fresh start -- a few friends would be nice

cychogal Posts: 39 Member
At first, when I re-joined, I didn't want friends. I told myself that keeping track of my own business is what I need to do. I didn't need to hear about anyone else, or be told to keep my chin up when things go poorly, or be told what a great job I'm doing when things go well.
But I think I may have been wrong. I rarely log on anymore. So I'm not making any progress.
Here is the low down on me. I am 50 years old, and should lose about 50 pounds, but since they come off one at a time, I just want to focus on losing anything. At the moment, my scale needs a new battery, which is something I can't seem to remember to pick up when I'm out and about. So I need to get my scale back in commission to see where I'm at.
I don't believe in good or bad foods. I do believe in moderation and portion control. I also believe in exercise. I'm not running any marathons, (or running at all) but I do believe in being active and I try to go for a walk, bike ride, or do some type of cardio exercise and also some strength training.
I just want to lose some of this excess fat and keep the muscle I have as well as gain some more.
So if you think you can relate to me, or just want another friend, please feel free to add me. :happy:


  • prima073
    prima073 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! I can totally identify with you; there's no point eating things you don't like. I eat pretty much what I want but I just make sure I control my portion sizes. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • New_Ann
    New_Ann Posts: 2
    sent you a friends request
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    Request sent!
  • ksh7d8
    ksh7d8 Posts: 1
    hello, I too joined way back, and did not give it a chance, I also have the bodymedia that I wear on my arm which tracks my calories burned and my steps. I have not used the bodymedia thingy for over a year. So I'm back on board after seeing some recent photos of myself (OMG) is that really me? I will be 53 in December and I too need to loose about 50 or 60 lbs. I'm in the throes of menopause and all I do is sweat and eat. Perhaps we can support each other in our journey. I am a total junk food junkie so its very hard for me to give up my chips and dip, but I'm making progress. I am into this thing 2 weeks now and have incorporated walking after work, I'm doing about 4 miles and then also trying to ride my bike, I hate the scale, and try to avoid whenever possible. I would love to find a buddy. Kelly
  • mallyboo3533
    mallyboo3533 Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me too
  • Noobette
    Noobette Posts: 15 Member
    Request sent!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    feel free to add me, i once felt the same way but so glad I started adding friends. The motivation and support I get has been so beneficial.
  • SettledSue
    SettledSue Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I am 62 and want to lose about 30 pounds. I lost that much in 2007 from counting calories and hope to do so again. I'm easing into it. I averaged 2150 calories a day last week. That seems to be the maintenance amount for me.

  • Request sent. I've been tracking for about 6 weeks and have only lost 1 lb! Trying to figure out where I need to be to lose. The more friends the more feedback you can get so keep moving.
  • Lnature71
    Lnature71 Posts: 84 Member
    request sent