Photos for Inspiration?

If you use photos as your inspiration and motivation, what photos do you use?
Do you use photos of celebrities or other people who have had success?

Or do you use photos of yourself when you were smaller?

Personally, I've taped up photos of myself as I am now along with photos of myself from back when I was at my goal weight. These are taped up in front of my elliptical, so that when I get worn out and feel like I can't keep going, I can look at them and remind myself that I can.
I find it helpful to have my "fat" me photos along with my "skinny" me photos. I need to see how I was and how I am now. I think the balance helps.

What about you?


  • well i dont really use photos to motivate myself, i prefer to watch motivational videos and listen to some rockin music :glasses:
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I use photos of celebrities, but there are a lot of different women I think look great even if they're not all the same size/weight. For example both Kelly Brook and Candice Swanepoel look great to me, even though Candice is skinny and Kelly is a bit curvier.

    Anywho, this is one of the pictures I keep on my pinterest for inspo:

  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    There's plenty of celebs i'd love to look like....prob will never happen lol. I don't have too many pics of me "smaller" as i always felt large. I use the pictures of the bigger me from when i started this lifestyle change.
  • LaLaVee13
    LaLaVee13 Posts: 54 Member
    I hung a pair of jeans and pair of short from when I weighted around 130 on the wall in my workout room along with a poster that says 'the road to success is covered in sweat'
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    I follow Gym Memes & Boss Girls Squat on Flipboard. New motivation every day ;)
  • LaLaVee, I like the idea of hanging clothes! It's so helpful to have something to focus on while working out!