Time to change

Hi everybody,

It's taken a long time for me to realize what I've done to myself. And even longer to accept it and finally make the decision to do something about it.

I'm 5'4 and I originally started out at 57kgs. I was happy with myself but felt I could have had a bit of toning. I used to go to the gym at 5:30am 4 days a week, and had a very active job.

Now I work in a call centre, sit down for 10 hours a day...and when I weighed myself today after 8 months at this new job, the scale said 72.2kgs. I was shocked. I feel horrified and disgusted with myself. None of my old clothes fit. I only wear leggings and loose tops and I can't stand the sight of myself. I'm even ashamed to show myself to my husband!

I know it's time for this to change, but I just feel like I'm almost too far gone to make a change sometimes. I need to motivate myself and start to see some results to keep the motivation. I'm hoping there are some people here that feel the same way as me...I would love to know what you did and how you did it. Anything to help me feel a little bit better about myself would do wonders.

Hope to get to know you all a bit better :)


  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    You have already taken the first step to getting healthy :) I have tired losing weight more times than I can count but Im back yet! It is hard and it sucks sometimes but don't beat yourself up and take it one day at a time, Im not going to say it gets easier because it it never seems to for me lol but If you need a lift or encouraging words feel free to add me! We can do this together!!
  • Hi Victoria, thanks for the reply :-)

    I definitely need people to keep me motivated. A couple people at my work who I'm quite close to eat fast food every single day for lunch and always have chocolate and chips that they give me, as well as often buying me energy drinks. I never ask for this stuff and then I feel bad saying no!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what other people eat in their diary. I have a very limited imagination and need more ideas!