need help to lose weight in 3 mnths

I need to lose 15kgs can anybody help me with a good diet plan; the effective one plz. Though I've lost 5 kgs.


  • nnnykkeee
    nnnykkeee Posts: 10
    The only healthy suggestion I have is to eat clean! There is a lot of different ways to go about it, you just need to find what works best for YOUR body. Just because it worked one way for someone doesn't mean it could work for you.

    Anyway, lower your salt, sugar and carb intake. Make sure you know what you're putting into your body. Organic can be expensive but if you have local markets that would be best!

    Clean eating is also known as a Paleo Diet but its stricter. Hoped this helped!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    You can't lose that much in 3 months healthily. You didn't put it on in 3 months be realistic about losing it. Its better to lose it slowly and keep it off than crash diet, lose muscle as well as fat, slow your metabolism and then put it all back on plus a few kilos for good measure when you go back to eating 'normally'.

    ETA: I lost 106lbs so dar (in about 58wks) and have eaten what i want just in moderation. You don't need to eat 'clean' or cut out whole food groups just create a calorie deficit. Weigh, measure & log everything, throw in some exrcise to help cardio fitness and muscle retention as well as allowingyou to eat a little more.
  • jdzindagi
    jdzindagi Posts: 12 Member
    Thnku so much for guiding me. But what if I don't exercise.? Will it make me difference?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    That's a pretty drastic weight loss plan. It can be done, but it's not that healthy and it's less likely to be a sustainable long-term loss. You'll probably lose some lean mass along with the fat, and might not look that great at the end - especially if you don't plan on any exercise either. Why do you need to lose it all within 3 months? I'm sure it took you longer than that to put it on?
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    You can't lose that much in 3 months healthily. You didn't put it on in 3 months be realistic about losing it. Its better to lose it slowly and keep it off than crash diet, lose muscle as well as fat, slow your metabolism and then put it all back on plus a few kilos for good measure when you go back to eating 'normally'.

    ETA: I lost 106lbs so dar (in about 58wks) and have eaten what i want just in moderation. You don't need to eat 'clean' or cut out whole food groups just create a calorie deficit. Weigh, measure & log everything, throw in some exrcise to help cardio fitness and muscle retention as well as allowingyou to eat a little more.
    that's about 30 pounds in 3 months, 'bout 10 lbs a month. we don't have any info about the OP, he/she could indeed potentially lose that much perfectly healthily depending on his or her stats. it will require vigilance, but it can potentially be done without sacrificing health.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    They could yes, but if their goal is 'only' 30lbs then I'm guessing that they aren't morbidly obese so approx 2.5lbs a week without exercise (so loss of muscle mass likely) isn't going to be healthy. (I'm willing to bet they are about 160-170lbs teenage/ early 20's girl). The point is weight loss isn't a race and its better to change habits and make the weight loss and then maintenace sustainable.
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    They could yes, but if their goal is 'only' 30lbs then I'm guessing that they aren't morbidly obese so approx 2.5lbs a week without exercise (so loss of muscle mass likely) isn't going to be healthy. (I'm willing to bet they are about 160-170lbs teenage/ early 20's girl). The point is weight loss isn't a race and its better to change habits and make the weight loss and then maintenace sustainable.

    Ding ding ding!!

    OP - your profile says you're a 24 yr. old female with 33 pounds to lose. That much in 3 months is way too much unless you want to do something really unhealthy. Would you rather lose weight and keep it off, or be back here in 5 months when you've put all your weight back on and then some?

    Slow and steady girl...slow and steady! You could probably lose 10-12 pounds in 3 months and that's still really great!
  • jdzindagi
    jdzindagi Posts: 12 Member
    Yea now I m getting the point.its not about diet its about eating right. I'm incorporating this habbit of eating cl
    Clean. I'm planning oat meal for 10 days three times a day.
  • jdzindagi
    jdzindagi Posts: 12 Member
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Yea now I m getting the point.its not about diet its about eating right. I'm incorporating this habbit of eating cl
    Clean. I'm planning oat meal for 10 days three times a day.

    Do you plan on eating oatmeal every meal for the rest of your life to keep that weight off? If not, then I suggest a nice, balanced, varied diet with exercise. Eat some food and be healthy. You'd be surprised what a few pounds off with a healthy glow can look like.

    Don't think about "right" and "wrong" foods to eat or "clean" and "unclean." Just eat enough protein, fats, and appropriate carbs and enough calories that your body can fuel itself properly. Otherwise, you'll be headed down a path that will do more harm than good.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So basically you want to drop a lot of pounds really quickly.........and then gain it all back...and then some. And continue to repeat this cycle over and over again. No problem, severe calorie deficit. It's totally unhealthy and you will be losing muscle and bone along with fat and putting a lot of stress on your body. But it can be done.

    Or you can take the slower, healthier, more sustainable route. Making a lifestyle change is soooo much more worth it!
  • jdzindagi
    jdzindagi Posts: 12 Member
    Hmm yea I would not be able to continue this for the whole life. OK I'll start my gym now and will start with a balanced diet like chicken or fish in dinner and a good veg salad in lunch or a brown bread sandwich?...thnx a lot for helping me.