on and row like mad for approx. 12 mins which works out as a nice quick 100cal workout for me. Once it's done, it's done, 12 boring mins out of ur life but well worth it. After some time u will get used to rowing and the time will fly by!! Due to a broken hand I haven't been able to row for 4 weeks but hope to get back to is asap.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    as far as cardio goes, rowing is pretty good and low impact. you could do it as your warm up for your regular routine for 10-15 minutes.
  • Jamr8231
    Jamr8231 Posts: 73 Member
    Rowing addict signing in here! I find rowing gives me the best workout in terms of cardio, plus it keeps my muscles strong and toned.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I can't endorse the rowing machine enough, since I discovered it at Christmas, I have dropped around 20kg, with no change to diet, and will complete 1 million metres this weekend. Boredom can be a challenge but rowing is great for not only fitness, but also mental fitness. If it is at a gym, a well planned playlist can do wonders. I row 6 days a week, and do marathons and half marathons. Give it a go, get onto the concept 2 website for motivation and tips.

    I have a rower at home. When I use it I try to put on a really entertaining tv show, usually a cartoon with subtitles.

    It is a great workout. I haven't used it in a year because of where I lived but I'm moving now and I actually have room for it; it can be out all the time and no one is going to complain about the rowing noise which in my opinion is minimal.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Rowing is so damn good for you

    If you dont incorporate this exercise as of have too

    Just blare some musci and people watch....thats what I do
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Rowing is part of my HIIT routine, I do agree boring though! lol
    I find water rowers the best. Tried using one at a gym I did a drop in at once (out of town) and it was with chains lol. Now that was a different experience!
  • jnr2012
    jnr2012 Posts: 33 Member
    I listen to music and it really helps. Try going for 3 or 4 songs.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member
    Rower here too! Love, love, love the body that I have from rowing. If boredom is an issue I suggest doing intervals (not necessarily high intensity if you don't want to)...set the monitor to 1000m with a 30 second rest (have a sip of water in between, mop your brow). Do 5 or 6 intervals of 1000m and you're done! :drinker: