Hi, new to this just saying hi!

Hello all, I am new to this as an active member. I have finally decided to get serious about weight loss after seeing my doctor and being put on medication for pre diabetes and high cholesterol. My current weight is 406 and my goal (very far down the road) is 175. I am 5'9 and have a large build to start with so I think 175 is the safest for me. Not sure what else to say, except I am going to need encouragement. I have never been vocal about my weight cause it scares me to death. Have a good day.


  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    Hello sent you a friends request :smile:
    Good luck on your journey to health!
  • hey,
    just take it day by day and do the best you can.
    stick with it and you will get to your goal.
  • ksandy5
    ksandy5 Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm new to the forums! Looking for some positive motivation.

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  • rockerchick453
    rockerchick453 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you to all! I am so impressed with the supportive network on here, it truly does give me hope.
  • Agatefairy
    Agatefairy Posts: 153 Member
    I'm quite new myself. I just wanted to say awesome choice taking control of your health! I sent you a friend request as well. I log in every day.