Normal, Overweight, Obese... (pic)



  • Abowles27
    Abowles27 Posts: 30 Member
    BMI is flawed in many ways but I do agree that for the average person it is a good indication but not something to go by. I mean my BMI is 21.3 but I have a slightly above average body composition but I'm well within the normal BMI and that's bad too. So BMI is not nearly as important as body composition. I also agree with the person that said our image of what is normal is skewed because of society.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    The image of "obese" in America changes with the average size of Americans.
  • swheart4981
    swheart4981 Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh 50lbs more than you, and am considered morbidly obese! I don't FEEL morbidly obese! Do doubt I am overweight, by a lot! but just the WORD MORBID makes me depressed!!!
  • mralmayes
    mralmayes Posts: 325 Member
    Don't follow so much the BMI, because BMI is nothing more than your height divided by your weight (squared), times 703. BMI does not take into consideration body builders, and athletes. As a matter of fact, my BMI says that I'm overweight and I'm 204 at 11% BF. BMI is a quick method doctors use to see if their patients are overweight. It's been proven that it does not apply to athletes, and body builders. If you really want to know where you stand, have your body fat percentage checked. I think that it will give you a better representation.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I am 5'2 and started sat 190 and when I calculated my bmi that was one of the things that really motivated me. I considered myself overweight and not obese in the layman's sense. Your shape is also similar to mine, I would say, hourglass which I think carries weight fairly proportionally, making the obese part not so obvious. Anyway I really wanted to get out of that category,whether it was accurate or not; use it to motivate you! Good luck!