How much do you work out to lose weight?

I am currently working out somewhere between 45 mins - 1.5 hr every day to lose weight, and this is 6x a week. Right now, 2-3 days a week is lifting, and 5-6 days is cardio. I have seen a couple of people who barely work out and lose weight, but then I see people who work out 2 hours or even more every day. If your goal is weight loss, how often do you work out? And if you are maintaining I am also interested on how much you work out to not gain it back?


  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    I take a short walk (30 min) on the beach 5 days a week, lift weights for 45 minutes twice a week (I may up to 3), zumba for an hour 2 times a week, and generally take a 1 hour strength training class once a week. I probably wouldn't even do the walks if it weren't for my fitbit motivating me to take more steps, and I do like having the extra calories to eat. I depend mainly on calorie restriction for weight loss, of course, but I want to be fit and strong as well.
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    I do cardio 50 to 60 minutes 6 times a week and lift/squats 6x a week and I do a cardio dvd 4x a week. I workout a lot but I like it. I have a goal to lose 70lbs and have lost 25 so I have a long way to go.
  • Chopper37run
    Chopper37run Posts: 3 Member
    My opinion would be workout to be healthy and because you love it not because you are trying to lose a certain amount of numbers. I think obviously the more you work out the more weight you will lose according to what your eating. Pretty much it mainly come down to the calories and what your putting in your mouth as to what your losing. I understand people who have lost there weight can incorporate some unhealthy food in there diet but rule of thumb for me is eat good 80% of the time and 20% of the time you can indulge :)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am currently in weight loss mode...but I attribute my calorie deficit to my weight loss. exercise helps by allowing me to eat more and still maintain a deficit. But in the end I will always attribute the deficit to the loss.

    I currently run 20-25 mpw and do strength 2-3 times a week.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    All you need to worry about is burning more calories than you burn...those people will have made up the difference by eating less.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Weight loss/maintenance is about calories. I lost weight with almost no exercise (chronic illness). Now I lift for about 60-75 minutes 4 days per week and I run when I can. But lifting and running are about fitness goals to me, not about maintaining my weight.

    Well. Lifting is also about looking hot. :laugh:
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Focus on your nutrition and sleep!!! Both are just as important as exercise!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't workout at all to lose weight...I did that all with my diet; I exercise for fitness.

    At maintenance I actually workout more than I ever did when I was losing weight because I have the energy (calories) to frackin' kill it now.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    I eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight. I lose slow and steady at a moderate deficit.

    I work out to feel better and look better naked. :smile: :wink:

    Edited cuz spelling......
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Weight loss itself is more about having a calorie deficit. So people can actually lose weight without working out at all. Exercise will help put a deficit in your food intake but more importantly.... you will be happier with your results.

    I workout about 4 days a week, usually about an hour each time.

  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Weight loss has NOTHING to do with how much you exercise. Exercise can be used to create a larger deficit, but it isn't necessary whatsoever.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight. I lose slow and steady at a moderate deficit.

    I work out to feel better and look better naked. :smile: :wink:


    I go to the gym for about 45 min 3x a week and I do compound lifts on two of those days, and a 20 min pilates circuit for flexibility on the day in between. A little bit of cardio for warm up on those days. And I walk a lot besides that. Minimum is 12,000 a day for me.
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I do an hour of kickboxing 3 times per week and log my foods daily on MFP...In the past I was never really active and still lost weight by dieting...I choose to be active this time around because I feel so much better, and have alot more energy and most of all I really enjoy it.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Losing weight is about eating at a calorie deficit. You do not need to exercise to lose weight. That said, exercise does help weight loss. Strength training helps preserve lean body mass while you are losing weight so that you lose fat instead of muscle. For those who are insulin resistant exercise helps make their body more sensitive to insulin. Also, I find exercise actually decreases my hunger for several hours afterwards. So if I'm hungry and I go exercise the craving will usually pass.

    I eat at a deficit to lose weight. I exercise to get fit and be the healthiest I can be at my weight.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I do about 30-45 minutes of exercise 3 times per week. I lose about .5 lb per week.
  • achagrius
    achagrius Posts: 13 Member
    My workout is similar to you. About 90mins/day including weights and some cardio. But I eat in calorie deficit everyday and I use the cardio just to make that deficit bigger. And I have been losing weight steadily so far.. At the rate of 1.5lbs per week.
  • Naina145
    Naina145 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been losing weight working out 4 days a week two of those days is weights and the other two cardio all my workout sessions are usually 45 mins.