5' 2" Ladies - what is your best weight? goal weight?



  • Rachetpeg
    Rachetpeg Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'1" and currently 115-118 lbs. I'd really like to be between 105-110 but it seems everyone around me doesn't agree. They aren't short like me so I'm wondering if anyone else my height agrees or disagrees with that goal weight.

    Absolutely don't agree that it is too low. It depends on your build; for some people it would be too low, but for others it's fine.
    I, for example, and 5ft2, 111lbs and yet I still have a bit of a belly. I looked my best at around 105lbs, which I'm not sure I will be able to get to and maintain easily, but at least aiming for a few pounds less than I currently am.
  • scolloby
    scolloby Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5' 2.5", my final goal weight is 119 lb, which is what it was 30 years ago at the point when I was 8 weeks pregnant. I'm medium build but have always had heavier (ie more muscular) thighs. But realistically I'll be happy from 133lb down because I looked fine then too, so will be happy for my weight to decrease in drips from that point.
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 5'1/2 and CW is 150. My highest was 173 and my lowest was about 112 in high school. I would love to be about 125 before my 30th birthday in November. I want to fit in a two piece comfortably. I carry all of my weight in my stomach which my makes me look unproportional because I have no butt, hips, or thighs, and skinny legs. Lately I've been lifting and doing ab excercises. Hopefully I will results soon!!

    Add me!!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    5'2. I got down to 122 on a WalMart Scale so I added +5 to account for my new Aria scale difference.

    My head says I want to be 125.

    Currently I'm 131 and feel smaller than the last time I lost a bunch of weight.

    I'm slowly transforming my goals to "appearance." It's hard though.

    the LEAST I ever weighed before having my kid was like 106 and I was in my 20's. I still had junk in the trunk and that's my shape, so I want to make it rock hard.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I am 5' 2.5" my pre-kids weight had always been 118. (skinny fat)
    I have a very, very small frame and people always assumed I was about 100 lbs.

    When I super-fit it (pre-kids), I was 115, but my body composition was much different than my usual 118 walking weight.

    I started MFP at 135. I am now 126.4.

    Hoping to be 118/115 again. But I don't want to be a skinny-fat-118 this time. I want to be strong and energetic :)
  • I'm 5" and my goal weight is 100 pounds. I think I have a small build? but I'm not too sure. The lowest I've ever been is 110 and that wasn't quite as thin as I wanted to be but I was 14 and my parents wouldn't have allowed me to diet and go lower. I'm 124 right now and 18 years old, I've lost 9 pounds so far.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 5'2" with an athletic build (muscular thighs etc.) And am currently 129. It has been difficult for me to get under 130, hoping to get to 120. My highest was 165 when I started weight watchers 5 years ago. Pretty easily got to my official ww goal of 135 but as I said it's tough to get below that. I have to track on mfp very carefully.
  • I'm 5'2'' and i would like to be around 110lbs. Thats a 30lb loss for me, that may seem like too much and if i got down to a lower weight and was happy and comfotable i would maintain at that weight but i figure it doesnt hurt to aim high.
  • knt6742
    knt6742 Posts: 36
    I'm 5'1 and 114 lbs. I'd really like to get to 100. I was 107 before and still had fat I wanted to lose. I have a very small frame so I feel really gross right now. A few years ago I was 140lbs with a very unhealthy lifestyle. I don't want to get back into those bad habits.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I'm 5'3", but I'm aiming for 115-120
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Wow Many different answers.
    5'2 here.
    Most of my life was 144.
    I peaked at 159 and got all the way to 128, maintaining at 132 for a few years.
    I look pretty good at 132 but know I'm not thin. My dream was to reach 120 (and 119 will be an even 40lbs weight loss). I went back to eating at a deficit now and started NROL4W to tone up.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 23 years old, currently at 135. I find that I still have a bit of a belly, so I'm aiming for a goal of 120. I've always been extremely overweight so I honestly don't know when I've been at my best weight.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I had my sights set on the magical number 125. But I don't care what the scale says anymore, I'm more interested in how I look in the mirror, the muscle tone, and measurements are how I keep track of my progress. I don't want to look all sucked up and skin saggy. I could care less about being a size 2. Id rather be healthy, so if I look better heavier than so be it.

    You should really quit all this I need to be 100 pounds cause I'm short stuff. And eating 1200 calories or less is for the birds. Literally. And you wonder why your so hungry, tired, have headaches and your hair is falling out.
    I eat from 1400-1800 calories, lift weights with minimum to zero cardio. I'm losing weight still.

    Honestly all the talk of being 90 to 110 lbs is depressing me. Going from 177 to 135 felt like an accomplishment until people start referring to 135 as being fat. Guess I'm fat still.

    Everyone has their own goals for their own reasons. If you're happy and healthy at 160, awesome! If you're happy and healthy at 100, awesome! There shouldn't be critism for either route because it's all depending on your own personal goals. Also, I'm around 100 and I eat far more than 1200 calroies. I'm not tired, I don't have headaches and my hair isn't falling out. It can perfectly healthy to be at a low weight and you can do it without starving yourself or wrecking your system.

    As to the second poster quoted above, going from 177 to 135 is indeed a huge accomplishment. Congrats! I didn't notice anyone saying 135 was "fat", but, if that word was used, that's unfortunate. I myself said I wasn't happy when I was 137, but that was only something for myself. I wasn't healthy (very high bf%) or happy, but there are plenty of beautiful, short women who weigh 135 and who look and feel fabulous. You just have to understand that we all have different goals for our own selves.
  • lilystan
    lilystan Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5' 2.5". I'm 65 years old. I was always 103 until I had my first child. I did nothing to keep there, ate what I wanted and although active, did little actual exercise. After my first child I was about 110 and was fine there. Second child and wow! Went way up! Got back down to about 120 and have been on the rise again since I hit 40. Highest was 145. Currently I am at 129 and tell the truth I am not sure what I should aim for. I felt perfectly healthy at all those plateaux but I think maybe 110 sounds good. Any opinions?
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I am about 5'3" and am aiming for 130-135.....I think anything smaller than that I will look too skinny, I have hips and a bootay which I would like to keep. Plus my husband doesn't want me back to my skinniest (I was about 110) since he likes my curves.
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    current weight- 119
    starting weight-133

    I was always very petite, weighed 105-107 for most of high school, early adulthood, 112 when I was being more athletic in flag corp, (twirling baton and flag, daily 30 min practice plus 2hr practice twice a week) never got the weight back down after having kids and quitting smoking until I decided in Jan that I was done with it.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm 5'1" and fluctuate between 105 and 112 depending on water, TOM, what I"m eating etc. This is the range I maintain when I"m eating a reasonable and healthy diet (till I'm full but not too much junk) and I lift heavy(ish) weights 3-4 days a week. I'm ok with gaining if it's lean muscle - I'm much more concerned about how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror than with weight. I've been everywhere from 95 (with an eating disorder)-140 (right after my third baby) but this is where I fall with my healthiest lifestyle. That said, I have a fairly thin frame - I have friends who are shorter and weight more and are just as healthy, they simply have a different body type and metabolism :)
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    5"2 here && looking to get to goal weight of between 110-120lbs
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am 5'2" and was 109 lbs out of high school. I think I would like to have a goal weight now that I am older of 120 and see once there if I want to go lower but not under 110.
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    I am 5'3", just hit 125, my ultimate goal, but do have more body fat to lose and muscle to work on. I am ok if I go a little lower.