Opinions on "Shape-up" type shoes?

lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm very curious to try the Shape Up-type shoes. I'm not delusional enough to think that they would replace actually working out, but I am wondering if anyone has them and what they thought of them. I was thinking that they could be my go-to shoes when chasing after my toddler, but do people think they actually do anything? Macy's had them on sale for less than $40, and I was tempted to try them. Please give me your unvarnished opinions. Again, keeping in mind that this would be a supplement to my regular workout schedule, not a replacement for anything I already do.


  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I just got them for Christmas from my mother-in-law. I really like them because they are comfortable and they make me feel like I am walking in sand. And (please do not make fun of me) it gives me the illusion that I have to go for more walks with my dog. Of course I still workout regularly at home and at the gym, it just gives me the opportunity to do something else.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I soo want a pair of Reebok shape ups!:bigsmile:
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    My *extremely* out of shape friend has a pair that she just wears all day, and she said that she could feel her muscles working. Whether she still feels the burn a few months later I don't know. I myself tried on a pair at the store and felt like I might twist my ankle in them because of their unstability! Twisting my ankle wouldn't let me do my regular running and exercise! Plus (and this is purely my aesthetic) I think Shape-ups ugly and wouldn't be caught dead in them. Maybe if elevator shoes come back in fashion... But hey, different strokes for different folks! The Reebok ones look a little more like normal tennis shoes.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    My husband bought some and says they're really comfortable. Not sure they really shape you up but he could walk for a while even with his bone spur so that was a plus. Also bought some for my daughter for Christmas but they were too big so had to send them back. They were Reebok Easy Tones (Outside something) and they apparently run a little big.
  • I am not sure about the "Shape-Up" brand, but I have owned a pair of the Reebok EasyTones for about 10 months. I don't think they really do much for toning, but they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. The result? I walk more because my feet don't hurt!

  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    i liked the easy tones better and was also able to get mine on sale. the shape ups just felt weird to me and i didn't notice a difference--tho i have friends who mentioned the same walking in sand sensation the poster above did.
  • I am not sure about the "Shape-Up" brand, but I have owned a pair of the Reebok EasyTones for about 10 months. I don't think they really do much for toning, but they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. The result? I walk more because my feet don't hurt!

  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Well it is a myth that they will firm you up and lift your butt but if they feel good go for it. I like mine because they are spongy feeling and making working a 12.5 hour shift easier on this ole bod.
  • nmunson4
    nmunson4 Posts: 17 Member
    Seriously, the ugliest shoes ever!!!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I love mine. They are not pretty, but they do work. It feels like walking on sand and forces you to stand up straight and to use your hamstrings, quads, calves, and butt muscles more.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I have a pair of easy tones and a pair of shape ups and they do work, but you have to be doing actual walking. Just plain old wearing them like the ads tell you is a myth. I personally find that the easy tones were better, but since i go them second it's hard to say if the shape ups paved the way for the toning or not. Do not get me wrong however, It has only changed the lift of my butt... I do not hae 6 foot long, tan legs now like the pictures promised. I have a friend who swears by the new balance version though. Might be somethign to look at. I know personally I am a little biased when it comes to foot wear as I worked in a sporting goods store for 12 years and know how many pairs of Sketcher shoes came back due to poor craftsman ship (didn't stop me from buying a pair tho...) and since they are considered a "fashion" athletic shoe, with all the other options now I would stick with an athletic company. But that's just my 2 cents.... Really if the shoe fits... wear it :laugh:
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Seriously, the ugliest shoes ever!!!

    LOL OMG! I totally agree. I am so glad that reeboks look like running shoes and not moon boots
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I have the New Balance kind. I don't wear them for regular activities (to me, they're so obvious, it invites people to look at my butt and judge whether or not they think the shoes are working! No thank you!). I wear them when I'm walking the dog, and I definitely feel my hamstrings and glutes more acutely, both during the walk and afterwards.

    They are super dorky, though.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got a pair of FILA Sport ones (between the sale price and coupon at Kohl's) for about $20, just to try them. I've had them three weeks and my legs felt stiff and sore (in a good way) the first few times I wore them walking the dog. But my feet... my feet were the happiest they've ever been!

    I have problem feet. I had a stress fracture on my left a few years ago, and a dislocated toe on my right a year and a half ago. My forefoot area gets sore and achy in just about any shoes. But they don't hurt a bit after wearing the toning shoes. The arch support feels incredible. Like my feet are getting cuddled! :laugh:

    As far as actual toning... I couldn't tell you. I do know they're tricky on uneven surfaces. Even walking the sidewalk, where it dips down for a driveway, makes me feel off balance. Great for dog walking or shopping or any walking on smooth surfaces, but not for hiking or running or anything like that.

    From what I've heard from friends, the Reebok look a lot nicer, but it's really easy to roll your ankles. If you're prone to that sort of thing, which I am, the ugly rocker-shaped ones are better. I don't care that they're ugly. I just wear them shopping or dog walking. When I wanna look hot, I'll wear my 5" heels. :tongue:
  • larkintx
    larkintx Posts: 2 Member
    I have had the Shape-ups for about a year now. My 8-yr old daughter calls them my hideous shoes, but they made a world of difference for me. I don't think they do any shaping up as they claim, but they are the sole reason my plantar fasciitus went away. I struggled for a year with extreme foot pain until I started wearing them. My pain is now completely gone and I have gone back to working out in regular tennis shoes now.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    @missmandy: That is so funny. I hadn't thought of that aspect of it, but I bet you're right! I don't need anyone staring at my rearview either. :)
  • eannhaynie
    eannhaynie Posts: 13 Member
    I just saw a commercial for New Balance ones that look like regular tennis shoes! I'm curious as to if they are worth it... I never wear tennis shoes though unless I'm out exercising. The shape ups are crazy ugly, lol!
  • Not going to touch those. I'm a super klutz and already have a difficult enough time as it it when it comes to tripping and falling at random moments. I don't need sneakers that make it harder to walk.

    But for people that say that it motivates them to walk more, I really can't criticize that.
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    I have a pair of the Shape Ups, I thought I would just give them a try. Like the others not sure they really do much but they did help me with balance. When I first got them I walked slower than the group of walkers at work and I felt like I was working harder. I wear them all the time now for shopping and just general use because they are so comfortable. They do make me stand up straighter and walk differently but I use good gym shoes for working out.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was definitely walking slower when I first got them. I think I drove my poor dog nuts, because we're usually the same pace. After three weeks, though, they seem like second nature.
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