Need help focusing!

So my friend and I are planning a trip to Mexico next winter... I really need to focus and I need to loose about 40lbs... Any suggestions on how to keep on track?


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    First of all log all your foods. Once I saw how MUCH I was eating (and it wasn't necessarily bad stuff-just really high quantities) that was a shot in the arm and then it became a little game to see how much I could eat for as little calories as I could. Then to keep you focused on Mexico, how about a picture of a hot girl in a bikini that you put in your kitchen? It will really make you think about "am I really hungry? Do I really want that?" or "do I really want the bikini??" It's got to come from within, but sounds like a fun goal to have!
  • LeslieReagan
    you've come to the right place! one thing that has really helped me is making MFP a part of my daily routine: logging on and putting in EVERYTHING i've had to eat for the day. make sure that you log everything you eat. i have a hard time snacking throughout the day, but when i log it in i can see how much i do it. also realize that this process isn't perfect and don't get down on yourself if you have a cheat day. just keep going. pick certain days that you want to exercise and stick to them. constructing a routine and sticking to it will help in the long run.

    and keep posting! this is the perfect place to get support from people!

    good luck! :)