A Lesson Learned

After breakfast and my exercises today, I sat down at my computer and decided to reflect on what I have or have not been doing to aid or sabotage my weight loss.

Over the last week, I have found many things that have helped and hindered my goal. The chief among the ones hindering me are getting lazy, and not drinking enough water. When I don’t drink enough water my body hoards it and I pack on the weight that way. When I get lazy and don’t do my exercises, I don’t do enough work to burn off the calories I am getting so bingo more weight.

The last one stunned me, nearly every night I find that I am between 600 and 800 calories short of my daily goal. This might sound funny in a way, it is, but it takes half a bag of my favorite home popped popcorn to fill in the gap. I know there have to be healthier ways of having those calories so if the family heads for Walmart today; I am going to tag along. I go to find some sensible deserts, and for the exercise that I get walking around the store.

The other thing that I have to get used to is the burn in the muscles as I do exercises that I have not done for years. I also have to force myself to do my exercises. It seems like I can find a million reasons for not exercising. All of the reasons add up to one reason, and that is ‘I don’t feel like doing it today’. I find many, many ways of saying the same thing and that is ‘I want to be lazy and not do them’.

From what I have said the answers seem simple, do my exercises and my walks, eat sufficient calories to knock out the deficit and drink ½ gallon or more of water per day. Now I just have to convince myself it this is the way. What I need to do is to make it routine. Make it something that I don’t need to think about doing.

Some of these have been hard learned lessons, but they are ones that I can do and will do.



  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss thus far. I think it is fantastic that you were able to honest with yourself and re-evaluate your approach.
    I don't particularly love working out either, so these are my tips to getting it done:

    • try finding something that you like. You can do lots of short videos free from OnDemand on cable. Or rent a bunch from the library and see what style you like best.
    I prefer short workouts. If it's 45 minutes +, chances are I'll make up an excuse not to do it.
    • Do "something" meaning, don't feel like you always have to do a certain workout routine or you'll fall off the proverbial wagon: If you don't feel like going to the gym, do a short workout DVD. If you don't feel like a DVD, go for a walk around a trail/park/neighborhood.

    • Some ideas on calorie dense snacks are nuts (a serving w/ a greek yogurt), PB and apples, cheese, trail mix (read the labels, some are just glorified candy bars)

    Best of luck on your journey. You can do it :)
  • sassimac
    sassimac Posts: 7 Member
    What products did u purchase or do u use along with the diet and exercise?
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    The last one stunned me, nearly every night I find that I am between 600 and 800 calories short of my daily goal. This might sound funny in a way, it is, but it takes half a bag of my favorite home popped popcorn to fill in the gap.
    If you love popcorn like I do, take a look at this beauty from nordic. Air popped popcorn, microwave speed and convenience. Love it!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    microwave popcorn- 2Tbsp seeds 1/2 oil toss in a paper bag, hit popcorn button.
    my fave pinterest so far!!!
  • joannaphipps00
    joannaphipps00 Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry for taking so long, all I use is diet and exercise. is all I am doing, Up to two miles a day over two sets,