What happened to everyone?

So, I used to do MFP, but then fell off the wagon for several months. Now I'm back on the wagon (20 pds heavier... ugh...) and almost no one that I was friends with before has logged in for months.

Did we all fall off?!?!

To those that have been active for a long time, what is your secret?


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    It's just a statistic I think that a lot of people who try to diet end up. relapsing. I was that person my first time trying. I had this ill conceived notion that I had to give up all the things I loved to eat. I picked an exercise I dreaded. Now, I've been going since June of last year and going strong. The difference was sustainability for me. I lost weight at a sustainable pace and fell in love with weightlifting. Also, a goal deeper than just losing weight helped me feel like i had more to do when i reached my goal. For my health, to better improve myself. Here's a helpful read to get you back on track. Good luck!

  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I've been on MFP for 15 months and I think from the 40 or so people that were originally on my friends list only 2 or 3 are still around or have achieved their goals. As SL said the failure statistics are pretty high.

    I'm afraid I have no secret now it's just habit I log and I exercise there are no short cuts it's just consistency and accuracy.
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    I fell off about two years ago- but I have been consistent for the last 8 months.
    Even when I totally blow it I just log everything. I think owning up to it, and logging it is what really helps me stay on track. There are a few days in my diary where I go over BAD (like 5000 cal days)-- but by logging it, and keeping my diary public, when I do not meet my goal, I only have myself to blame. And knowing days that bad exist help me strive for more good days.
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    I know people kind of tend to go in spurts and phases of motivation. I know I do. I try to find people that have either lost more than 20lbs to be friends with or have been active for a while. These people tend to be strongly motivated and supportive. These traits rub off when your own motivation is feeling low.
    As a side note, I tend to delete friends that are inactive for more than a week unless they've stated that they are out of town or something in their feed.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I am also back after gaining 20!
  • Sun_Wukong
    Sun_Wukong Posts: 131
    Some people lose their way, where as others have achieved a level of self-control and discipline where MFP is no longer needed.

    Others get over the Derp and drama and disappear...sometimes later to be reincarnated into lesser known accounts.

    Consistency is key no doubt, but the ability to back off when MFP becomes overwhelming is also necessary at times.

    As SugaryLynx mentioned a large statistic of people who take up dieting or exercise tend to fail along the way, be it on mfp, other websites or RL, it is the human condition...especially if people have unrealistic goals and time frames.

    The Link she provided is solid as is the group SideSteel and Sarauk2sf run...

  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    No big secret...if you stick to it, it works. :bigsmile:

    You do need to get your mind where it needs to be, to realize that you didn't put the pounds on overnite & they aren't going to disappear overnite.:noway:

    I have not given up any food really, I just plan for it in my diary (and work everything else around it) and i have learned to eat in moderation/portion control (weigh/measure/log) and eat when hungry not when bored.

    I'm on day #688 and a have been a yo yo dieter in the past, have never lost this much before and I'm very happy where I am now and am doing my best to keep the weight off, I worked too hard for too long to get this far. I like how I look, how I feel and what kept me going was one day, one pound, one step at a time.

    I have this quote on my profile page "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." -Jim Ryun"

    A lot of my early buds are still here, still fighting to get back on track/stay on track, none have got to goal. I think you really have to want it and want it bad, I've had weight issues for half my life, the light bulb just clicked on for me when I joined and I'm doing my best to keep it going....am trying to maintain now (hit goal range on day 640)
  • jmapes9
    jmapes9 Posts: 144 Member
    I haven't gone anywhere, but then again, you and I have only been friends for two minutes :)

    There is no "secret" to weight loss. It was hard getting started, hard staying with it, and still hard today... even being only about 10 pounds away from goal.

    If there were any secret, it would be maintaining a healthy routine. Once the routine gets out of whack, so does the weight.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Thanksgiving and Christmas took them. They came back here and there after New Years for their resolution. But, Easter did them in.
  • ShelbyyMay
    So this is my first time on MFP. Never heard of it, never used it. Iv needed to lose weight for the longest time and can't keep myself on track. Iv been large my whole life, cant stay away from food, cant get myself to exercise. Iv gained and lost weight for the past 6 years. Went to university for a semester and instead of starting new and losing weight I got a tad depressed and gained 30lbs. Went home, lost and gained, lost and gained, once again lost and gained. I have now somehow lost 12 lbs since September. I've cried over it, gone on crazy exercise fads and we all know none of that works! Every summer I say the same thing, but this summer WILL BE MY TIME TO SHINE! If anyone has any exercise or eating plans/tips that work to shed lbs and inches, I'd love to know. :)
  • Sun_Wukong
    Sun_Wukong Posts: 131
    So this is my first time on MFP. Never heard of it, never used it. Iv needed to lose weight for the longest time and can't keep myself on track. Iv been large my whole life, cant stay away from food, cant get myself to exercise. Iv gained and lost weight for the past 6 years. Went to university for a semester and instead of starting new and losing weight I got a tad depressed and gained 30lbs. Went home, lost and gained, lost and gained, once again lost and gained. I have now somehow lost 12 lbs since September. I've cried over it, gone on crazy exercise fads and we all know none of that works! Every summer I say the same thing, but this summer WILL BE MY TIME TO SHINE! If anyone has any exercise or eating plans/tips that work to shed lbs and inches, I'd love to know. :)

    This link covers most of what will help you succeed besides determination, patience and persistence, you will have to develop those attributes on your own.


    The group I mentioned earlier cuts through the majority of the derp you will find in the main threads, so I highly recommend you join it and read the stickies as a lot of research and effort has gone into writing them for the benefit of the users of mfp...


    A good FL never goes astray either if you thrive on motivation from others or socializing with people who share your goals as most people in RL don't really want to hear about things like how much you can lift, how far you ran today, bf%, your diet etc.

  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    So, I used to do MFP, but then fell off the wagon for several months. Now I'm back on the wagon (20 pds heavier... ugh...) and almost no one that I was friends with before has logged in for months.

    Did we all fall off?!?!

    To those that have been active for a long time, what is your secret?

    Two secrets:
    1) Be consistent
    2) Be persistent

    If you want it bad enough, you'll stick with it. That's all there is to it!
  • ladyofbugglake
    ladyofbugglake Posts: 37 Member
    So this is my first time on MFP. Never heard of it, never used it. Iv needed to lose weight for the longest time and can't keep myself on track. Iv been large my whole life, cant stay away from food, cant get myself to exercise. Iv gained and lost weight for the past 6 years. Went to university for a semester and instead of starting new and losing weight I got a tad depressed and gained 30lbs. Went home, lost and gained, lost and gained, once again lost and gained. I have now somehow lost 12 lbs since September. I've cried over it, gone on crazy exercise fads and we all know none of that works! Every summer I say the same thing, but this summer WILL BE MY TIME TO SHINE! If anyone has any exercise or eating plans/tips that work to shed lbs and inches, I'd love to know. :)

    Thanks for your post.

    I totally understand your "roller coaster" journey. I've come to see my eating behavior as a disease. And kind of like a diabetic has to monitor his blood sugar everyday, I have to track my food intake everyday. I view food tracking as the only effective treatment for this disease (for me anyway). And I will have to do it for the rest of my life. Everyday, forever... or I risk relapsing back into the disease. It happens that easily.

    It is a daunting thought, but it gets easier with time. Like you, I've been down this path many times. The difference before is that in the past I would lose weight and get comfortable. I would start to think I didn't need to track in order to maintain my weight. And over months, the weight creeps back on. And before I would know it, I'd be 30 pds heavier. Then I would lose again. Up and down. Up and down. Never learning my lesson. The only solution is to track everyday, forever.

  • ladyofbugglake
    ladyofbugglake Posts: 37 Member
    "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." -Jim Ryun"

    Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly right. The last few days have been hard. I'm still on my blood sugar roller coaster and am craving sweets (a craving I've given in to). Because my calorie count has been so high, I've thought "maybe I shouldn't track today."

    But I tracked anyway because the numbers aren't that important thing. It is the HABIT of tracking that is important. I have to track everyday, whether the numbers are on or not.

    Same thing with exercise. Doesn't matter if it is just 10 quick minutes. The important thing is to fit the habit of exercising into everyday.

    Thanks for your post!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    So, I used to do MFP, but then fell off the wagon for several months. Now I'm back on the wagon (20 pds heavier... ugh...) and almost no one that I was friends with before has logged in for months.

    Did we all fall off?!?!

    To those that have been active for a long time, what is your secret?

    The three B's - bacon, bourbon and b****es. And guacamole. But that doesn't start with B.
  • talimore4
    talimore4 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new to this so I have not got any friends, but like to read posts and see the success of others. I joined this as I have been having health issue's and hopefully losing weight will help. I have 60 lbs to lose so hopefully I can stick to this and make it a lifetime habit.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    i have relapse multiple times with this "diet" thing. It just happens sometimes. life happens, stress happens and food is there lol all we can do is try and try and try again to make ourselves better as much as we can.
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Same thing happened to me. I took 4+ months off and started posting again but never got any replies or anything or some hadn't logged on in over a month. I deleted them all and made a new Introduction post and only got 2 friends out of it. I can do it with or without, I'm fine with it either way.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    So, I used to do MFP, but then fell off the wagon for several months. Now I'm back on the wagon (20 pds heavier... ugh...) and almost

    To those that have been active for a long time, what is your secret?

    I don’t know if 168 days counts as a long time, but for me, it was:

    1) Making a decision to start
    2) Dedication to complete what I started
    3) Patience to see it come to fruition

    I just reached my goal weight this week and this site was one of the tools that helped me be successful. Now I plan on using it to get off the yo-yo train and maintain what I have worked hard to achieve.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    To those that have been active for a long time, what is your secret?

    My secret?

    I'm actually batman.