tired of losing just to regain

I can lose weight i just can't keep it off. Tried every diet and guess what? They all work!! Ya if u never eat potatoes pasta or bread again!! or fat free everything!!! No calorie anything!! Ugh help


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Moderation and learning to live a Healthy Lifestyle.... NO DIETS. If its bread and pasta you want, then get it within your calories and you can eat it. Eat to Live.... not live to eat... or deprive yourself. You can do it!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    What's a DIEt ?
  • struxall38
    struxall38 Posts: 18 Member
    Exactly! That is what I need to learn its just hard. Im committed so you're right I can do it
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Yeah, been there. Moderation is something I struggle with but it's do-able. You can eat anything you want and still maintain or lose weight and keep it off if you eat in moderation. That's the tough part unfortunately.
  • struxall38
    struxall38 Posts: 18 Member
    Good point what is a diet? I hate that word
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Try NOT dieting. Diets are temporary fixes. Make a permanent lifestyle change and you can keep it off. No need to eliminate your favorites, just eat them within your calories. Whatever you do to lose the weight needs to be something you can live with forever, otherwise you'll just fall off the wagon again. You can do this, but you need to get out of the diet mindset. :flowerforyou:
  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    you know I think like this every once in a while! I learned though that I can eat everything I want just not everyday of my life!! I ate so much junk last week and gained weight back. I now have to relose weight I already lost!!! I will still eat bread every now and then and all the yummy stuff but it will have to be on a cheat day or with in calories! Good luck to you dont give up!!!
  • struxall38
    struxall38 Posts: 18 Member
    Ya i do love those certain foods and moderation goes right out the window. I don't know maybe it's cus i try not to eat it at all instead of just moderation like u said, then maybe i wont feel deprived and binge
  • struxall38
    struxall38 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow you guys are great i have never had this much support and i already feel better about myself. Confidence is everything! Add me if u like
  • I exercise SO I can eat all those yummy foods, lol. "Diet" is just another way to spell "yoyo" for me. But recalibrating my life so that I'm overall healthier - and in a way that's sustanible and doesn't make me binge on oreos after 3 days on some fad diet? NOW we're talking! That's where all the hard work and MFP motivation comes in handy. Add me if you'd like!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Its really about portions and eating mostly lean proteins lots of veggies and fruits and occasionally having treats.

    I still eat pasta ( white) oh god I know and potatoes I just dont eat them all the time. Pasta once a week and potatoes maybe 2x a week but a smaller portion. I had garlic mashed potatoes last night it was delicious.

    Drop that all or nothing mentality. Sure there are some people who can give up sugar forever I am NOT one of those people. I eat a few pieces of chocolate everyday, sometimes I eat too much but thats ok get right back on. Im not perfect and dont pretend to be. But thats why I like the logging because I can see if I am eating too much and tell myself ok time to stop. Works most of the time ;)
  • sarahcline7
    sarahcline7 Posts: 6 Member
    I have an entire Facebook Page dedicated to healthy living on a dime! "Thrifty & Fit" check it out: facebook.com/thriftyfit
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Same here, I've lost weight on every diet I've tried but I've never kept it off because I always go back to poor eating habits once I hit my goal weight. This time around I focused on portion control and didn't eliminate anything from my diet. Unfortunately though it still requires making a permanent change if I don't want to gain it back. I will always need to weigh and measure my food and will need to log what I eat. At least this time around I haven't sacrificed the things I love in order to lose the weight, I just ate normal food in a portioned manner. Much more satisfying.
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    Patience has been the best thing I've learned. All the fad diets focus on quick results but most are unsustainable so inevitably you lose quickly, fall off the wagon, gain quickly, move on to the next diet.

    After a lost of frustration like you, my new trainer told me that for long term body recomposition I needed to do two things: eat more protein (40% of my calorie intake) and to keep my calorie intake within a range (no lower than 1600 no higher than 1900 - I weigh 95kgs). No other restrictions! If I want chocolate, I will damn well have it and not feel like I've fallen off the wagon as long as I hit those two goals.

    It took me a couple of months to get there - my protein intake crept upwards from 20% to 30% to 35% to now 40% most days - but now I'm here I know exactly what I need to do, how to snack, where to buy my lunches etc. Keeping to the calorie range is a total breeze as before I was used to diets of 1300-1400 calories. Since the beginning of the year my weight has gone down around 3.5kgs but I've actually lost nearly 7kg of fat and gained 3 kg muscle so the scales are misleading in terms of my progress.

    So be patient, the more you can build a diet around what you need and your longer term goals, and then give yourself a break and allow yourself the time the fit that diet into your life, you'll stop the yoyo and get on a more sustainable path. And skip relying on the scales! If you can't measure your bodyfat changes, then measure your progress based on your body measurements.
  • Shelly you can do this. Don't think of this as a diet, BC you won't reach your goals. Don't think of it. Make it your lifestyle. Make a change. This is something you can control and I know you can do it!! And congratulations to not smoking!, keep it up because your such an inspiration to me!!
  • Hi guys :) I am new to this but really want to look great for graduation. I really hope I can lose these last few pounds. Any advice. BTW I have a month before graduation. I want to lose like 4 lbs by then
  • 24lol25
    24lol25 Posts: 49
    Diets work for some people more or less than others. The best choice is to just count calories and eat reasonably healthy food most of the time. I know that will drop pounds, but just not as quick as certain diets. Doing the first thing has a higher chance of success in the long run, while diets are easy to go off of. I hope I don't sound like a hypocrite here since I'm on the Atkins diet right now, but my doctor recomeded it since it would help keep my blood sugar at a better level. Best luck to you. I hope you will find something that works well for you. :)
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    You can do this! But it's not a diet!! You need to learn to make a change that'll last you all your life! :-)
  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    Introduce some exercise to your life. The extra activity builds some muscle (which helps burn calories through the day) but it also helps reel in some of those extra calories you can end up eating day after day. Nutrition is a huge part of losing fat however, it's much more difficult without a little exercise. What usually happens is people cut back on calories so much that it's not a realistic lifestyle change. Plus, there are so many extreme diets that take you to such a calorie deficit that it can wreck havoc on your body and metabolism. How many people do you know who don't eat but hit their goal weight but before you know it they gain it all back and MORE! Metabolism wrecked.

    High intensity works better but if that's not for you ease into it. Walking. Walking/Jogging. Lifting some weights. 30 mins. I think it'll make a noticeable difference in not only your weight but attitude as well. Best of luck to you!