5' 2" Ladies - what is your best weight? goal weight?



  • Kukenan
    Kukenan Posts: 44
    I'm 5'1" and currently down to 124 lbs fromt 151 lbs. I don't think I'll loose much more, I have a rather large frame and I can already see my rib cage more than I would like. I heve never been lighter since I reached 5'1" so I am really happy! I do have some body fat t loose, but I'm not really taking time to excercise right now.
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    I am 5'3", just hit 125, my ultimate goal, but do have more body fat to lose and muscle to work on. I am ok if I go a little lower.

    112 lost that is impressive!! and you look fantastic!
  • GreenKay
    GreenKay Posts: 14 Member
    I am 5'2". My lightest adult weight was 104. That was not my best. I looked sickly and you could count my ribs at a hundred paces. My best weight was about 123.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    (Sigh).......... ok, I'm 39 years old, mother of 3. I weighed 124 after my last kid at 24 years of age, before any kids- I was 115. At my heaviest I was 154 ( I know) then went down to 133. I looked crazy skinny ( I did dieting with ZERO exercise) then I decided to get tone, since I was all flabby and deflated. I went from 133 in a size 6 juniors to 140 in a size 3-4. this is me know. I had my sights set on the magical number 125. But I don't care what the scale says anymore, I'm more interested in how I look in the mirror, the muscle tone, and measurements are how I keep track of my progress. I don't want to look all sucked up and skin saggy. I could care less about being a size 2. Id rather be healthy, so if I look better heavier than so be it.

    You should really quit all this I need to be 100 pounds cause I'm short stuff. And eating 1200 calories or less is for the birds. Literally. And you wonder why your so hungry, tired, have headaches and your hair is falling out.
    I eat from 1400-1800 calories, lift weights with minimum to zero cardio. I'm losing weight still.

    Congratulations on your success.
    I think this goes to show how everyone is different. For example, at 133 I am totally out of shape with a 33 inch waist!!! (I look like a frog. Sexy, I know)
    A good friend of mine is 5'2" and 100 and she looks fantastic and is very athletic, energetic and fit.
    Yet, at 100-105 I would be emaciated looking and would not be able to function.
    My perfect weight is between 115-118. (that's when I feel best and look my best)

    It doesn't mean that 135 is right or 105 is right etc... it all depends on your particular goals, your body type, the look that you want achieve etc.. and most important which one of those weight ranges in healthiest for *you*
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I am just under 5'3" and i felt my best at 120, although my stomach was still jiggly even though I lifted weights and ate clean most of the time, but my arms and legs were really toned. I'm trying to get back there.
  • RebelMiltonMom
    RebelMiltonMom Posts: 20 Member
    Well, I'm actually 5'1" but my goal weight is 125lbs. I'm 42, mother of 2 teens and that's the weight I feel I can maintain with some moderate exercise and better eating.
  • Mine to Angie.I started at 232 lbs but people swear I didn't look that big but I felt it.I'm down to 205lbs but my goal weight is 140 lbs.if I get any smaller than that I'd look like a strong crack head.lol
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    5'2 and 131 pounds. Funny because people say all the time they think I weigh around 115 but I have a ton of muscle and much prefer it that way :smile:
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    5'2 and 131 pounds. Funny because people say all the time they think I weigh around 115 but I have a ton of muscle and much prefer it that way :smile:
    Your profile before and afters! Wow!! You look incredible. Congrats!!!
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm 5'1" and currently 115-118 lbs. I'd really like to be between 105-110 but it seems everyone around me doesn't agree. They aren't short like me so I'm wondering if anyone else my height agrees or disagrees with that goal weight.

    I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 105. I have a small-medium frame and I am currently at 106 lbs. I still haven't entirely gotten rid of the slight pudge on my stomach, and I highly doubt that losing 1 more pound will make it go away. Weight training, here I come. But I would like to be between 104-106 from now on, and I think it's quite reasonable for me. If you have a medium/large frame, 110 is probably great and even a little thin, but if you're like me, your goal is completely reasonable. I started where you are, in December, and have lost 11/12 lbs in about 3 1/2 months. Get to 110 and see what you think when you get there; I was not satisfied when I got to 110 myself, which is why I decided to lose 5 more pounds, but bodies are all different.

    I bet all people will say when you get to where you want to be is "you look great!" (Don't tell them how much you weigh or want to weigh. . . they don't need to know!)

    I agree this best advice do not tell them the numbers, those are for you and your medical staff to know... people who love and care about you will say wow you look great or whoa you're getting a bit thin there, or hey better watch it the wind will take you away... go with how YOU feel and what others are saying, be sure to listen being too thin is as bad and often worse than being too heavy!
  • NatalieCortelloni
    NatalieCortelloni Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't really told any family my weight but they say that I don't need to lose weight and that I'm skinny enough. I actually want to tone my core up a lot (and other areas in the process). I'm determined but my motivation is out the door right now.
  • Qinnih
    Qinnih Posts: 7
    I'm a 5'2" and at 53.5kg (or 118lb) - i grow fat really easily on my face so I want to try getting my weight down to maybe 50kg (110lb), but realistically, i just want to improve my health and exercise more, so i'm not too stringent on counting exactly what my calorie intakes are, as long as i'm eating healthy with the occasional treat :D.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I am 5'1" tall. My current weight is 198 and the lowest I've ever been was 110 (when I was on the high school swim team). I would like to get down to 125, but if I can get lower, I'd like to do so. It all depends on how I look and feel when I approach my goal weight.