5'6 ladies who've lost over 50 lbs?



  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I say I'm 5ft 6 but technically probably 5ft 5.5", lol.

    Started out higher than you did OP (BMI 44%) am at where I want to be goal range wise 140 (BMI 22.6%) right now.

    I have 688 days of food logged, I weigh & measure what I eat, I pre plan/pre log my food, I research menu's before I eat out. I eat fast food, junk food, am a chocoholic, I don't have cheat days/cheat meals & I didn't have surgery. Didn't really do much exercise wise till I dropped most of my weight. Started walking when I got my Fitbit over the summer, I now walk 3-5 miles a day tracked via Runkeeper.

    I'm also a lot older than you are, so your skin should shrink better than mine, lol

    Feel free to check my profile page for info/pics.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    First off, congrats on your progress thus far :)

    I forgot how to post pics, but there is one on my profile page. I weighed about 170 throughout high school, so I was a little on the thick side, but not super overweight. When I got to be about 19, I started piling on the weight. By 21, I was 225. I stayed that way for a good while, probably until I was about 24. To be honest, I think I lost my first couple of pounds just from being a poor college kid that could not afford to eat out a lot, as I had moved out on my own. But the real difference came when I stopped drinking soda. I lost a noticeable 10 lbs. I started walking around more on campus and sometimes walking around the neighborhood and soon I got to 200. I stayed at 200-195 until I was about 26 and I started really thinking about not eating so much fast food and in large quantities. I started a vegetarian way of eating. I also started trying to workout at least 2 times a week. I did that starting the summer of '12. Just a subtle change, really. I still ate cheese pizza, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, etc. I did implement more veggies though. By summer of 2013 I was down to 186ish. I implemented more exercise but still ate pretty badly. Sweets were my weakness. I still ate pizza often. I got to about 175 with the extra exercise. I started logging a little more often, but I was doing the 1200 cal, super high carb diet that My Fitness Pal gave me.

    Winter of 2013, more specifically around Christmas, I started following random people that had great weight loss success on Instagram. There I learned about IIFYM (If it fits your macros) and learning about TDEE (how many cals my body expends on its own if I were to lay in bed all day). I started eating meat for protein again, lowered my carbs and practically vanished any white carbs. Upped my fiber to the recommended 30-40 g a day and upped my fat. Since then I have gotten down to 161. During Easter weekend, I slipped up an awful lot and haven't exercised much so I am back at 165. But that's pretty much my story. I am hoping to get to 155 before I get pregnant, so if I gain the expected 25, I will be at a weight that I believe I can still work with and not feel overwhelmed again.

    One thing I do find helpful is meal planning the day before. I spend about 20 minutes a night before bed logging what I expect to eat the next day. I make sure it fits my cals, protein, fat, and carbs. I try not to stray from it too much.

    Thank you for your story :) congratulations on your success.
    I would like to learn more about TDEE and IIFYM.... Where would you suggest I look at/read to learn more?

    I have actually learned a bit by searching around here. But to calculate a basic idea of what you'll need, I would try http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/

    There you can answer info about your height, weight, activity level. Now the only flaws I have come across so far is that it suggests 1 g protein per lb of your weight. When I started at 170, that was a lot of protein! I don't meet that goal. I also lowered my carbs a bit because I tend to gain lots of water weight when I eat a lot of carbs (with fruit/veggies being an exception). Definitely play around with the numbers, but keep the same basic idea. This is the girl I follow on Instagram that first got me interested. She gives an explanation of how to use the site and plug in numbers to My Fitness Pal.

  • Cyndesire
    Cyndesire Posts: 56 Member
    Hi. I am 5'5 and started at 252. I quit drinking soda and started walking 2 years ago. I lost 17 pounds. Then my husband got me a treadmill for Christmas. I started here in January. I walk at about 3.2 mph at 7 incline for 100 minutes a day 6 days a week. I usually do a slow pace walk on Sundays just to stay under on calories. I have lost a total of 70 pounds as of today. 182. I follow a nothing is off limits plan. If it fits in my macros and calories then I can have it. I eat fast food and junk food. Just in moderation. I do not eat back all of my exercise calories either. Everyone is different though. It took me two years to figure out what works for me. I have lost over 25 inches since the end of January. I have a goal weight but I am really aiming for a size. Not sure what weight that will be until I get there. I have a side by side as my profile picture. Before and a couple weeks ago. Good luck and anyone feel free to add me.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 5'7 started around 240 and I'm 154 today progress picks in my profile, special things I did to loose the weight were, calculating my BMR AND TDEE and eating to that then eating Some exercise caLs back , allowing a cheat day every now and then , exercising six days a week , I have completed INSNANITY at my heaviest dear lord....p90x .....turbo fire.... and now doing chalean extreme turbo hybrid . I try to mix up strength and cardio. My first goal is 150, then I will probably go to 140-145 so I have some wiggle room on maintenance :) be consistent and count calories and you WILL loose weight !
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am 5 ft 7...1lb from 50lbs...

    I started at 205 (I think) Last year in January...I am currently 156...these pics show 40lbs difference...


    My profile pic is me at about 160..give or take.

    The pic below is me at about 178...then me at about 157...

  • pendii
    pendii Posts: 26 Member
    That's awesome! Nice progress already!

    I'm 5'6". I started at 222. I'm at 166 now. I went from a tight size 18 to a comfortable size 10. I still want to lose a little bit more, but I can't tell you how much better I feel. I used to feel tired and sore all the time. Now I am so much more energetic. I actually feel younger. I'm 29 and is nice to feel like it.

    I have pics on my profile. Feel free to add me.

    My advice: losing weight is hard!! So if you're struggling then you know you're doing it right. Just keep being consistent. It took me about a year to lose 55 pounds. And that was a year ago for me. I've been maintaining this past year.

    Exercise is so important. Start small. Did the first 3 months I just walked everyday for like 20 min to an hour. Anything I could fit in. Then I worked my way up to other exercises. Now I take classes at my gym.

    You can do it!
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    bump to post later.
  • CMiller220
    CMiller220 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I've lost 64 lbs. since Nov. 2013. My SW was 220 and my CW is 156. I don't have pictures yet, I'm still a work in progress.:smile:
    I started with a walking/running program until I could reach a full 30 minutes of running on my treadmill. I can now run 6 miles on the local paved trail. I try to log my food every day and stay within my calories. I work out at home at least 6 days/week. A gym membership isn't an option for me, so I run, bike, hike, walk, whatever I can find time for and most importantly that I enjoy. I'm hoping to start a body weight lifting program here soon, but I'm procrastinating. :ohwell:
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing your stories! I am in a similar boat; about 50lbs to loose but I plan on doing it over the year (a little over 3 months in). I am 5'5" and my starting weight was 212lbs; I am currently 199lbs. My goal weight is 160lbs which means I am 25% to my goal. Anyone who is motivated with similar goals feel free to add me! :)
  • spendthatcash
    spendthatcash Posts: 6 Member
    I love this thread, I'm in the same boat. 5'6, SW 242 lbs, CW 238 lbs. I actually don't know what I should do with my goal weight. 145 lbs is where I ultimately want to be, but I thought it might be better to break it up a little so it doesn't seem so far off; I set my GW to 180 lbs instead and was going to change it once I reached that milestone. Anyone else do something similar?
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Great Thread! I'm in this same range too - thanks so much for all the motivation.
  • acawle00
    acawle00 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes! Great thread! Im a bit taller at 5'6.5 but starting weight was 240 and im down to 159! Its been almost two years exactly since i started which was how long i had originally planned. It is going to take time, just stick with it. Healthy eating and exercise are key. If you can keep up with these you will see results! I have about ten pounds left to go and it has been the hardest, scale hasnt budged in almost three months. Honestly joining myfitnesspal was the best decision i made for my weight loss! Being able to look back at how far ive come helps keep me focused on finishing this! I dont know how to post photos but i have some on my profile. Feel free to add/message if you have any questions! And good luck, you can do this!
  • lablamires
    lablamires Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses, you're all doing awesome! Very motivating :)
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I'm 5'5" and went from 206.8 to 132.4 pounds. Pics in profile.
  • savemama
    savemama Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 5' 6.5"

    I haven't done progress pics for a while so I can't post that.

    I have found that slow and steady works for me. I make progress, I take a break and maintain it, then I make progress again. Not all of my life is gonna be steady loss! There are season (like the holidays) where maintenance is a victory!

    I started doing dietbet and that helped me stay accountable after the initial easy weightloss. I hate losing money!

    I log everything. And I log meals before I eat them (when possible) so I know what I'm working with for the day...

    I accept "good enough"

    I eat a LOT of fiber and drink a LOT of water. It cuts cravings and bloat! Fills you up.

    I pick things that I slowly improve. Right now, I'm cutting down on the sugar in my morning coffee.

    I don't skimp on "real food". I eat real butter. Have real half and half. I eat food my body will recognize as food (instead of "low fat" diet stuff). I just control for portions and I stay active. It feels SO much better than the fake diet foods.

    I don't worry about fat intake. I eat tuna, avocados, coconut milk etc... things that are NOT gonna fit my macros. But I don't worry about it. I worry about calories, I worry about getting enough protein. I try and not have a lot of simple carbs.

    I think a lot of this is about learning YOUR body, as everyone's body and tastes and lifestyle are going to be different. But I will say- slow and steady wins this race! It is becoming easier and easier to maintain because i did it gradually. I don't have to feel ripped off!

    Oh, and BUILD THAT MUSCLE! (eating protein and resistance train). It will burn far more in the long run and you will look HOTTER during ;)
  • thegeorges11202004
    thegeorges11202004 Posts: 26 Member
  • bearsgal9
    bearsgal9 Posts: 65
    I'm 5'7" and started at 260, down to 170. Feel free to add me as a friend. I log regular and my diary is open. I started with Leslie Sansones Walk Away the Pounds(You can find them some on YouTube) and it just took off from there.

    I love those DVDs!! Just finished a 4 mile walk!! I think I have about 10 of them and they are great!!
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I am 5'6" and started at 224. I have been higher but started to lose before I really got serious in April 2012. I can't post any pictures because I am at work. However, there are some before and after pictures on my profile. Add me, if you would like. By the way, I just turned 51. So, if anyone tells you that you can't lose weight once you are a certain age, it isn't true!
  • Great job, how did you do it?
  • Mrsjones172
    Mrsjones172 Posts: 69 Member

    I have lost just over 50Lbs and am 5'6. I started out at 203Lbs. I am currently 147lbs and feel great. Still want to lose a bit more though so be really comfortable and have a bit of a buffer. It's taken me a year to lose the weight and the last bit really is the hardest.

    I am quite muscly naturally so have always been heavier. I have loads of before, during and after pics - here is one. I have just figured out photobucket!!!

    URGH no i havent figured out photobucket!
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