What Do You Expect from you MFP friends?



  • knipperhd
    Perhaps I am the minority here, but I do 'expect' something from my 'friends' or 'friendships'. I think it's human nature. Whether it's in person or not, I've always been the type to put an extreme amount of effort, dedication, attention, and love into my friendships & over time realized I wasn't getting it in return. A path of destruction. I only mention this so others may understand why I say what I do about friendships. The bottom line for me, as I've always said, is that 'I only expect as much as I give'.

    I totally agree with you lovedcats....it's a 2 way street. If there are people who are not logging in, whether to log their food, their exercise, or even comment on their pals, and it's a constant cycle, I've had to let them go. Usually after a month of being MIA. Simply because it becomes a demotivator for me. I need pals who are going to 'show up' and 'take part' in this journey.

    But to answer your question, this site is completely opposite of facebook. I actually left FB months ago and never looked back....for all the same reasons you mentioned. This site, at least from my experience, is just full of supportive and motivating people who are going through all of the same struggles you are. I do not believe my success so far would have been possible without the wonderful people I've met here on MFP! I truly hope you're able to encounter the same! :)

    I totally agree with combatvet...maybe because I have walked in similar shoes as her. 21 plus years in the Army - friends have different meaning
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Thank you Gigi, you rock!

    Also, I didn't answer the q about Facebook. I never signed up on Facebook. I just had a 20 year high school reunion and got in touch and stayed in touch with the people that I wanted to stay in touch with. Seriously, I stay in touch with friends from high school, college, and 40 years of life through email, phone and face to face - I don't need Facebook to do that.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Perhaps I am the minority here, but I do 'expect' something from my 'friends' or 'friendships'. I think it's human nature. Whether it's in person or not, I've always been the type to put an extreme amount of effort, dedication, attention, and love into my friendships & over time realized I wasn't getting it in return. A path of destruction. I only mention this so others may understand why I say what I do about friendships. The bottom line for me, as I've always said, is that 'I only expect as much as I give'.

    I totally agree with you lovedcats....it's a 2 way street. If there are people who are not logging in, whether to log their food, their exercise, or even comment on their pals, and it's a constant cycle, I've had to let them go. Usually after a month of being MIA. Simply because it becomes a demotivator for me. I need pals who are going to 'show up' and 'take part' in this journey.

    But to answer your question, this site is completely opposite of facebook. I actually left FB months ago and never looked back....for all the same reasons you mentioned. This site, at least from my experience, is just full of supportive and motivating people who are going through all of the same struggles you are. I do not believe my success so far would have been possible without the wonderful people I've met here on MFP! I truly hope you're able to encounter the same! :)

    Another one of my girls.... and she is Amazing!!! I do the same as far as deleting someone after they arent showing up for a month or more.... i want people who are here to work and CombatVet knows how to work!!! :wink:

    Awwww...thanks doll! You've shown me the way....you ROCK this journey & those of us who are lucky enough to be on your list are so blessed and inspired by you! ♥

    And thanks to everyone else who understood or agreed with where I was coming from. I honestly thought I would be ripped into for the response I made...I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my view of friendships. They mean SO much! Happy New Year everyone....it's going to be a successful one for us all, I just know it! :wink: