Hello! Would appreciate some company on this journey

kirili3 Posts: 244 Member

I'm looking for friends to trundle along this journey together with. I'd be happy for company and willing to proffer support.

While you're here, it would be very helpful if you had any advice about the following issue:

I have a rather mysterious appetite. It was off last week on vacation and I hovered around 1200 calories a day with no problem. This week, it returned... with a vengeance. I tried bulking up on vegetables and, latterly, weetabix, but I seem determined to eat around 2,700 calories a day. Determined despite myself. Those red numbers have lost their power to induce shame.

I've been having this issue of incredibly-increased-hunger-levels for over a year now. I went from 82 kg to 70 kg and have maintained with relatively little hassle, but as soon as I dip below that (rather high, for my height) weight, the mad appetite comes back. I know I should get a grip, calm myself, drink lots of water, but yesterday I drank a liter and a half (and then a few more cups before dinner), and still felt that bizarre, but ravenous, hunger.

I'm strict about meal times, but cometh the hour, cometh the mad, lets face it, binge.

My calorie goal is 1200 - 1500, which suits my rather sedentary lifestyle (trying, for the first time in my life, to really study for some rather tricky exams). On days when ye olde appetite is calm, it more than suits.


Anyway, looking beyond that, if anyone has some time for another compatriot, do add me.


  • lmsims36
    lmsims36 Posts: 4 Member
    Looking for some motivators myself :-)
  • Cindylouwho713
    New here myself and would like to have a couple of partners to share supportive words with.
  • floofyloops
    i've fallen off the wagon a few times, but more determined than ever. would love some friends to share this journey with!