What Gives?

About 3 years ago I lost weight through the Slimgenics program. It was great, but I stopped due to expense and gained the weight back. I will mention that I didn't exercise at all while doing this program. Fast forward to now. I've lost weight again on my own (with the help of MFP), and am around the same weight I was while doing Slimgenics, except I work out almost everyday in addition to eating at a deficit.

The problem is my clothing. I am the same weight I was as before with Slimgenics, but I can't fit into any of the clothes I had when I was the same weight before. It's all too tight! How is this possible? I know I can't gain muscle while at a deficit, so I have no idea why clothes that fit me before at the same weight don't fit me now?? Is there any explanation for this? It's almost like I'd have to lose another 10 lbs (which is my goal) in order to fit in these clothes that fit before. So confused.


  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't think you'll like my theory, but here goes:

    You lost muscle mass while losing weight. You regained all or most of your weight as fat and didn't regain the muscle. Since fat takes up more room on the body, your clothes don't fit at the same weight.
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    Well that's depressing. Makes sense though. Dammit!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I agree. It sounds like you're at the same weight but a higher body fat %. What is your calorie goal/day? How are you exercising now and how often? Do you have certain macro goals that you hit?

    I'd be glad to help you get things moving, but I'll need a little more info.

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    No idea - but I have the same problem. I few years back I lost about as much weight as I have now. Was going down clothing sizes like crazy!! Wasn't even exercising - just calorie deficit. Unfortunately I gained it all back. Now this time around I haven't dropped a single clothing size - couldn't even dream of fitting in the clothes I wore back then - and I exercise 4 days a week usually. It is super frustrating and annoying.
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    Looks like my next goal (once I hit my weight goal) will be decreasing body fat %.